
Error: Could not download silverlight application. Check web server settings

Developing a silverlight page in already existing web application for previewing video files. When I create a application locally and add silverlight application on the solution it works perfectly. But while I am trying to include into already existing project it throws this error. I have not deployed into the IIS. this happens w...

Closing a Popup when its parent gets collapsed

I've been struggling with this for quite some time and I can't seem to find a proper solution. This is the scenario stripped down. Imagine you have the following XAML: <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White"> <Grid x:Name="Host" Width="200" Height="200"> <Popup IsOpen="True"> <Button Content="Some Button" Cl...

When are reference-type attached properties (DependencyProperty) released?

Say I want to make an attached property that attaches a list of object references to a view instance (a DependencyObject/FrameworkElement)... When does it release all of those references? Will it call Dispose on attached property values if they implement it? ...

Binding SelectionChanged to ViewModel using Caliburn.Micro

We've using Caliburn.Micro on a new Silverlight project and everythings working great. The inbuilt conventions bind buttons click events to the viewModel, but I'm not sure what the best way to handle the selectionChanged event on datagrids and comboboxes is. At the moment, I'm binding to the selected item and calling custom logic, but I...

Problem with TextBox when typing Unicode text in Silverlight

Hi all. I am writing silverlight application. UI language is Armenian. I have added Unicode font to my application. For textblocks text is showing normal. But if I am typing text in TextBox it shows some symbols instead of text which I have typed. If I copy/past Unicode armenian text TextBox shows it normal. The only problem is with typi...

How to set all item width in WrapPanel to same value?

As I know there are some properties that allow to make every elements in WrapPanel have same width (ShareSizeScope). Now I want to archieve the same output in silverlight but there's no such property. Are there any properties or other ways that can help me to get same output as in WPF? ...

How to insert the combo box inside DFatagrid in Silverlight

Hi All, I have to insert the combobox inside the DG in silverlight 4. And also it should be binded and the values inside ...

Bing Map and Pivot

Hi guys, I'm having an issue that I'm unable to fix, I've a pivot with a bing Map in one of its screens, the thing is when you flick (scroll horizontally) on the map, the pivot transition is also performed... Is there a solution or even a hack/workaround to avoid this side effect ? Thanks in advance Miloud B. ...

WCF HttpTransport: streamed vs buffered TransferMode

I have a self-hosted WCF service (v4 framework) that is exposed through a HttpTransport-based custom binding. The binding uses a custom MessageEncoder that is pretty much a BinaryMessageEncoder with the addition of gzip compression functionality. A Silverlight and a Windows client consume the web service. Problem: in some cases the ser...

Sliding images web tool

We are looking for a sliding image tool like the one on the following home pages: 1) (Silverlight based) 2) (Flash based) Where can we purchase something similar? Thanks. ...

Customize DataGrid Group Name

I'm using the Silverlight Toolkit DataGrid. Grouping is working fine, thanks to the PagedCollectionView class. My question is, is there an easy way to customize the text of the group header? When I group by "CurrentBook.SubTitle" (just testing it out - grouping by a book's subtitle doesn't actually make sense) it displays "CurrentBook...

C# XML ToList inside ToList

I have the following C# code and I have no idea why it's not working (I'm getting a NullReferenceException error). If I define Recipe as new List() everything starts working OK. foreach (XElement element in document.Descendants("vegetables")) { VegetablesList = ( from vegetables in element.Elements() ...

What Linq to XML do I need to bind XML to Silverlight Datagrid

I was looking at this question and it gave me about 80% of what I needed. The "problem" for me is that my XML is strucutred differently and I am not quite sure how I would go about using Linq to get at what I need. My XML looks like this (By the way, its generated by the ConvertTo-XMl PowerShell Cmdlet) <?xml version="1.0"?> <Objects> ...

need silverlight 3 development ...

At work, I am on a sizable development team. Our current project is in Silverlight 3. We cannot upgrade right now due to all the regression testing (company policy) Well, our LAN dept worked on my dev box and they uninstalled silverlight 3. Now the project will not load due to : The imported project "C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microso...

silverlight barseries colors

I can't seem to figure out how to bind the color of the datapoints in my BarSeries. I see tons of posts about this using control templates and BarDataPoint. I can't seem to figure how to attach the template. <charting:Chart Name="chtIndPerformance" Canvas.Left="464" Canvas.Top="275" Height="363" Width="444" FontSize="10" BorderBrush=...

How To Perform Navigation In Silverlight 4.0 Using MVVM?

I'm new to Silverlight and I'm having trouble understanding how to properly navigate between pages, especially when I need to pass data around. Classic example: I have a list of People on one page, and when I click on a person in the datagrid I'd like to go to the details page and load that data. I need to pass the PersonId. More impor...

Wait for HttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse to finish in Windows Phone 7

I'm trying to use the async HttpWebRequest in Silverlight for Windows Phone. All works perfect until I get to the where I should call private static ManualResetEvent allDone = new ManualResetEvent(false); ... request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(GetResponseCallback), request); allDone.WaitOne(); Debug.WriteLine("All done!"); In ...

Silverlight multiple views

Hello, Sorry for dummie question, I'm quite new in silverlight. I want to dinamically change the layout in my app: for example, I've got two radiobuttons: male and female, and I want to show additional controls depending on the gender selected. For example, if user checks male option, combobox1 should be shown, and if user checks anoth...

Removing diacritics in Silverlight (String.Normalize issue)

I did create a function that transforms diacritic characters into non-diacritic characters (based on this post) Here’s the code: Public Function RemoveDiacritics(ByVal searchInString As String) As String Dim returnValue As String = "" Dim formD As String = searchInString.Normalize(System.Text.NormalizationForm.FormD) Dim u...

WP7 selection control

Hi all. Does anybody know what type of control is used in WP7 Settings > Theme > Background? ...