
Grails: Are Model variables used in sitemesh layouts when using applyLayout

In the following code, can I expect that the values in the "vars" will be accessible in the layer "Main"? Blockquote vars['tabs']= 'some tab code' def text = g.applyLayout(name: "main", template: '/zones/preview_base', model: vars) Blockquote In the file main.gsp I want to reference <%=tab%> But I always get nothing. ...

Does Sitemesh work with Gaelyk ? Does anybody have a working guide?

Has anyone been able to get sitemesh and gaelyk working together? This seems to be possible as mentioned here However I unable to get this working with a gaelyk template. I keep getting this error "javax.servlet.ServletException: Creat...

SiteMesh: Changing the content-type of the response

I'm trying to persuade a SiteMesh decorator to change the content-type of the response, but no joy. The content-type always ends up being the same as the decorated JSP, rather than that of the decorator. For example, say I have a JSP with the header <%@ page contentType="application/xhtml+xml" %> I also have a SiteMesh decorator JSP ...

Re-use Sitemesh layout

I have a few webapps that I want to reuse an identical layout for. I was hoping I could bootstrap the layout via dependency consumption with the simplest method being: <sitemesh> <property name="decorators-file" value="classpath:path/to/decorators.xml"/> <excludes file="${decorators-file}"/> But that throws an exception. I...

How to prevent sitemesh from parsing html in textarea

I use sitemesh for page decoration in my web app. I have a form where the contents of a textarea field is a complete html page. The problem is that when Sitemesh parses this page it extracts the title, head and body from my textarea field and decorates the page with it. <textarea name="page_content"> <!-- tags below should not be ...

Struts2 + Sitemesh + Freemarker doesn't work

I've tried following every example i ccould find and i can't get struts2 + sitemesh + freemarker to work on a simple jsp. I have a very simple web.xml, a single action that just goes to index.jsp, and a simple .ftl decorator that just adds some text to the result. When i hit index.action, the page "seems" to be decorated, but I get the...

How to use Struts2-jQuery Plugin with sitemesh

Hi I have this error when I try to include the tag ( in a sitemesh decorator main.jsp (decorator) <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="decorator" %> <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%> <%@ taglib prefix="sj" uri="/struts-jquery-tags"%> <!D...

Is there an efficient way to call a Grails template from a string loaded from db?

I store user editable articles in a database. Users can insert some simple widgets into the articles (graphs and so on). So far I've implemented this as a proof of concept by letting the user insert graphs like [graph-1] and than do a string search and replace. I was wondering whether there are more efficient ways of calling templates ...

Can I call sitemesh struts tags from a decorator in freemarker?

I know if you are using JSPs, you can call struts tags defined the normal way from a decorator, like this: <html> <body> <decorator:body /> </body> </html> but in the examples I always see using freemarker decorators, they will instead say: <html> <body> ${body} </body> </html> Is this the only way to include the pieces of ...

Sitemesh CookieDecoratorMapper xml markup example?

If anyone could show me how to mark up sitemesh.xml for the CookieDecoratorMapper I would appreciate it. Here's what I have now: 1) A cookie named "sitemesh" with a value of "green". 2) A decorator named "decorator-green.jsp". 3) A default decorator named "decorator.jsp". 4) All URLs mapped to decorator.jsp in decorators.xml. 5) The fol...

sitemesh and tiles 2.1 integration with spring MVC

Is posible to integrate sitemesh and tiles 2.1 with spring mvc ? I want to composite the layout with tiles and then decorate with sitemesh. I was using tiles like that. <bean id="tilesConfigurer" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles2.TilesConfigurer"> <property name="definitions"> <list> ...

How to enable logs for sitemesh

Is ther any form to enable logs for sitemesh ? I already put this in the log4j configuration but it doesn't work <!-- Appenders --> <appender name="console" class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender"> <param name="Target" value="System.out" /> <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout"> <param name="ConversionPat...

sitemesh and spring MVC decorator pattern problems

I have sitemesh with spring working, this is the configuration: decorator.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <decorators defaultdir="/styles"> <excludes> <pattern>/exclude.jsp</pattern> <pattern>/exclude/*</pattern> </excludes> <decorator page="application/themeManager/theme.jsp" name="dos"> ...

SiteMesh - still active? v2 vs v3 ?

Hi, I'm evaluating SiteMesh for use in our web applications. I've found two websites for SiteMesh version 2.4 (Jan 2009) -> version 3.0 (Sep 2009) -> Looks like the same author is involved in both (Joe Walnes). So my question is - is SiteMesh still in active development?...

Three Column Layout and Spring-MVC

I want to implement ThreeColumnLayout for my web-app. E.g. having NavigationComponent, BookmarkComponent in Left Panel, OnlineUserComponent in Right Panel. There are also some more components, which can be made visual/hidden by User dynamically and User can move components here and there. E.g. from Left Panel to Right Panel and/or chan...

Spring MVC rendered JSP truncated when containing special characters

If I pass variables with extended characters to my JSP, the end of the rendered file is truncated by 2 bytes for each non-ascii character. Why is this so? Here is an example. My Controller: import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestM...

sitemesh + spring security: show logged in user in main decorator page!

I want to show logged in user in main decorator page. i use : <decorator:usePage id="myPage"/> Logged in as:<%= myPage.getRequest().getUserPrincipal().getName()%> <decorator:body/> but not work! ...

Why does calling the security authentication property `principal.displayName` in a decorator throw an exception?

Is there a reason why calling the security authentication property principal.displayName in a decorator would cause a problem? I'm setting it as a variable in a sitemesh decorator: <c:set var="displayName"> <sec:authentication property="principal.displayName" /> </c:set> But it gene...

Cannot gzip excluded sitemesh pages

In a servelt application, I've added a Gzip filter (/*, REQUEST) and config it be the first in the filter chain. It works fine with Sitemesh's filter (/*, REQUEST, FORWARD) except that when the request is excluded as specified in deocorators.xml (e.g. for ajax request), the gzip filter throws an illegal state. The gzip filter comes from...

Sitemesh like functionality with XSLT?

I recently asked a question about using XSL/t for creating a site layout and child pages Here.. Where the layout would decorate the child page. I want to expand on that idea and come up with SiteMesh like functionality. Note that I'm going to have a very small number of xsl layout files, most of my xsl files should be for the child pages...