
ListBox with Button in ItemTemplate: fire SelectedChanged on Button Click

Hi, all! I have a ListBox with Button in ItemTemplate. When I press a Button, some Command fired. I want the ListBox to fire SelectionChanged event when Button Click event happen. How shoult I fire ListBox SelectionChanged event and pass appropriate context? <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding SomeSource}" > <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTe...

PRISM: Creating Pipeline of Async methods

I am wondering if anyone can help me with something here: I am trying to create a "pipeline" or "queue" of commands [similar to CompositeCommand in Prism] except I want it to be sequential even if the command being executed is Asynchronous in nature. Basically, I want to string together bunch of Async calls [not at compile time but at r...

Cutting off Text in Silverlight

I'm trying to use what's below as a DataTemplate for items bound in a ListBox. It looks fine, except for the text in the "Title" textbox. It truncates, just as it's supposed to, but for those titles that are long enough to be truncated, the very right edge, right where the text is being cut off, is colored slightly funky - sort of an o...

Is there anything equivalent powerful in the Flex/Flash world like the Telerik Silverlight GridView to visualize data?

I was trying to find soemthing equivalent powerful like the Telerik GridView in the Flex/Flash world but without success. Could someone pls give me a hint? Or is there no vendor/open source etc. component library out there? ...

Is there any way to set a binding on a TextBlock Span

I would like to use a several Span elements inside a TextBlock and have the content of the spans set by binding. I don't think this is possible, but wanted to double check here first. ...

Applying a background color to an entire Grid row in XAML Silverlight

I'm trying to apply a gradient background to just one row in a XAML Silverlight grid that I've created. I can do something like this without any trouble: <Grid> <Grid.Background> <LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.5,1" StartPoint="0.5,0"> <GradientStop Color="Black" Offset="0" /> <GradientStop Color="W...

Silverlight datagrid header binding to constant

Say I have a bunch of local constants in my code behind that I want to use as headers, for example: const string TYPE_HEADER = "Type"; const string LOCATION_ HEADER = "Location"; etc. Is there any way I can bind the headers of my DataGridColumns to these like events are bound to local methods, for example: <data:DataGridTextColumn H...

Bind ItemsPanelTemplate of ListBox

Silverlight (even 4, sigh) seems unable to have a ListBox change ItemsPanel at runtime. I'm already successfully binding my ItemTemplate, which works fine, but ItemsPanel, once set, doesn't seem to be able to be changed at runtime. Are there any workarounds for this? Most (all) of what I've found online works for WPF, but not Silverli...

Windows Phone 7 - GPU Acceleration not working

Hi, I'm wondering if someone can help with this or has had a similar problem. I am trying to make a basic game in WP7 using Silverlight and I can't get the GPU acceleration to kick in. The frame rate counters are visible which would indicate the GPU is being used, directx versions is 10 and directx driver versions is WDDM 1.1. I've tr...

For a user control with a listbox, how can I expose the selected item to a parent page?

I have a simple user control which wraps some logic around an AutoCompleteBox. This question could apply to any ItemsControl control like a dropdown or listbox though. <UserControl> <Grid Background="White"> <sdk:AutoCompleteBox Name="myACB" ItemsSource="{Binding myData}" /> </Grid> </UserControl> I want expose the Sel...

Silverlight asp:silverlight tag

Hi, I am new to silverlight. Excuse me if this is simple question. I am trying to craete a sample application using Silverlight 4 in VS2010. The code that is generated by defualt in the aspx page is(apart from the script): <div id="silverlightControlHost"> <object data="data:application/x-silverlight-2," type="application/x-silver...

NavigationService.GoBack(); question

Hi there, When I call NavigationService.GoBack(); it doesn't reload the page. For example I have Page 1 which is my Login page, then I Navigate to Page 2 to the Settings Page. When I have saved my Settings on Page 2 I wish it to Navigate back to Page 1 and show the new settings that are displayed. Is there any call I can make where th...

Visual studio web application

I want to create a web application using visual studio to implement a client/server. The server program will be a simple console application that waits for a connection from the client. The client will be a web application. I have look at Silverlight but that would require the client side to download the silverlight plug-in and could ...

ColorAnimation Gradient On WPF

<LinearGradientBrush x:Key="BrushPrincipalBorderBlue" EndPoint="1.3,1" StartPoint="-0.2,0"> <GradientStop Color="#FF030637" Offset="1"/> <GradientStop Color="#FF0E0F31" Offset="0.166"/> <GradientStop Color="#FF2E2F70" Offset="0.629"/> <GradientStop Color="#FF030637" Offset="0.63"/> </LinearGradientB...

RIA method does not appear in Silverlight

I have a DomainService with a few methods. One has a return type of string and no parameter: public string MyMethod1() { } I can call this one from Silverlight. One has a return type of void, and a parameter that is a domain object (I am using LinqToSqlDomainService and this object is part of the DataContext): public void MyMethod2...

context menu in data grid

i want to use context menu in data gird when i right click on row it is showing the menu when i right click on next row it is not showing i need to left click and again right click ...

Binding current columns header as text for a text block inside datatemplate

i am working with a silverlightdatgrid and i have a style for each column header as below <Style x:Name="mytemplate" x:Key="mytemplate" xmlns:dataprimitives="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;assembly=System.Windows.Controls.Data" TargetType="dataprimitives:DataGridColumnHeader"> <...

Providing update notification from DomainService to DomainContext

I need to inform the DomainContext in the silverlight application about changes that are made on the serverside (aka. Model of the DomainService). Does the DomainService or other classes for RIA Services provide such notification (like Events) or do i have to call a method on the DomainService periodically to check if changes where made...

Adding new item to pageCollection's object

i am working with an pageCollectionin silverlight ,i have some remove and addition work in to the pagedviewcollection's object i was able to remove from collection as below _pageCollection.RemoveAt(_index); but i am not able add an item to the pageCollection .how to add an item to the _pageCollection. i feel it should be dealt ...

manage Asynchronous sequence in silverlight?

In my project I want remove some rows first then afterwards insert new rows. But some times what happens is it inserts the new rows first then afterwards removes the starting rows. To solve this problem I need to manage the operations in a proper sequence. Please help me out. ...