
How to add link to error message within ItemDeleting event receiver method?

Hi, I have an SPList event receiver method like: ItemDeleting(ByVal voHttpContex As HttpContext, ByVal voProperties As Microsoft.SharePoint.SPItemEventProperties) To block unwanted operation i uset this code: voProperties.Cancel = True voProperties.ErrorMessage="This is my error message." After executing above code error message w...

Learning SharePoint Server 2010 before C#?

I've narrowed down my learning resources to the following: SharePoint 2010 as a Development Platform (APress) Professional SharePoint 2010 Development (WROX) AppDev Microsoft SharePoint 2010 for Developers Vol 1 Would you recommend getting one of those books or video training before knowing C# in depth? I'd like to get up to speed wi...

sharepoint dataview webpart filter by date (urjent Pls)

Hi Guys, How can i filter a data view web part in SP 2007, using Sharepoint DateTime Control, providing the user to select date and filter according to the user selected date. Thanks ...

SharePoint -ways to manage content.

Hi -a client is requiring an Internet-facing CMS system on MOSS 2007. I am trying to identify all the possible ways to manage content -this is what I came up with: Web parts through browser. Web parts through Designer. Lists (Columns and Content Types as required). Is there any other way I am missing? Thank you very much. EDIT: Th...

Changing the type of a custom field for already created SharePoint sites.

Hi, Currently we have a series of SharePoint sites already created in which we have a custom field created as follows in a custom fldtypes.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <FieldTypes> <FieldType> <Field Name="TypeName">HierarchyTaggingField</Field> <Field Name="TypeDisplayName">Hierarchy Tagging Field</Field> <Field ...

SharePoint 2007: How to upload multiple files to a List Item?

Hi, I know that a Document Library in SharePoint 2007 has a multi-file uploader (an ActiveX control that -- and only if you have Office 2003+ installed) but how would I use this same feature with a normal (non-document-library) List item? Uploading files to a normal List item involves clicking the "upload" link and browsing/uploading f...

MOSS Site Collection Documents - Restricting special characters in a filename

I am trying to block users from entering square brackets ([]) or other charcters to a filename while uploading a document. Is there a way to block this in SharePoint Central Administration or is there settings that I can change? ...

How to register dll in sharepoint?

How can register the dll in the sharepoint. There is any tool or command available?. please provide the details like source location ...

troubleshoot display SharePoint columns from Infopath calculated fields

I have/had a problem with field values from existing InfoPath forms not displaying in Sharepoint form library columns (columns are checked as visible). I fixed the error which was caused by a mis-calculation in the errant field/column. The form fields value now appears but only in a newly created form, the old forms corrected value does...

Sharepoint 2010 Workflow: Multiple Conditional Approvals

I am creating a workflow for a document library that needs to be approved by up to three individuals and have been trying to use the default Approval workflow. For most cases only one approval will be needed but given certain arguments more than one is required. My problem is that the workflow that calls 'Start Approval(10) on Current It...

Retrieve current user login in Sharepoint from a Silverlight application

Is it possible to retrieve the current user login used on sharepoint from an embedded Silverlight 4 application? ...

using a SharePoint web service as a datasource

I am creating a web application that takes data from a SharePoint list (using SP web services) and compares this information to some tables in a database. What I would like to do is create some kind of data set that would hit the SharePoint web services every x minutes and refresh its data. The web application that will host this i...

Sharepoint Services beginner question

Hi, I want to start developing on share point. I already have experience with VS.NET 2005 and VS.NET 2008. My question is, If I download Sharepoint Services 3.0 to my virtual server 2003 will I be able to start learning to develop in share pint? Thanks ...

Copy list from one Sharepoint site to another site

I have a 2007 SharePoint site called Beta. On Beta, I have a custom List called MapData. This is a custom list of data that a webpart reads from. Data has been typed into Beta to make sure the webpart works correctly. In production, called Prod, I have that same List called MapData except it has old values. How can I copy the data f...

Unable to link directly to WMV video file

I have a wmv video hosted in SharePoint. I've created a Content Editor web part with a bit of custom content and I've placed a simple link to the video <a href="http://mysite/video.wmv" target="_blank">Click to view</a>. There is really nothing special going on here. Some users can click on the link and the video opens in their defaul...

After SharePoint 2007 upgrade to SharePoint 2010, issue with custom site(s) master pages

With our 2007 site(s) we had a custom module (we developed) to swap out the application.master with our own master page 'CustomApp.Master' which resembled the site default.master. This worked great. After the upgrade, our site's main pages looked fine however when navigating to the admin type pages (settings/viewlists etc.) pages the m...

Changing a pages "Title" changes it's name in the menu list...

I have a menu in Sharepoint. In that menu is a list of about 5 pages. When I go to these "sub" pages, I edit their properties and change their title. However, this also changes the link name in the menu which is undesirable since the client wants titles like "About us | Hey hey hey | etc" for SEO reasons. If anyone could help that'd be a...

SharePoint 2010 Publishing Site - how to enable Publishing WITHOUT going through workflow

I'm working on a 2010 publishing site and I'd like to enable the users to publish a page directly, without going through the workflow. On the Ribbon's "Publish" tab, there is a "Submit" dropdown with "Publish" greyed-out. I'm an administrator on this site, so I can't think what else I could do to enable it. Any thoughts or suggestio...

ASP.NET master page vs. SharePoint page layout template

A client of mine uses SharePoint to manage its websites, and recently asked me to build a small website for them using ASP.NET, which they would then implement via SharePoint. My skills with ASP.NET are intermediate, and I have no experience at all with SharePoint. I created a master page for the site, as well as the individual pages, ...

Sharepoint Server 2010 or Sharepoint Foundation 2010 for development?

Ok first of all what is the difference between these two products? Secondly are the development skills interchangeable between Server 2010 and Foundation 2010? And lastly in terms of job market, when HR department writes "Looking for Sharepoint developer" do they mean developer for Sharepoint Server (MOSS) or Sharepoint Foundation (Ser...