
WP7 Toggle switch in a Pivot control?

Is there any way to control the threshold of the flick action to on/off a toggle switch so that it doesn't mess with the pivot control's navigation? ...

CustomServiceHostFactory and Generating proxies in silverlight

Hi I'm using and Custom ServiceHostFactory, and when I want to update service reference it would'nt work because I assume it needs to setup my servicehostfactory and it will crash. I have looked for other approaches to not use the generation, but I havent found any good replacements. Are there anyway to go around this, to not remove th...

Silverlight Control property as a data binding Source and View-Model property as target

I have a property on a Silverlight control that a ViewModel wants to bind to. The ViewModel need to told of changes to the property NOT the other way around Syntax like <MyControl ViewPort="{Binding VMProperty}"/> Declares ViewPort as the Target, in this instance ViewPort is the source of the data. I know I could make it TwoWay bind...

Focus on disabled controls in Silverlight

We have a situation in our Silverlight 3 app where we have buttons that execute save/commit actions on the form. While the commit is happening, the Command that the button is bound to has its CanExecute set to false so that the user can't initiate another action until this one completes. Setting CanExecute to false causes the button to b...

How to Start a silverlight application from another silverlight application

I have silverlight application. What I want is. If my user clicks on Button 1. Then, it should open Application1(Another silverlight application). I came through this link. But, it is for launching an silverlight application from page. But, what I want is Silverlight app launched from another silverlight app. http://forums.sil...

Silverlight - ClientAccessPolicy.xml Syntax

I'm trying to communicate with an Apache web server in a cross-domain way. I have a clientaccesspolicy.xml file set up on the root of the domain and it is successfully retrieved by the Silverlight client when attempting to make a GET request to a Java servlet that's been set up. The specifics are something like this: URL to access: de...

BitmapImage size restrictions in Silverlight

Hi, I'm making a Windows Phone 7 application which involves getting large images from the web and putting it in a ScrollViewer for the user to scroll through. I think I'm hitting a limitation of BitmapImage, though, as the image seems to get cut off at 2048 pixels in either height or width. Is this a known limitation of Silverlight Bit...

Facebook SDK and Silverlight

hi, I have started Silverlight based application using official Facebook sdk. Having few issues right now: I cannot change Profile image , do not know if it is possible from silverlight client or maybe via WCF service I cannot load any photo or album i use Photos.GetAlbumsAsync but no effect ? 3 I cannot send message any of friend vi...

How to make a plain text-only Silverlight button?

I simply want a button with no background or anything other than plain text. I have done the following and the button does not show up at all: <UserControl.Resources> <ControlTemplate x:Key="linkButtons" TargetType="Button"> <TextBlock Foreground="White" FontSize="28" FontFamily="Verdana" Padding="10"></TextBlock> </Cont...

What ever happened to "Managed VBScript" & the VBx Compiler?

There was a flurry of posts on the web about "Managed VBScript", the DLR & VBx right after Mix07 but I've not seen anything about it since. So, what is going on? Has it been dropped? Implemented? ...

Are there any good Silverlight/HTML file-upload with metadata libraries ?

I need to creating a solution in SharePoint 2010 to upload multiple documents and tag them with metadata. Does anyone know of an interesting/compelling file-upload control or solution that supports adding metadata to the files? The solution could be in Silverlight or HTML/Javascript. I've looked at the Silverlight Multi file uploade...

Silverlight security on the downloaded xap file

Hi, I want to develop a online trading application using silverlight in which I want to perform all the calculations at the client side instead of server. First, Is it possible to run the whole application on the client side?? Second, How secure is silverlight xap file to prevent decoding the logic?? Please let me know. Thanks, Mahes...

Online Trading Simulation Game Silverlight VS Flash(Flex)

Possible Duplicate: Silverlight vs Flex Hi, We want to develop an online simulation game to our customers. As part of the analysis, we have got few technical options to consideration and they are silverlight and flash. Could you please let me know the advantages and disadvantages of considering these technologies in terms of...

Generate Silverlight service proxies with same namespace

I need to generate service proxies for multiple WCF services within the same namespace, which is not possible when using the Add Service Reference function of Visual Studio. How can I do this in an automated way? I've considered using SLsvcUtil, but that would require that I make sure that I have my WCF services accessible, and, assumin...

How do I change the startup page on a WP7 Silverlight app ?

I have added a new XAML page to my WP7 app and I need the application to startup on this new page. How do I do that ? I cannot find MainPage (which is the current / default start page) referenced anywhere in App.xaml or App.xaml.cs. ...

Interchangeability / re-usability of WPF, Silverlight and Silverlight OOB applications?

For the experienced WPFers out there, how re-usable are WPF, Silverlight and Silverlight OOB applications and components? How much overlap is there? For example, could I write one application and easily deploy it in the three aforementioned ways? Ideally, I want to write as little code as possible and have the flexibility of deployin...

How can I use external images in Silverlight and still view them at Design time?

In order to minimize the size of my XAPs, I want to move my images from being embedded in the project to an external directory, possibly ClientBin/SilverlightImages. I know that I can use a URI and point to this directory like so: , but Blend and the Visual Studio 2010 designer do not show the image. One suggestion from a co-worker is t...

Silverlight 4: Why can I not see the target uri in my address bar?

I have some mapped uri's, but all I see is the aspx page in my address bar. ...

How to make a ListBox longer than the page?

I have a list of 100 or so items. I'd like to output all the items to the page, one beneath the other. Maybe 25 or so items will be visible initially, and when the users scrolls, the rest of the list will be visible. The catch here is that I don't want to use the ListBox's scrollbar - I want to use the page's scrollbar. (By page, I m...

silverlight service reference from wsdl - methods missing

I'm successfully creating a Service Reference for a silverlight application by pointing to a local wsdl file. The preview pane shows the 6 methods avaialble in this wsdl. However, the generated proxy seems to have no knowledge of those methods, so I cannot find a way to call them. Been fighting this for a while, what the heck is goin...