
Signature files for document retrieval

Hi all, I was wondering if you know somewhere where I can find information on how to build a signature file for docuement retrieval. Do you know if there is some code out there that I can use or look at? I have to create a signature file in C++ under linux platform. UPDATE: Sorry, I appreciatte the help but I was refering to signature ...

How to Digitally "Sign" a document

I don't like paper documents. I like everything stored on a server. I'd like to avoid printing, signing, and scanning, if possible. How do I get signatures from people to sign-off on forms and still keep it digital? The purpose of signing is to prove that certain departments have OK'd the document. Most of these people are non-techn...

How can I create a repeatable signature of a data structure?

I have a situation where I want to create a signature of a data structure: my $signature = ds_to_sig( { foo => 'bar', baz => 'bundy', boing => undef, number => 1_234_567, } ); The aim should be that if the data structure changes then so should the signature. Is there an established way to do this? ...

What is a somewhat secure way of generating a 64 bit signature?

I would like to sign a device, and I have 64 bits to store my signature in the device. This device has a MAC address and some other details (about 30 bytes worth) I can mangle to create my signature. If possible, I would like the method to be one-way, so that I can verify that the signature is valid without knowing how to create a vali...

Java Hashmap and Mutlidimensional array type sig in JNSI?

I've got a method JSNI that calls a Java method that take a Hasmap as input. I've tried [email protected]::myMethod(Ljava/util/Hashmap;)(myHashMap); [email protected]::myMethod(Ljava/util/Hashmap<Ljava/lang/String,Ljava/lang/String>;)(myHashMap); I'm can't seem to define the correct type signature to include the Strings or...

How does Gmail recognize email signatures (alternatively, "What's the best way to recognize email signatures?")

Gmail automatically greys text that looks like a signature. Anyone have any guesses how it does this? (I've noticed that it depends on the presence of the sender's name, but I think that's only part of the story). I ask because I'm working on a web application that has an email interface, and I'd like to remove users' signatures before ...

How to Embed Image in Outlook Signature?

Is it possible to create an HTML email signature for Outlook 2003 or above that doesn't reference external images? That is, using those special "cid" reference but embed the image itself in the signature and not on the file system or network. This is for an web application that generates a "standard" email signature based on various in...

How to generate a signed PDF w/o green checkmark

I'm signing PDF's using iText. I'm including a graphic in the signature. This works, but the green checkmark (or yellow question mark) that shows when the document is verified interferes with the graphic I inserted, making the end result look ugly. It either shows up above or below the signature graphic, but I can't get it to disappear....

Are Windows DLLs signed by Microsoft? Can I detect if they've been tampered with by a third party?

Hi everyone. I'm implementing a locking and copy protection system for my software. I've shut every hole that would allow someone to break my lock (well, that's a little too optimistic, I know!) but the last thing is this: I hear crackers can change Windows DLLs like Kernel32.dll in a way that the API I use returns a value which is spe...

Is there a library for iPhone to work with HMAC-SHA-1 encoding

For all operation with Amazon services(S3, EC2, SimpleDB) You need to sign all resquest with HMAC-SHA-1 Signature( , I'm working under backend and there is no problems. Problem is in the iPhon...

How do you verify an RSA SHA1 signature in Python?

I've got a string, a signature, and a public key, and I want to verify the signature on the string. The key looks like this: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDfG4IuFO2h/LdDNmonwGNw5srW nUEWzoBrPRF1NM8LqpOMD45FAPtZ1NmPtHGo0BAS1UsyJEGXx0NPJ8Gw1z+huLrl XnAVX5B4ec6cJfKKmpL/l94WhP2v8F3OGWrnaEX1mLMoxe124Pcfamt0...

Verify signature Facebook Connect

I have followed the instructions in this great Stackoverflow question but i am not sure about this verify signature thing. Is this provided in some way in the Facebook Toolkit or do i have to do something myself? The documentation is not superclear on how to do this and if it is already baked in the facebook toolkit i don't want to spend...

File Signatures: How do I make sure that a Windows DLL isn't modified?

Hi all. I once asked a question here if Windows DLLs are signed by Microsoft. I realized they were, and a good friend told me that the SigCheck utility can provide information about the signature of files; but a question remained: While SigCheck tells me if a file is signed, I need to be sure that Microsoft signed the file and no one e...

Can you play S3 signed url FLV videos in Flash 10?

I am wanting to load FLV videos from S3 server into my Flash application. The original files will need to be protected (ie permissions set to read only for authenticated users) so the video files will be called with a signed url... I have managed to load and play non-signed url FLV's into the Flash app. 1) Any issues I should be aware o...

How to send signed emails from java?

What APIs/Libraries do you recommend for sending signed emails from Java code? What are the requirements on our company's SMTP-Server to make it transport these signed mails, if any? We already hava a PKI infrastructure running, so certificates are no issue here. ...

Client-server solution for signing and encrypting files

I'm looking for a solution to perform file encrypting and signing. This would be done on the client side, and signature check and decryption on the server side. Some details: This should work for any kind of file (the signature should be "attached" to the file, not inside it like with PDFs) At least the server side should be Java base...

JNI signatures for nested classes?

Hi all, I'm trying to use JNI on WindowsXP, java version: java version "1.6.0_13" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_13-b03) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.3-b02, mixed mode, sharing) When trying to get jclass for a nested class jclass c = env->FindClass ("A$B"); assert (c); the second line asserts, The same thing wo...

XML Signature in a Web application

Hi, We are developing an e-Banking web application for a small bank (up to 20000 clients/users). We have to implement digital signatures with X509 certificates (issued by CA on USB tokens) for signing payment information. We tried using CAPICOM but it seems that it is not working well with Windows Vista (have not tried it with Win 7). T...

checkmark when pdf signed with iText

I'm signing PDF's using iText. I'm including a graphic in the signature. This works, but the green checkmark (or yellow question mark) that shows when the document is verified interferes with the graphic I inserted, making the end result look ugly. Is there a way to manage the size of the green checkbox - are there any properties - fonts...

I need to sign a binary stream with a certificate

I basically need to create a self signed certificate and then sign a binary stream with it to create a signature. I tried searching Google but i can't seem to get the right keywords for related results. Any help is appreciated. ...