
How do I set up a choice column in Windows Sharepoint Services 3 SP2 that contains the date/time and user identity that selected a particular choice?

We are using WSS 3 SP2. I'd like to preface this by saying that while I have been programming for some time, I have not done any Sharepoint development before now, so I am very much a newbie in that respect. Basically what we have is a Sharepoint wiki that contains support documentation about each of the various applications throughout ...

How to show the “description” of a Hyperlink column in the Datasheet View ? (SharePoint)

I have a list that uses a Hyperlink column (which contains the URL and description). When I use Datasheet View, I do not have the option to input the description field. Is there a way around this? ...

Can I have SharePoint Foundation installed without IIS?

Hello. If I want to access only the document library of SharePoint Foundation from a .Net application (not a web app) using APIs (not web services), then is it possible to install SharePoint Foundation without IIS? ...

SharePoint 2007: Activating feature through code not calling featureactivated event.

I am trying to activate a SharePoint feature through code. SPWeb.Features.Add(new GUID("XXXXXX") This above line is written in featureinstalled event handler where I am reading all the sites on the farm and activating the feature on each site. But upon activation it is not calling / trigger the featureactivated event handler where I ha...

Update feature.xml without re deploying the whole wsp package

I have a webpart deployed as a feature. Upon activation reads a value from feature.xml property bag. Lets say in future I want to change the value in the feature propery bag and update the web part. Is it possible to do it without undeploy the whole package update the feature.xml and re deploy the wsp. All I want to do is update the feat...

using silverlight 4 in sharepoint 2007

hi. can i use silverlight 4 with .Net 2008 and sharepoint 2007? If possible, What steps are necessary in order to host a Silverlight 4 application, in a web part, on Sharepoint Server 2007 ? ...

Overriding web.config in sharepoint webpart/using custom membership provider in web part

I'm developing a web part for MOSS 2007. The web part is being deployed to a web application which utilizes forms-based authentication, and role/membership providers to control users. The membership table has been edited to include addition user info (I am aware, that this isn't the best way to handle additional user, i.e. profiles etc...

What all is migrated when doing an export/import in SharePoint 2010?

I have used SharePoint's export/import tool in SharePoint 2007... Wasn't too thrilled with it. I am now having to do the same thing in SharePoint 2010. First off, just as a refresher, what all is migrated when using the export/import utility? And, is the export/import the same in SP 2010 as it was in SP 2007? If any issues have been seen...

Consuming SharePoint web service in Silverlight

I'm consuming list items from a SharePoint 2007 list in a Silverlight app. I can retrieve the data and use it in Silverlight but when the page loads, I get prompted for credentials from SharePoint. If I provide credentials the data then loads. How can I get it to seemlessly pass the credentials? The account I'm using to create the app a...

Can you use Search Server 2010 Express with Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0?

We are using Search Server 2008 Express and WSS 3.0. Can we upgrade to Search Server 2010 and still keep WSS? We can NOT upgrade to Sharepoint 2010. Anything I should watch out for if we try to upgrade? Is it even worth doing? Search Server 2010 Express ...

New site column not displaying in SPF2010

Hi, After much trials-and-errors, I've managed to find how to add new columns in Site Pages of our Sharepoint Foundation 2010. I'll explain using a field called "Category" I created. The problem I have now is that the only way to add or edit my page categories is to first create a new page, enter its title when asked by the pop-up, ent...

SharePoint 2007 HttpHandler NullReferenceException using SPContext.Current.Site/Web when called from jQuery

I have the need to develop a custom HttpHandler in SharePoint. To start, I just coded up a simple example: On line 35 or 36 of that code I get a NullReferenceException thrown if I call my HttpHander page from jQuery. But if I call the page directly in my browser, I get the results I expect. I have seen some ...

Granting access to definite users in Sharepoint 2007 discussions

Is there a way to select users who would have access to discussions in MS Sharepoint 2007? This functionality exists on board level (i.e. you can grant access to definite users to see all the discussions on the board); however, I would like to grant access at the thread level. ...

Access denied on Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages

On our MOSS Enterprise environment, we have a strange problem. From time to time, people get this error message when they try to create a new site collection or navigate to their mysite: ‘Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c' o...

Use Sharepoint UpdateListItems without creating a new version?

Hello, I wonder if anyone knows a "hidden" (=undocumented) feature, to update Sharepoint List items via the lists.asmx webservice without creating a new version? (Update with new version works fine, see: I'm looking for a "overwrite" function or sth. like this? Thank you very muc...

Forms authentication failed for the request. Reason: The ticket supplied has expired.

I cannot connect at all using forms authentication because i get the following message: Event code: 4005 Event message: Forms authentication failed for the request. Reason: The ticket supplied has expired. Event time: 8/31/2010 3:35:58 PM Event time (UTC): 8/31/2010 12:35:58 PM Event ID: b566569a3ac244928af9585691f997ef Event seque...

Simple project app Should I import wsp or start with empty?

Hi! I'm a bit confused on what approach to take for a my SharePoint sln. The sln should be structured for easy deployment. It is a simple app for handling projects. This is the site hierarchy: - ProjectRoot - AllProjects - Project123 - Project345 - ... (User should be able to create new projects under AllProjects.)...

SharePoint CAML View Elements index

I find it hard to find available elements I can use when creating Views. Also on MSDN they are paginated over 3 pages. Would be nice if this could be improved with examples like what can we do with these properties, because MS documentation does not provide that. So here they are: Aggregations Batch Case Column Column2 ContentTyp...

How to upload a file to a SharePoint library via one of the standard webservices

I have to upload some XML files to a SharePoint library. I have to do it from a computer that is not one of the SharePoint servers (so object model will not work). Also the library has a custom (integer) column and I have to set it's value for the uploaded file. How do I upload the file and the the value by using the standard WebService...

SharePoint Client Object Model (COM) File Version Information

I am trying to get some basic file version information using the new SharePoint Client Object Model (COM) with SharePoint 2010. I have successfully loaded and queried for my ListItem, File, and FileVersionCollection like this: using (ClientContext context = new ClientContext(site)) { context.Load(context.Web); List docs = context....