
Best way to dynamically add / remove views in Prism + Silverlight.

Does Prism have built-in support for having "groups" of views? If so, how is it done? What I'd like to do is have one regin, call it WizardRegion, where I can have different types of wizards load into that region. Let's assume I have two different wizards: signup and dowork. And each wizard has four pages or views. If I do the normal Reg...

which frameworks(MVVM light, Prism, MEF,..) should i use for my Financial Silverlight application?

Hi first of all, I am new to silverlight(play around with it for one month) and this is my first job. However, i am willing to learn anything which can let me advance my silverlight knowledge. Currently, I need to implement a big Silverlight project about Financial(kind of similar to Microsoft Accounting). It will have a lot of tables ...

Expression Blend 4.0 - What layer effects and blend modes are supported for imported Photoshop files?

Many Photoshop effects aren't property supported by Expression Blend. Usually I see an option to "flatten layer" to get around this problem. Is there a comprehensive list of what effects or blend modes are supported by Blend? I'm curious about the Silverlight features supported during import but would also like to know if there are an...

How to make Silverlight UserControl fill webpage?

I am building a webapp in Silverlight 4.0 and I would like it to have it expand to fill the width and height of the web browser. However, I can only get it to remain top center at the moment. I have a Grid with 3 rows, 2 columns and Controls inside these which fill the cells. Therefore I only believe that I need the Grid to stretch to t...

SharePoint 2010 / IIS 7.5 Byte-Range Request Responds With Entire File

Hello, I'm having problems getting SharePoint 2010/IIS 7.5 to respect byte-range requests. I'm developing a SharePoint 2010 Web Part using Silverlight, and am trying to retrieve part of a document stored inside SharePoint. When I request a byte range of a file in SharePoint, the server responds with the entire file. However, if I reque...

Silverlight: Get a calendar day to repaint itself.

This is an interesting one. I've managed to get something working in WPF, but Silverlight is a different beast. I have a relatively simple extension for Calendar called HolidayCalendar. Essentially there is a customized style containing elements for a custom background colour and caption based on the type of holiday. (National vs. state...

Can Silverlight be over ridden in emails or how can I save high res images

I am not a programmer but an artist and I need to receive and send quality images by email. Silverlight turns them all into miniatures which when expanded to 100% are blurred and completely useless for my purposes (applying to show in exhibitions for example). Is there any way I can over ride Silverlight, or does anyone have any ideas wh...

Does VisualStateManager.GoToState return when the animation completes?

As the title mentions, does VisualStateManager.GoToState return once the state transition completes if I specify UseAnimation = true? Or does it return instantly and the animation runs later? ...

How do I add Silverlight XAP file to an existing ASP.NET Web Page?

I've added a new silverlight application to my project. It works fine by itself. I even have a ClientBin folder in my ASP.NET Web Application with the XAP file of my Silverlight project. So how I embed that Silverlight project into my existing ASP.NET web application? ...

Need help about choosing the right way to support multiple players to play videos.

I will try to be brief here.... I am working on a project where i need to support multiple players and platforms to play videos. Major Platforms will be: Windows PC,Mac PC,Apple Devices and Android. This is the precedence i will be following. First it will check browser support for Silverlight 3 or later then Flash then HTML5. If not ...

Help with Nokola's NavSeven Silverlight navigation bar!

I really like Nokola's NavSeven Silverlight Bar. You can take a look at it here: You can notice right away that the Navigation Bar stretches all the way to 100% and icons are nicely aligned in the middle. The navigation bar itself is 900px wide in Page.xaml. I've got it to work on my website but for so...

Silverlight WebClient issue when remote server is down.

I am developing an application in Silverlight which communicates with a remote server over SSL, here is the code private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { WebClient wc = new WebClient(); wc.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(wc_DownloadStringCompleted)...

Display modal Silverlight popup on HTML button click

Hi skilled. I have the following desired workflow: on HTML button click a Silverlight modal popup (dialog) must be displayed. No Silverlight content is displayed before HTML button click and no Silverlight content must be displayed after exiting from modal SL popup. According to our customer inclination we couldn't use another technolo...

Alternatives to PRISM

I am starting a large Enterprise level Silverlight Application, and i am not looking at PRISM since i would not be using many of its capabilities. But i intend to design the application modular and use MVVM. What are my best alternatives to PRISM? Thanks. ...

How to set a data context for listbox item in listbox item template different from the one set as itemsource in listbox


Making input form rotate in 3d using WPF (like silverlight planeprojection)

I am looking at updating the UI of one of my projects that currently uses Winforms and i was hoping to use WPF. I have used silverlight for a while and wanted to use the same PlaneProjection effects to basically rotate my form (by form i mean a group of input controls) along the Y axis. After looking over the interwebs it looks like for...

Populating data in Silverlight App before its sent to he browser

I have a Silverlight App which gets its data from a database. My Silverlight app (running in the browser) retrieves the data through a web service. Pretty standard setup. But there is some data which has to be there all the time or the App is in an invalid state - think data to fill drop downs etc. So I need this data to be "pre-load...

In silverlight how are the event handlers declared in xaml unwired

Hi! I have a simple user control with the following content: <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"> <Button x:Name="btnOpenGenericPage" Click="btnOpenGenericPage_Click" Content="Open"/> </Grid> I understand how the click event handler is created and wired up -> on the InitializeComponent method of the .g.cs class the System.Windows.Applicati...

F# / SIlverlight Binding to algebraic datatypes...

Given a data structure of: type Candidate = SalesRep of SalesRep | Analyst of Analyst type ScorableCandidate = { candidate: Candidate ; mutable comments: string ; mutable score: int ; } and a data grid that wants to be able to display either of the candidates, is it possible to bind (using the WPF binding) to the Scorab...

What controls should I use on a Silverlight website for loading textual content?

I am embarking on development of a Silverlight based website. I am the lone developer and am doing it on my own (ie, not for any company). Now I want to load a lot of textual content on the website along with animations and rich user interfaces that can be created using Silverlight. The text content may change from time to time and when ...