
Django debug toolbar template listing feature for Struts2

I'm developing a Struts2 application that uses Sitemesh as template engine. What I need is a list of all the templates (JSP) that are used by request. In other projects I use Django Framework, with it I've this amazing Debug Toolbar that, besides many other useful info, provides me with the list of templates the request used for display...

Choosing an appropriate url pattern for Sitemesh to exclude my servlet from its decorators?

I configured my Spring web app with a servlet to serve images at the URL: /imgsrv?imgid=12345 I also have Sitemesh installed and now when I call this image servlet, I get a decorator exception related to this servlet, which does not need a decorator applied to it. According to the Sitemesh docs, you can exclude certain URLs from havi...

Extracting a DIV's content using Sitemesh Decorators

I would like to know how I can extract the content of a specific DIV using decorators, instead of using <decorator:body /> which will fetch all the content inside the <body> tag. ...

Pattern matching using decorators

I want to define a specific URL pattern using Sitemesh decorators.xml. I want to define a decorator that matches all URLs ending with "/story/_NUMBER_" to be targetted by the decorator. I tried: <decorator name="customMain" page="customMain.jsp"> <pattern>/story/[0-9]+</pattern> </decorator> But this does not work.. Do regu...

Sitemesh, periodic refresh duplicates header and footer (Struts2 action)

I am using sitemesh defined jsp in decorator xml which needs to be refresh for every min. After refresh the page is duplicating header and footer. I am using jQuery setInterval for refresh every min and given action name in load with div. Can someone please help what are configuration changes I need to do for header footer not to dup...

How to obtain model attribute or spring's bean in sitemesh decorator?

Hi, I am using Spring 3 with sitemesh. I would like to refer to spring context bean in decorator page defined in sitemesh. The problem is that SiteMesh filter is working outside the Spring context, so request object on sitemesh decorator jsp page is native HttpServletRequest and not wrapper with useful functions to access context and e...

Why would background: url() redirect to the image?

I'm using Struts2 w/ SiteMesh. In my CSS I have the following line: #top_nav { background: url('../images/menu_tile.png') repeat-x 0 0 ; height: 36px; padding-left: 8px; } When I login to the site my browser gets redirected to /url/menu_tile.png. The only place I can find menu_tile.png in my site is in a css file that i...