
jquery: toggling the siblings

Hi, I want to toggle the next sibling of a link in a list like this, <ul> <li><a href="#">1</a></li> <li><a href="#">2</a> <ul class="selected"> <li><a href="#">2.1</a></li> <li><a href="#">2.2</a></li> <li><a href="#">2.3</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#">3</a></li...

On check, disable all others

HTML: form input:radio 1 input:radio 2 input:radio 3 If one of these is clicked, I'd like to disable the rest. I think siblings selector will be used here but I can't figure out how. Thanks for your help! ...

PHP SimpleXML XPath get next parent node

Hi, I've never asked a question here before so please forgive my question if its formatted badly or not specific enough. I am just a dabbler and know very little about PHP and XPath. I have an XML file like this: <catalogue> <item> <reference>A1</reference> <title>My title1</title> </item> <item> <reference>A2</reference> <t...

How to use jQuery prevAll() to select nearby text nodes?

I'm getting a text node (node.nodeType == 3) returned from the getSelection range, eg.: var selectionRange = selection.getRangeAt(0); var startContainer = selectionRange.startContainer; This startContainer usually is a text node, eg the following html: <p>Paragraph in <u>parag</u>raph.</p> Would result in the text node with text "r...

Get the href of the previous sibling and update the href of the current item

I've ended up and done this by hand, but I was thinking this could be done much quicker with some jquery. I have a table with dozens of the example rows below. What I'd like to do is find the previous siblings of the <a href="#">, grab their URL, change the filetype to .doc and apply. <tr id="node-20" class="child-of-node-19"> ...