
WP7 silverlight custom control using popup

Hi guys, I'm creating a custom datepicker, I have a textbox, once clicked it opens a calendar within a popup. What I want to do is change the size of the popup so it shows my whole calendar, but I can't manage to change it..., I've tried using Height, Width, MinHeight, MinWidth... but it doesn't work, the popup keep showing with a fixed...

placing a text box inside the silverlight data grid column header

how to add a text box inside the silverlight data grid column header? so that i can use the text boxes for the filteration purpose? ...

"silverlight for Windows 7 Phone" option is not shown in "Add new Item" option

Hi I have downloaded and installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows 7 Phone. Problem is that i cant see "Silverlight for Windows Phone" option when I right click my Project name and select Add -> New Item option. I can only see "XNA Game Studio 4.0" under "Visual C#" category. I have tried installing Silverlight SDK sepa...

Composition of composition not working...

Hello, I am currently using RIA services with an object containing a child containing itself a child and it's not working :-( ! I have an update method for the BaseObject and the FirstChild are correctly present in the client but it behaves as if I have no SecondChild object (the type is not event created on the client)... Here are...

Raw socket listening to a REST Channel in Silverlight

I understand how I can use a raw socket to listen to a server application and recieve information but I need an easy to access API and I am very familiar with REST. Is there a way to push (not by using long pooling) data using a WCF service? Here's my idea of how things should happen, at least at the begining: The client accesses a U...

Saving Files in silverlight and asynchronous call backs

In Silverlight you have to save a file using the save file dialog. You can only open this dialog from a user event aka a button click I’m returning the data of a file from a web service call asynchronously How do i save this to file? If i ask them before the service call i can’t use the stream after the data comes back. If i ask the...

Effecient Coding for low end CPU

I have a application built in Silverlight, which will run on a ATOM processor (was told around 1.6GHZ). So far tested another application with lesser functions on another Mini PC and it can still run smoothly. This application will be user interactive, and will have 4-5 different pages to be displayed. So to navigate from page to page, I...

How to reload the DataContext?

I have a Silverlight Business Aplication (RIA Services) and I have a DataGrid attached to a DataSource's DataContext. In a Silverlight child Windows I create a new Entity and submit the changes to the server. The problem is that my DataContext does not know that so the grid does not show the newly added entity. How do I refresh the Dat...

Fastest way to create a Converter in Visual Studio

When working with Binding converters are pretty common.. I always find myself Right-click the correct Folder Click Add Click New Item (Sometimes) Choose Code to the left Choose Class and "Add" (and sometimes when I'm in a hurry a create an AboutBox instead :-( ) Copy an old IValueConverter or IMultiValueConverter Change the...

WP7 Custom User Control Property

I want a user control called Segmented Panel that contains 3 buttons of which I want to modify their names (Title1/2/3) from a XAML screen. MainPage XAML: <local:SegmentedControl HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="43,62,0,0" x:Name="segmentedControl1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Title1="ENTER BUTTON NAME HERE" Title2="blah.." Title3="Last ...

how to specify all ports in client access policy file - silverlight

How do I specify a wildcard '*' for the ports in a client access policy file? If I want to specify multiple ports in the following file is there anyway to do this using a wildcard instead of explicitly listing each server: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <access-policy> <cross-domain-access> <policy> <allow-from http...

My Silverlight app doesnt show changes

Hello there. It's my first time with SL (but not WPF). Im learning PRISM watching the great videos of MTaulty: So far so good, I'm with the last video and I'm doing the same things He does in my VS. I'm using SL4 & mvc2 web & prism for s...

Is ESRI Silverlight Mapping API Free or exactly how much (also what about Silverlight Bing Maps)?

I am developing a mapping application using ESRI Silverlight API (it's SL map control). I am not using ArcGIS Server whatsoever. Once this map application goes commercial (plan for clients to use it - not that many by the way), will I have to pay any pay-per-hit usage or any other related costs? I know that both the Google Maps API an...

Trouble with metadata in Entity Framework connection string

I have a Silverlight 4 app using RIA Services in which I moved all of the RIA Services-specific code to a separate module (a WCF RIA Services class library) called "AppServices". Let's call the main app "Silverlight4App". I need to authenticate the users against a different database than the database where the rest of the data is stored....

REST library which support Windows Phone 7 and silverlight ?

Are there any .net REST libraries which support Windows Phone 7 and silverlight? ...

Typed Data Templates in Silverlight

My understanding is that Silverlight does not support DataTemplates with a DataType attribute. How then would you accomplish the following in SL (author is Josh Smith, full link below). In a nutshell, he's saying that if you bind a TabControl's tab pages to a collection of ViewModels, WPF will figure out how to display each one on the ...

Silverlight logging of errors

What is the correct way of handling errors on the client side of Silverlight applications? I tried building a service endpoint that would receive details about the error and then would write that string to the database. The problem is, the error's text exceeds the maximum byte length, so I can't send the exception message and stacktrac...

Silverlight unable to resolve References when switching from Debug to Release

I am using: Silverlight Version 4.0, 100% F# solution. I am having an issue when switching the Target Configuration from debug to release. Everything compiles fine in debug mode, then in release I get the following: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets(1360,9): warning MSB3245: Could not resolve ...

SilverLight / WP7: Can i use .net open source frameworks with silverlight & WP7?

Hi there, Does anyone know if its possible to use standard frameworks etc in silverlight & WP7? Or does it have to actually support silverlight specifically..?? Silverlight is a cut down verison of .net if i am not mistaken... so maybe all open source apis, frameworks etc may not work? any ideas really appreciated Thank you. ...

Silverlight GPS Application

Here's my scenario: say a GPS device is in a car, how can I (e.g. a remote Silverlight client) communicate with that GPS device to track it via a map, e.g. Bing Maps? Is there a way for a GPS devices to 'push' messages to my Silverlight application or vice versa the GPS devices (maybe WP7 device) push notifications to the SL application...