
Getting SharePoint absolute site url

I need to get the current absolute url of my site from inside an aspx page (no codebehind). I tried $SPUrl, but it get's converted into a relative url. <asp:Literal runat="server" text="<% $SPUrl:~Site/mypage.aspx %>" /> results in "/mypage.aspx". It's important that I get the full absolute url starting with "http://". <asp:Literal r...

SharePoint 2010 Search not working.

I have installed and configured SharePoint 2010 to run on the same box as the SQL Server its running from in Windows Server 2008 R2. Everything is working fine except the search. I have uploaded several documents and tagged several items (documents, tasks, announcements etc), however whenever I search the site using the defaul search, i ...

Can I get per folder/per document permission on SharePoint Team Services (Agile)?

Hi The SharePoint site that comes with my TFS installation (MSF for Agile) only allows me to set site-wide permissions. I have used sub-sites to go around this problem temporarily but would want to change permissions per folder and even per document within the same site. Is there any reason why I can't do this in the team site? I know y...

Sharepoint Content Query Web Part: Show items from "events" list that are set to occur or reoccur within a month

I've been reading this msdn post: trying to edit the content query web part to only show items from the event list which either occur within 30 days or reoccur within 30 days. It is straight forward to deal with events which do not reoccur because I can compare [Start Date] to [Today...

Sharepoint lists IDs - possible to update it?

Is it possible to change the ID of a list with Sharepoint? With a feature or something like that? ...

How can I define styles for individual cells in a SharePoint 2007 topnav?

I have a client who is requesting separate colours for each individual navigation cell within the MOSS topnav. I know how to style the topnav bar as a whole, but can't think of a way to colour them separately. I've looked at the source that SharePoint generates, and noticed the tabs are ID'd 'zz1_TopNavigationMenun1', 'zz1_TopNavigatio...

jquery atrr("href") is not consistent sharepoint

Hi all I have a jquery function(This is not written by me anyway still I am learning). In that we are replacing urls using f.attr("href") in several places. I am not understanding that from where this href value will be binded. And why the value(f.attr("href")) is changing place to place. I mean to say it is having some value @ one loca...

SharePoint copy permissions of Domain Group to SharePoint Group, WSS 3.0?

Is there a way to copy the permissions of a Domain Group to a SharePoint Group in WSS 3.0? Where both groups have the same exact permissions including the Limited Access role definition. I have tried to copy permissions programatically but can't get the Limited Access to be assigned on some objects (website, list, and list items). My p...

sharepoint: editing webpart caml

I added this code to my sharepoint content query web part, which is looking at an events list from my calendar, .webpart file in order to only show recurring events within the next month and regular events within the next month. However, I can't get the web part imported and working. Also is there any way to replace <Month /> with a rang...

How to change a field value during the ItemUpdating event

Hi I am trying to set the value of a field on a ListItem in an event receiver but its not working All i am doing during the event is properties.AfterProperties[<field internal name>] = 1; No errors are thrown but the the field i'm setting does not change. I have also tried properties.ListItem[<field internal name>] = 1; properties...

How to add a user to a SharePoint group programatically - Access is Denied

I have tried and tried to add a user to a SharePoint group using C# programatically (using a non-site admin). If I am logged in as a site admin, it works fine... but, if I am logged in as a non-site admin then I get an access is denied error. After doing some investigation I found that I needed to either "impersonate" the user (which did...

How can I know that SPList is archived with System Account?

To Everyone, Is there the way to know that a SPList is archived with System Account? ...

Searching via Tags in SharePoint 2010

Is it possible to search on Tags within SharePoint 2010? I know you can refine your search based on Tag (Search for a keyword, then filter by Tags) and you can use the "Tag Cloud", but that doesnt let you search by more then one Tag. How would I for instance, search for some documents that I have tagged as "Technical" and "Internal", an...

How to jump to arbitrary page of results with GetListItems call on sharepoint?

I'm using AJAX to send a web service call to Sharepoint to retrieve list items. I get the first page of results with: "<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=''&gt; \ <soapenv:Body> \ <GetListItems xmlns=''&gt; \ <lis...

Not allow user to delete document in library

Hi Everyone, I want to develop a solution,not allow any user to delete document in library. Can I do this client side? Thanks ...

Does Spring support SharePoint

Does Spring support SharePoint? In my Spring Application, i would like to SAVE data in ShaePoint. In another (java) application of ours, we are using CAML to read/update the data in SharePoint. Do you think I should use the same(CAML) or does Spring provides any APIs which makes my job easy. Thank You :) EDIT: Its SharePoint 2003 an...

URL Behavior - Custom Web Service SharePoint

I am working on a Visual WebPart, where I need to consume a Custom Web Service. I have a added a WebReference to the service which seems to be working fine. Issue here is that if I am changing URL Behavior of service reference to Dynamic, its not adding any configuration entries or updating Reference.cs to retrieve URL from configurati...

sharepoint filter DataFormWebPart within TextBox

I want to filter DFWP through asp:TextBox. Using Office Designer I added DFWP with data to the page. Added asp:textbox with runat server, autopostback and ID="textBoxSearch". Created variable [var] in DFWP and in the source section chose element textBoxSearch. Then added filter "field_1 contains [var]". This search(filter) worked gr...

Sharepoint search all columns of a list

I have a list in sharepoint. I want to search across all the columns for a term. How would you co about doing this? My idea was to get the SPFieldCollection, get all the fields and generate the CAML on the fly then query the list to get the items. Just wondering if there was a better way to do this as generating the CAML may prove to be...

Dynamic SharePoint 2007 WebPart Connections

I'm prototyping the best way to dynamically connect web parts at runtime. Essentailly, the application will allow for several disparate application groups to create web parts that will be consumed within the SharePoint front end. All of the web parts will need to automatically detect consumers and providers to create connections at run...