
Impact of changes to the CAS policies in .NET 4.0?

As stated here, the way evidence is loaded will change in .NET 4.0. How will this impact systems like SharePoint where you can specify exactly which permission will be granted for a dll in the wsp-package? Isn’t SharePoint using AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(Name,Evidence) internally to make this possible, or am I missing something? ...

Write log for sharepoint BDC List webpart

How can I write a log for sharepoint BDC List webpart? I want to know that which sql query bdc list webpart send to the database. Like I am filtering webpart on "Test". So, what would be the sql query? Either SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE A='TEST' OR SELECT @ FROM TABLE? Is there any way to check what request sharepoint send to my Oracle da...

Difference between AddRole and AddRoleDef in SharePoint usergroup.asmx?

The SharePoint web service usergroup.asmx has two methods to add role definitions to a site collection: AddRole AddRoleDef Both have the exact same description: "Adds a role definition to the current site collection." Does anybody know if there is a difference between the two? So far, the only difference I see is that AddRoleDef ta...

Learning Sharepoint

I'm starting a new job involving Sharepoint design/development. While the job will involve training courses on Sharepoint and other technologies I haven't used, I am interested to get a headstart and learn a little more about Sharepoint. Are there any good articles explaining Sharepoint development and what I need to know (being a begin...

Accessing SPWorkflowStatus from an SPListItem

I'm trying to hide/show items based off of their workflow being "Approved" using MOSS 2007. Logically, SPWorkflowStatus would be a property of SPWorkflow or SPListItem. But its not, and I'm striking out everywhere. Any help would be great. The workflow is not a custom built workflow, just one created with the MOSS UI. Thanks Mark fo...

How do I define a search scope "Display Group" for a Site definition

Within each site collection, it is possible to group search scopes for display in the site collections search box. It is possible to modify this programmatically as well. Is it possible to define search scope "Display Groups" within a site definition? I will be creating 8000 odd site collections from this template and it would be nic...

How to change web part property values

In a SharePoint 2007 web part, I want to delete an existing property and replace it with a property using a different name. I want to get the value from the existing property and assign it to the new property. How should I do this? ...

MOSS 2007 - Parent Folder Column

I use a flat document list for certain document types and I want to give my users a possiblity to jump to the parent folder of this document. Is there a column that contains this information? I couldn't find one. ...

Sharepoint - Permissions?

Hello, Im trying to run a command on the AddUserToGroup method via webservices (UserGroup.asmx). I set up the code as follows. //set up the user group userGroup = new UserGroup.UserGroup(); userGroup.Url = vtiBin + "/UserGroup.asmx"; userGroup.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; So I have my credentials being passed to...

How to edit default.aspx on SharePoint site without SharePoint Designer

On several occations, I have faced the situation that the default.aspx page on a Site doesn't work. More specifically, a reference to a WebPart and/or Control is throwing a error because the assembly is not found. Fine, you just fire up the dreaded SharePoint Designer and remove the dependency line. However, if I wanted to use this meth...

How can I change the paragraph formatting in the SharePoint RichHtmlField

In SharePoint we have the the richhtmlfield that allows the user to edit the html content of the page. How can I change the css that is applied when they select H1, H2, Normal etc. from the paragraph formatting button? I would also like to change the css applied to the tables added to the richhtmlfield, is this possible? All the best ...

Anyone know why am i receiving WebPart AddWebPartToZone SOAP Exception?

I am trying to add a webpart using the AddWebPartToZone webservice (the ChatterBox webpart 1.0, CAB via command line) and I receive a SOAP exception. I have installed the web part (1.0 CAB version and not the AJAX version) via command line and it works fine if you import the webpart to a page manually. We have also checked to make sure ...

How does SharePoint Deployment Services actually work?

In an internal document at work I saw reference to an HTTP POST method for deploying content from one sharepoint site to another. Is this how deployment services actually works? There isn't much documentation from Microsoft about this. EDIT: Let me be more specific. Here's the quote from the document: The Content Staging Farm will p...

What are the rules around httpHandler paths in ASP.NET?

Is there a good resource for the rules around how the httpHandler path property is used? I am seeing mixed results for when my handler is called in different environments, so let me explain... I want to allow for a URL such as: http://mysite/_layouts/myCompany/rest/myservice.svc/param1/param2 I would like to invoke my handler only u...

store data in a list definition sharepoint

I am creating a list definition that includes three columns that are look-ups off of other lists. I would like these look-up lists to be populated with some data when they are created but they also need to be editable by the site content managers. When I save a list as a list template via the list settings page it gives me the option o...

When is the cache updated in the ContentQueryWebPart (CrossListQueryCache)?

I have been looking into the CrossListQueryCache object and ContentQueryWebPart (CQWP) as part of the Microsoft Publishing infrastructure (SharePoint). The CQWP uses the CrossListQueryCache. The CrossListQueryCache appears to use the CacheManager and CachedObjectFactory to determine when to use the cache or not. My reflector skills ar...

WSS Web Part password in Tool Pane

I have a password that I want to store as property in a Web Part that can be set via the tool pain. Currently it is a String and can be clearly read. How would I go about making it * out? If this is the wrong way to be doing this what would you advice to do instead? ...

Changing display format of Sharepoint default web-parts calendar

We are attempting to use the default web-parts calendar in Sharepoint as a "universal" calendar. It is working well, although I'd like to change the display format slightly. When too many events have scheduled on a particular day, Sharepoint displays "more..." at the bottom of each day. Clicking the "more..." takes you to the "day" vi...

WSS Sharing Properties between Web Parts

Is it possible to share properties between different web parts? I would like a user to only enter there user name and password in one web part and it be accessible in other parts. ...

How to use jquery correctly in SharePoint Web Part - jquery doesn't always fire

I'm learning how to use jquery with SharePoint. My example draws a red box inside the Content Editor Web Part when a link is selected. My code works when the SharePoint page is in edit mode but not after I've left the page and returned in non edit mode. The jquery function does not fire for some reason... I'm missing something simple...