
Find running clickonce deployed single instance app?

Hi, I'm currently facing a problem with my single instance clickonce deployed app, and maybe someone has a good idea about it. My app is called by a web application, which passes parameters to this exe. Now the problem is, if the application is already running, it takes quite a long time, until the new instance is started, the paramete...

How do I "single-instance" an ASP.Net AJAX web portal?

I’ve been asked if we can optionally “single-instance” our web portal. See this post on Hanselman's blog for the same idea in a WinForms app. Suppose we have 2 shortcuts on the same client machine: http://MyServer/MyWebPortal/Default.aspx?user=username&document=Foo http://MyServer/MyWebPortal/Default.aspx?user=username&documen...

How can I build a single instance application using Click Once?

I need to have a single instance application (as per this answer), but it needs to be deployed via click once. The problem is that I require that click once doesn't automatically detect an update an attempt to load a newer version while the application is running. If it is running, then I need the other instance to be made active. Usua...

Force multi-threaded VB.NET class to display results on a single form

I have a windows form application that uses a Shared class to house all of the common objects for the application. The settings class has a collection of objects that do things periodically, and then there's something of interest, they need to alert the main form and have it update. I'm currently doing this through Events on the objects...

c# WPF Maintain Single Instance of loader

I have a loader.exe with Main() that loads the 'UI' in WPF, the thing is that I want only one instance of the loader.exe, how can I achieve it? Is there a way a user clicks loader.exe it should check if an existing loader.exe is running and does nothing. currently I have loader.exe with main() .... .. Load UI ... the loader h...

Checking single instance of NSIS installer

Hi All, I have an Updater program written in NSIS. I just wanna make sure that when it's invoked twice or more, it won't create another instance of the updater, else there would be two or more updaters running. How do you restrict the updater from creating another instance if your updater is already running? So that only one updater ...

Let gVim always run a single instance

Is there a way to let gVim only run a single instance, so that when a new file is opened with it it's automatically opened in a new tab in the currently running instance? I know you can do that by passing --remote-tab-silent but I want to configure gvim so that this becomes the default behavior. i.e. I want to type gvim filename and mak...

Single instance service

I have a service that I would like it to become single instance, because when i click restart on services.msc, the new instance of the service starts when the old instance still haven't finished (because it has to perform some actions). The code that finishes the service looks like this: protected override void OnStop() { Log.Info(...

What is the best way to make a single instance application in Compact Framework?

I've seen all the answers for the standard framework What is the correct way to create a single instance application? Prevent multiple instances of a given app in .NET? What is the best way to make a single instance application in .net? How do I check whether another process with the same name exists using the compact framework? The 3 ...

pushViewController for same instance - only for animation purpose

Hi there, I am having single table view in a view controller. That table view lists the countries first. When I click on a country(row), it has to push the same view controller's view with cities under that country. I need to see the slide animation, which we usally get while pushing views in navigator. Is it possible to use the pushVi...

single instance and notify in system tray

Hi All, I am working on the application (C# 2.0). I have implemented single instance in it. Everything is fine. If i run the application again, it shows messagebox saying "instance is already running". Actually i don't want to show the message through messagebox. I want to show this message using Balloon tip of already running instan...

How to Run program one Process and some name only?

i create some project but when start App. How to Run this App one Process only and name much "test.exe" name only? when Lunch APP ? C# 2.0 ...

Show running instance in single instance application.

Hi... I am building an application with C#. I managed to turn this into a single instance application by checking if the same process is already running. Process[] pname = Process.GetProcessesByName("SwapCardDesktop"); if (pname.Length < 2) { // Launch Application } I intend to have another fun...

Backup application with single instance functionality

Hi dudes, Currently working on an application, that help you to take backup of the files in you machine at the server (hosted by the company itself), so that you can recover data after any hdd crash. I have implemented Single Instance feature, across the users. Single Instance : A file uploaded already at the server, wouldn't be uploa...

C# ClickOnce SingleInstance project - how ?

I want to create a program that uses ClickOnce for installation and registers a file-association, and always only starts a single instance, so that if a file of that file extension is clicked again it will be sent to the first (already opened) program. Does anybody know of a good code-example of how to do that ? Please keep in mind the...

Win32: How to get the process/thread that owns a mutex?

I'm working an application of which only one instance must exist at any given time. There are several possibilities to accomplish this: Check running processes for one matching our EXE's name (unreliable) Find the main window (unreliable, and I don't always have a main window) Create a mutex with a unique name (GUID) The mutex option...

Single instance batch file?

:: dostuff.bat @echo off :: insert long-running process call here : End What can I add to this batch file to make it terminate if it's already running in another process when it's executed? ...

Command line arguments and single instance WPF application

Hi, the WPF app I have has been redesigned to use tabs and be single instance. The new requirement is now that when launched with command line options and an instance of the app is already running - the already running instance should open a new tab and do some work based on the cmdline options. the single instance is no prob - but how ...

procedure for calling an exe only one time

I'm using, process start(); to call an exe on button click in, but every time I click on the button it calls an exe and opens a duplicate file on the taskbar. I want to just maximize the exe that was already on the taskbar. I'm facing the problem that it is again and again opening the same file on the button click. ...

Restrict application to one instance per shell session on Windows

There are a lot of solutions for restricting an application from running twice. Searching by process name, using a named mutex etc. But I all of these methods don't work if I want to restrict my application to the shell session. A user may have more than login session and shell on windows (right?)? If this is true I want to be able to r...