
SharePoint Calendar

Is there a sharepoint recurrence flag that you can set on the server to turn on and off recurrence? What we have done is changed the default install of sharepoint to disable recurrent in sharepoint calendars and now we want to turn them back on. ...

How do I remove underline from Web Part Title?

This seems like it would be an easy fix with a Content Editor Web Part to modify the css of the page's Web Parts. The underline I mean is the long line that leads to the dropdown arrow where the Modify, minimize, close, etc. options are. I have tried this code with no visible results: <style> ms-standardheader {text-decoration:none;} ...

Sharepoint ResolvePrincipals function

I'm trying to add a user, programmtically, to a field of Type="User" in a SharepointList. Since I do not know the user's unique ID within the site in advance, I'm using the ResolvePrincipals function to add the user to the SPUserCollection as follows: Dim managerDN() As String = {"[email protected]"} Dim princ...

SharePoint PublishingWeb change under elevated security context fails, why?

I'm having trouble updating a SharePoint publishingWeb attribute under RunWithElevatedPrivileges. it fails with the exception "The security validation for this page is invalid" at this line : "pubWeb.IncludeInCurrentNavigation = false;". Below is the code i'm trying to run. Normally you can set AllowUnsafeUpdates = true, but publishingWe...

Sharepoint 2007: Multi tiered top navigation

I have a site within a site and would like to see this site appear as a drop down menu in the top menu bar (ID="TopNavigationMenu"). In the default.master page I have edited the following: StaticDisplayLevels="2" MaximumDynamicDisplayLevels="3" In the Menu Navigation I added the top site to the global navigation area, but it does...

SQL Server management studio cannot save to SharePoint

If the file already exists I can save changes to the file. But I cannot save new scipt files to a SharePoint 2007 drive. Any suggestions on fixing this? --------------------------- Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio --------------------------- The specified URL could not be found, or you do not have appropriate access permissions. -...

Get items with Status Date greater than or equal to today's date minus 30 days with xslt?

Hi, I have two dates in the following format: 1) <xsl:value-of select="ddwrt:FormatDateTime(string(@Status_x0020_Date) ,1033 ,'yyyy-MM-dd ')" /> 2)<xsl:value-of select="ddwrt:FormatDateTime(string(../../../Strategic_Items_Daily_Status/Rows/Row/@Status_x0020_for_x0020_Last_x002) ,1033 ,'yyyy-MM-dd ')" /> I am using SharePoint Designer ...

windows sharepoint service sites configeration

Hello, I have two sharepoint sites in different countries how can I make the data in the two sharepoint sites to be identical. I mean when an item added to first site i want it to appear in the second site. is that possible? ...

Map website Roles and Users to Sharepoint website roles and users

Hi I have created an website with SQL Server based form authentication and authorization. Now, we are moving this pure website to Sharepoint 2010 website. I have developed 5 webparts for my website to migrate to Sharepoint. All these webparts are avilable for access in the same page. Now I need to implement authen...

Filenotfound exception while opening an SPSite object - x64

Hello I've created a simple application to open a site and display the title of the corresponding web. But i'm getting FileNotFoundException while trying to open the site. The same code works perfectly when i run it in a console app. My spec Windows Server 2008 R2 x64, SharePoint 2007 x64, Visual Studio 2005 My target for t...

how to give name to sharepoint site ?

Hi, I have created the sharepoint site . I want to assign the name as per what settings I have to follow? ...

How to assign custom CSS to Sharepoint site

I have the Sharepoint site collection. I have my custom CSS. I want to assign the this CSS to my Sharepoint site collection . What I have to do. I don't want to use the Sharepoint designer. In fact is is restrict to use me the same. please guide me ...

Deactivating web part feature in sharepoint

Hey guys. I've developed a web part using the wspbuilder tool (Web part with feature). When deployed (to a site collection), you have to activate the feature in order to use this web part - so far so good. However, when deactivating the feature, the web part remains on any site where it's been added, and furthermore, it's still availa...

How can I see the exception call stack in SharePoint 2010?

I am trying to port a SharePoint 2007 site collection feature to 2010. During the feature activation, SharePoint shows the "yellow screen of death" stating "The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed.". AFAIK I have configured everything that is need to see the e...

what is proxy server

What is proxy server exactly. What its purpose ? ...

View SSRS reports in SharePoint 2007 and prevent caching

Our SharePoint 2007 system currently does not have any SSRS Web parts available. The problem is that when using a Web Viewer Part, reports are being cached by the page. I cannot remember if the SSRS Web Parts have a no-caching setting and which web parts should be installed to veiw reports on a SharePoint page. I found several possibili...

Getting 401 error when trying to read file from sharepoint repository

I have been using this code to read in a file from a document repository in sharepoint: WebResponse objResponse; WebRequest objRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("http://servername/realestate/SiteAssets/navigation.txt"); objRequest.Timeout = 10000; objRequest.UseDefaultCredentials = true; objRequest.Proxy.Credentials = objReques...

Getting started with Sharepoint 2007 development

We have an ASP.NET website that we use internally to do some project tracking and various work. We would like to integrate some pieces of it to co-exist with Sharepoint2007 WSS. Basically what we would really need to do is be able to add items to a list in one of the Sharepoint sites. I'm not sure where to begin. I've looked online a b...

SharePoint Wiki Page - Hide Columns From Appearing on Wiki Page

I created a new SharePoint wiki library and I added additional columns to the wiki library to use as metadata to organize the pages into different views. The issue is now when I create a new wiki page, the added columns appear on the bottom of the page. Anyone know how to hide these columns from appearing on the wiki pages? Thanks ...

Cannot use the Business Data Catalog from outside an Office Server context..

I get this error on MOSS 2007 Search Crawl logs: The parameter is incorrect. (Cannot use the Business Data Catalog from outside an Office Server context without explicitly setting the Shared Resource Provider by Name on the Business Data Catalog Sql Session Provider) ..when crawling BDC data sources, in this case is just pointing t...