
How can I get PHP simplexml to save < as itself instead of &lt;

Basically I have a script that updates an xml document in various places... However, I need the text to be in CDATA... So I attempted this: $PrintQuestion->content->multichoice->feedback->hint->Passage->Paragraph->addChild('TextFragment', '<![CDATA[' . $value[0] . ']]>'); Unfortunately when I save the XML back to file,...

How to keep DOMDocument from saving < as &lt

I'm using simpleXML to add in a child node within one of my XML documents... when I do a print_r on my simpleXML object, the < is still being displayed as a < in the view source. However, after I save this object back to XML using DOMDocument, the < is converted to &lt; and the > is converted to &gt; Any ideas on how to change this beh...

SimpleXML - add a new node using a namespace previously declared - how ?

Hello all, <epp> <domain:create xmlns:domain="urn:someurn"> <domain:name></domain:name> <domain:registrant></domain:registrant> <domain:contact></domain:contact> </domain:create> </epp> I would like to add a child, on a very specific place (so I'm also using DOM and not only simpleXML) for <domain:create> ...

PHP: How can I access this XML entity when its name contains a reserved word?

Hi all. I'm trying to parse this feed:;inc=url-rels I want to grab the URLs inside the 'relation-list' tag. I've tried fetching the URL with PHP using simplexml_load_file(), but I can't access it using $feed->artist->relation-list as PHP interprets "l...

Simplexml xpath to attribute value and and child node values in one query

example XML: <users> <user id="fakeuserid"> <password>fakeuserpassword</password> <username>fakeusername</username> </user> <user id="anotherfakeuserid"> <password>anotherfakeuserpassword</password> <username>anotherfakeusername</username> </user> </users> I would like to be able to access the id attrib...

php simplexml get object variable start with number

Hi, When I parse an rss file with SimpleXMLElement, I get this object : object(SimpleXMLElement)#307 (1) { [0]=> string(39) "http://workspace/wordpress/hello-world/" } $var->0 doesn't works. I don't know how to do it :( thanks. ...

How do I evaluate PHP string as a variable?

I have a variable named $data["main_deal"] that has the value $xml->deals->deal[0] (as a string). $xml is a simpleXML object, and the value of main_deal is the selector needed to access the data I want. When I tried echo "<p><b>Main Deal:</b> ".$data["main_deal"]; it output: Main Deal: $xml->deals->deal[0] So I went back to where I gav...

Convert SimpleXML to DOMDocument, not DOMElement

I neeed to convert a SimpleXML object to a DOMDocument, to use it with DOMXPath. I need DOMXPath for it's method registerPHPFunctions. Can this be done? With dom_import_simplexml I get a DOMElement, not DOMDocument. ...

php simple_xml xpath issue for gpx file

I try to get the lat and lon's from a gpx file (GPS XML). When I do (snippet): $res = $xml->xpath('//*'); I get the full content returned. When I try to narrow down like this: $res = $xml->xpath('//rte'); I get nothing: array(0) { }. Even when the tag(s) exists. Actually whatever I try to fill in after // other then * it returns...

simplexml path by index

I'm parsing simplexml and normally my simple xml would look like this $sig_size = (int)$xmlObject->sig->points; which returns 24 in this example <?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?> <photo id='470'> <artist>mg</artist> <lines> <points>22</points> <angle>-5</angle> <x>165</x> <align>...

Email templates stored in XML. How to execute php inside the xml?

Hi all, I have an email xml file like this: <?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?> <emails> <email id="contract-expired"> <description>We send this email when we want to inform a user that a contract is coming up to it's expiration date</description> <subject>Example: Contract Expiration</subject> <parameters> <par...

Using SimpleXML to loop through muliple entries

Hi Im trying to parse an xml feed using simplexml in php. The xml feed is laid out as follows: <Member> <MemberType>Full</MemberType> <JoinDate>2010-06-12</JoinDate> <DataType>A</DataType> <Data> <FirstName>Ted</FirstName> <LasttName>Smith</LasttName> <Data1>56</Data1> <Data2>100</Data2> ...

Read returned XML by function with SimpleXML

This is sort of confusing to explain, so thank you ahead of time for bearing with me. I am using Kohana PHP framework to develop an application. I have a model function that accepts parameters for a search, and should return an XML styled page. I need this to be read by the controller with SimpleXML. Any ideas how to do this? $o = ...

Accessing SimpleXMLElements within an array

Hi, I've had a look round similar articles such as this one and I can't quite get it to work, quite possible I'm just misunderstanding. I've got a simple script which parses a bit of xml and prints out specific fields - what I'm having trouble doing is accessing the data of SimpleXMLElement Objects. XML (simplified for clarity) <cha...

PHP simplexml reverse

Is there any way to loop through an xml loaded in simpleXML in reverse? say if i have the following xml $string ="<items> <item>1</item> <item>2</item> <item>3</item> </items>"; $xml = simplexml_load_string($string); is there any way to reverse $xml so that i get item 3 when i do a foreach ...

simplexml and accesing feedburner's :

I'm trying trying to use simplexml to read a feedburner xml. I can read every properties in the xml but not the keys with ':' in it. Example "feedburner:origLink". When I vardump the items, those keys with : doesn't show up. And I can't do like $s->item->feedburner:origLink. Please advise! ...

XML parsing using simpleXML

I am trying to parse the XML found on the page ... Name: Test Dummy Age: 42 gender: Male Address: San Francisco, CA, US Occupation: University: Berkeley first seen: 2006-02-23 last seen: 2008-09-25 Friends: 42 Name: Age: gender: Address: Occupation: University: first seen: last seen: Friends: 1) ...

how to access this child element - attribute in php simplexml

I want to access the 'url' attribute in the media:content element below. I am pretty sure this gives me the media:content, but I can not seem to get the url (see what I tried below): $theContent = $item->children('media', true)->content; xml: <item> <media:content type="image/jpeg" url="my url" /> </item> I have tried variations: ...

Querying SimpleXML object with CSS selectors instead of XPath

I'm using SimpleXML to load and parse an XML document with PHP. I'm not too familiar with XPath and I would prefer using CSS selectors to parse it. What are my options? Is there anything pre-build for SimpleXML, or should I be using something different altogether ? ...

Missing SimpleXML Parsing

<?php // load SimpleXML $entry = new SimpleXMLElement('', null, true); echo <<<EOF <table> <tr> <th>Title</th> <th>Image</th> </tr> EOF; foreach($entry as $item) // { echo <<<EOF <tr> <td>{$item->title}</td> ...