
Silverlight: Difficulty with WebClient

I'm having a really weird issue. I must be doing something really obvious that is wrong, but I can't see it. I'm building a wp7 app which currently runs in the emulator. I have a URL that returns JSON. I visit this URL in my browser and verify that it works. I get the data from this URL in Silverlight using WebClient. When I get the re...

Problems loading images in a Silverlight ControlTemplate

I have problems accessing images in the ControlTemplate of a "Silverlight Templated Control" I implemented. The Style for my control called "ControlDragger" is the following: <!-- ControlDragger Menu button style --> <Style x:Key="MenuButtonStyle" TargetType="Button"> <Setter Property="Margin" Value="5,0" /> <Setter Property="Te...

Creating Custom UserControls with Custom base class, dont show up?

Hi all, I am creating a series of UserControls in silverlight, and they all need a hand full of the same functions, such as ShowControl(), ValidateInput() etc. I created an interface and which then had an abstract class inherit from it. I then changed my UserControls to inherit from the abstract instead of directly from UserControl. T...