
Silverlight vs Flash vs HTML5, should I care?

Hi, I have read a range of articles on advantages/disadvantages of Microsoft Silverlight framework in comparisson to Flash. Fact that there were two version of Silverlight in the past 18 months worries me, as well as the fact that over 97% of web browsers already have Flash pre-installed. I'm a .NET developer and I'm very happy with ...

How to Get query all the lists of a SharePoint site through Silverlight Client object model

Hi All, I have a requirement in which I have to show the number of documents uploaded by a user in all the lists and libraries in a SharePoint site in a Silverlight webppart. How much ever I try I keep getting the error "The property or field has not been initialized. It has not been requested or the request has not been executed. It...

WP7: ListBox ScrollToTop ?

In a Windows Phone 7 Silverlight app, I have a ListBox with a lot of items, that are generated dynamically from an external data source. One of these items will be "current", so I would like to programmatically scroll the ListBox so the item appears as the topmost visible item in the ListBox - so the user doesn't have to. There is li...

ItemTemplate Grid width in Silverlight ListBox

Hello, I have a Silverlight ListBox that uses a DataTemplate for the ItemTemplate. My DataTemplate and ListBox are shown here: <DataTemplate x:Key="myTemplate"> <Grid Background="Green" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> <RowDefini...

Dragable image in bing maps

I am trying to creating a bing map where i can drag images around on the map. But i'm not quit able to figur this out. i figured out how to make a drag able pushpin, but i can not change the image it uses as display, sadly. Any help on how to make a drag able image on bing maps would be great. ...

Silverlight control view image with zoom in/out?

Hi All, I wanna use an image viewer control in silverlight with feature zoom in/out the image, I found "MultiScaleImage" control that accept source as Xml file, which is can be created by "Deep Zoom Composer" program (install this program: import the images then expose and export: the program will generate the images and the "dzc_output...

Prevent scrolling of nested list

I have an application which contains a nested list box, that is a list box inside a listbox.itemtemplate in the item template of another list. I would like to prevent scrolling of the inner list box in favour of just scrolling the outer list box. At the moment either list can be scrolled which is a bit confusing for the user. |-------...

Silverlight: Move the ScrollViewer by code?

Hi All, I wanna to move the "ScrollViewer" control left and right by buttons outside it, I found this function: ScrollViewer.LineLeft() It's ok but I wanna to increase the amount of movement to left by each click by specific amount like 200 pixel? There is another thing: how I can make my button when hold the mouse on it to duplicate...

Standard transitions in Windows Phone 7

Back when Windows Phone 7 had it's first SDK released they had an item list template that had the transitions for the items. Currently in the RTM tools there doesn't appear to be any support for this, can you not access the standard built-in transitions in Windows Phone 7? ...

Future desktop LOB apps - WPF, Silverlight or... HTML5?

The Silverlight strategy has shifted to Windows Phone, and for cross-platform web development, it's HTML 5. I'm just starting to get comfortable with the idea of developing desktop line-of-business apps with Silverlight out-of-browser (over WPF...

Silverlight - Button control tab stop twice mystery

I'm debugging a large Silverlight application and i'm finding on every form all button controls receive tab focus twice before going to next control. I cannot reproduce this behavior in a simple hello world application though. Interestingly this problem does not occur on HyperlinkButton controls in the same form, just Button. Any idea wh...

Web Service different between Application and SilverLight Application

Hi All I try to use this webService in web application i can access all information using following code: var wsEOD = new; var response = wsEOD.Login("khem", "Nepal"); [Example] if (response != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.Token)) ...

Wpf/SL charts - Pie tooltip

I want to set a toolTip on each of the data Points of the pie charts. I know how to do that, but as you can see in the attached picture, the toolTips look different according to the data points directions. Someone has an idea how can I do that ? ...

how do I stick the scrollbars of ScrollViewer to top in silverlight?

I have an Itemscontrol in my xaml inside a ScrollViewer. <ScrollViewer Margin="0,0,0,0" BorderThickness="0"> <ItemsControl x:Name="itemsStackPanel"> <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <controls:UserItem Margin="0, 5, 0, 3"></controls:UserItem> </DataTemp...

Setting default button style in Windows Phone 7 silverlight app.

In WPF I could apply a style to a target type without giving it a name. This would effectively style all elements of that type without explicitly setting the style on each button. <Style TargetType="{x:Type Button}"> <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White" /> </Style> <Button Content="Button1"></Button> This s...

Silverlight: Why is there space between these two elements?

I'm using Silverlight 4 to develop a Windows Phone app. I have a control defined by the following XAML: <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="Transparent" Margin="0,0,0,20"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> <RowDefinition Height="*" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> ...

HierarchicalDataTemplate & ContextMenu & Silverlight

I have a TreeView which uses HierarchicalDataTemplate to generate its items and i want to have a context menu on items(markup below). The problem is that the menu is showing but when i click on any item nothing happens. I use MVVM so menu is bound to Commands. But i have another menu on the treeview itself and it works perfectly. How can...

Windows Phone 7/Silverlight: How to do navigation?

I'm developing a Silverlight wp7 app. I'm not sure exactly how to do navigation. I have several PhoneApplicationPage classes, which contain several UserControls. It looks like I can use NavigationService to navigate from the PhoneApplicationPage classes, but not the UserControl classes. Is that preferable? Is the general pattern not to ...

Silverlight 4: Pattern for displaying data with a bit of logic?

I'm building a wp7 app. I have a UserControl that displays a news article headline, teaser, and image. The entire class is pretty short: public partial class StoryControl : UserControl { public Story Story { get; private set; } public StoryControl() { InitializeComponent(); } internal StoryControl(Story st...

What's the correct way to write an Uri ro a resource inside a Silverlight Class Library

I have a Silverlight Business Application project. I also added a Silverlight Class Library to be used from my Silverllight app (of course). Inside that library (let's call it helper) I have a folder and some small images. In that same library I have a child window with a Image control which I need to change the source info at runtime (...