
public List<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..Enumerator?

I'm looking at the MSDN docs about List.GetEnumerator. They say the C# method signature is: public List<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..Enumerator GetEnumerator() I was expecting this much simpler signature: public List<T>.Enumerator GetEnumerator() What does their signature mean, with all the punctuation and the "Of" keyword? Edit: Well, I ...

OpenSSL smime verify failed with right certificate and signature

I receive encrypted and signed smime message. Decrypting is ok, data seems to be correct. openssl.exe smime -decrypt -in %1 -out %1_signed.txt -inkey myPrivate.pem But on verifying signature stage I get error. openssl.exe smime -verify -CAfile senderCACert.pem -certfile senderCert.pem -in %1 -out %1_plain Verification failure 7600:...

Generating SignatureValue using HMAC-SHA1 in XML...

The signature method is HMAC-SHA1, and I already have <SignedInfo> generated. The problem is that I am not sure what to use as the key in the HMAC calculation. I noticed that there are two <Entropy> with enclosing <BinarySecret> from the initial request (RST) and response (RSTR). I read from WS-Trust that this indicates that I could ge...

What should I use for session_id for a facebok IFrame app?

I'm working on an IFrame apps in Facebook. I use the PHP SDK provided in facebook. and I can login. However, what should I use for session id in PHP? should I use the default PHP session id (by the server)? or should I use the 'sig' that I got from the facebook SDK? (i.e. the $session = $facebook->getSession() , $session['sig'] ) I'm...

OAuth Signature Mismatch issues in PHP

So I've been trying to use OAuth to connect to Google APIs. I've succeeded so far in getting the Token Secret. But when I try to make a request to one of the data APIs like and sign the request - i'm getting some errors. I used the OAuth Playground (