
Set "Target Audiences" field with multiple values on a List Item

I am attempting to set the "Target Audiences" field on a list item programmatically. I have been able to set the value programmatically for one audience, but when I attempt to use multiple audiences, SharePoint tries to interpret the value I am setting as a single audience, rather than multiple. I am setting the value using the code be...

What's the search scope of a FullTextSqlQuery

Hello, I'm trying to use FullTextSqlQuery in to find a list of sharepoint sites a user has access to. Here's my code: SPFarm farm = SPFarm.Local; SPWebServiceCollection webServices = new SPWebServiceCollection(farm); foreach (SPWebService webService in webServices) { foreach (SPWebApplication webApp in webService.WebApplicatio... .ashx error in sharepoint

Hello All I am trying to shift my 3.5 application (C#) to sharepoint. I have used one .ashx(web handler) file for multiple file upload control in my application Now it works perfectly locally in but when i do the same thing with sharepoint with no change in code it stops working. I dont know if i need to add some dll or ...

Share Point Choice Field

Hi All, Is there any way to get to data to sharepoint list choice field when user want to add an item in the Sharepoint list Thank ...

create xml from sharepoint query?

Hi, I am querying a sharepoint list like <where><Field Ref Name='Title'/><Value type='Text'>A</value></where> now I am creating a webpart where I want to create xml based on this query.I don't know how to achieve this mainly I want sth like content query webpart like getting xml from querying a list and then apply xsl on it. Can anyo...

No current context when creating a sharepoint site

I've added a feature to my onet.xml file which gets activated whenever a site gets created. However, that feature needs to know the url of the site being created. I thought I could figure that out from the current SPContext within the activation event of the feature, but when I created the site I got a null reference on SPContext.Current...

SharePoint Survey with Images

Is it possible to have an image in the Survey Question? I want my responders to choose an answer depending on the image in the question. Thanks in advance! ...

What could we put into Value element in CAML?

First sorry for my English. I'm very confuse about querying ListItem using CAML.Look like the Value element could contain many different content. For example,When we query a field that is type of DateTime, It can be <Value Type="DateTime"><Today Offset="20" /></Value>. Or a Lookup field, <FieldRef Name='Meeting_Set' LookupId='true'/><V...

How do I organise 3rd and 4th level navigation

I'm attempting to structure multiple levels of site navigation by using the "Modify Navigation" setting (Site Actions > Site Settings > Modify Navigation) But it seems the UI on that page doesn't let me create pages which are children of other pages, or create folders which are children of other folders. Basically, I need to create not...

SharePoint as a content manager and business process automation engine

We are considering to re-implement or change our product (implemented in C#) to use SharePoint as a content manager and business process automation engine at the backend. This software mainly handles all the mailings, manages organization's various business specific worklfows and documents, and all these are connected (ie. from a mail a ...

Sharepoint - Capture save event of NewForm.aspx/Edit.aspx

Hello, I like to custom edit the permission of users after creating or editing an item. Using workflow for that was not accepted by client because sometime workflow is late to start. I found a Javascript approach of: function PreSaveItem(){...} But this not what I am looking for due to security, and I still dont think you can chang...

How to obtain an infopath form data in a windows application

We have a windows workflow application that uses infopath as its form engine.To manage our forms we are using FormServer on a Sharepoint server therefore we are using a web browser control and a web page to host infopath forms (using XmlFormView control). To obtain the form data we are using a hidden field in our web page that is popula...

Sharepoint:ListFieldIterator - ExcludeFields property does not work.

I've written a completely new page that uses Sharepoint's ListFieldIterator. I would like to exclude few fields from the view and I've found a solution using ExcludeFields but it simply doesn't work. The control always displays all fields, nevermind what's in ExcludeFields property. I couldn't find anyone complaining about such a problem...

SharePoint Url in Webpart with Alternate Acess mapping

Hi, I have deployed my web part to a SharePoint environment having alternate accessing mapping configured. The public Url is and the internal url for the same is On one button click, i need to redirect the url to the same page with some additional parameter in query string. I trie...

sharepoint 2007 - sending alert email to operator assigned.

how can i create a workflow in sharepoint designer so that whenever an item in the list is assigned to a user. the user gets email. here is how i am doing it in my list there is a collumn called assigned operator while creating an item on this list the assigned operator is chosen from the active directory. Also there is an option to c...

Suggestion for customizable workflow tool

Hi, There's a project which we're doing for the govt which necessisiates the use of a workflow system. I'm looking for advice on what software systems we can use (either commercial or open source / freeware) with appropriate customizations. Steps: 0. We monitor a certain site for "notifications". Whenever a notification is posted, this...

Add SPFolder in List Instance xml

I've create a custom list and included the basic pieces (schema.xml, list template,..) to package it as a .wsp. I have a list instance defined, but I would like to add some folders to the xml. I know you can add SPListItems using ..., but I'm not sure how to add an SPFolder. Ultimately I want to add some SPFolders to the list instance b...

Toggle CSS values using Javascript

I'm trying to modify the behavior of some web parts in Sharepoint (thus forcing IE down my throat) for our users who use the Project server pages. I'm not really the best JavaScript guy, and this is driving me nuts. On one webpart to display the work from Project, there is a subrow 'Planned' shown below the actual data entry row that c...

Sharepoint-customizing usercontrol property in smartpart

Hi, If anyone is having idea how to customize properties in a smartpart. I have created usercontrol and i m wrappin it in a smartpart.I want to upload my xml from Document library. private string feedXML; [Browsable(true), Personalizable(true) ] public string FeedXML { get { ret...

Why does my SharePoint workflow fail when the client is running Vista or Windows 7?

I have a similar situation to this question. I have a custom sequential SharePoint workflow, deleoped in Visual Studio 2008. It is associated with an InfoPath form submitted to a form library. It is configured to automatically start when an item is created. It works sometimes. Sometimes it just fails to start. Just like the questio...