
When should sizing grip (windows Forms) be used?

Should it be used for all sizable forms, or only when it is not easy to guess that a form is sizable? Is there a GUI convention to use it? Any link to a documentation would be appreciated. ...

JTextArea - very small size with long text

I'm using a JTextArea to display a long text JTextArea _definition = new JTextArea(5, 50); with word-wrap _definition.setLineWrap(true); _definition.setWrapStyleWord(true); embedded in a JScrollPane add(new JScrollPane(_definition), gbc); All that is part of a JPanel with the GridBagLayout. Everything is working fine with short...

Hardware Sizing - Thumb Rules

In many Enterprise System architectures, it becomes imperative to size the hardware according to concurrency & workload requirements. Mostly product vendors will provide their own hardware sizing sheets wherein you just plug in the metrics and it will throw out details of number of servers, RAM required and so on. What I'd like to know ...

Is there a data sizer tool available for SQL Server 2005?

I have to estimate the data size of database when populated with forecast values for each table. It should at least include size to be used for data and indexes. There used to be tool like this in SQL Server 2000 that produced an estimated size when supplied with the amount of records per table (I think it shipped with the SQL 2000 res...

Estimating database size

I was wondering what you do when developing a new application in terms of estimating database size. E.g. I am planning to launch a website, and I am having a hard time estimating what size I could expect my database to grow. I don't expect you to tell me what size my database will be, but I'd like to know if there are general principles...

Hardware sizing

Basically I am looking for the guidelines for How to approach on hard ware sizing for a given requirements.what are the parameters need to consider to arrive at sizing decisons. It will be really great if any body can help on identifing sizing details for appserver, webserver,database etc..Please ...

How to fix the size of a Java heap

Hello, everyone I know Java VM has "-XMx" and "-XMs" for setting the size of the heap. It also has a feature called "ergonomics", that can intelligently adjust the size of the heap. But, I have a problem at hand requiring the heap with strictly fixed size. Here is the command line arguments: "-Xms2m -Xmx2m -XX:+PrintGCDetails" How...

Maximum number of rows in a sqlite table

Give an simple sqlite3 table (create table data (key PRIMARY KEY,value)) with key size of 256 bytes and value size of 4096 bytes, what is the limit (ignoring disk space limits) on the maximum number of rows in this sqlite3 table? Are their limits associated with OS (win32, linux or Mac) ...

CSS column sizing

Hi, I have a page which can rezise depending on the content. What I need is a way for the side bars to increase / decrease along with the body, but never to be less than 100% of the visible body. Initially the page looks fine, but when I increase the content, I can see white space underneath the left and right sides, there should n...

How can I make the modal popup scroll its contents with the page?

I've got a modal popup and when it loads contents that are taller than the browser height I am unable to scroll down to view the rest of the information. Instead the background can scroll but the popup won't. Instead I'd like to have the popup stay put and when the user scrolls up or down it leave the popup in place and let them scroll...

Sizing and Capacity Planning Tips and How-to

I am often asked to perform sizing and capacity planning for our clients. When our clients buy our products (basically J2EE web applications), they often ask what hardware they will need to run those products. Our recommendations often result in high-cost hardware acquisitions. So far, the best heuristics I developed is to compare the u...

Layout buttons so each divides up the space equally.

Im using a LinearLayout to put two buttons horizontally side-by-side, but I want to each button to size itself to use 50% of the horizontal space. I thought layout_weight of "1" for each button would do the trick, but maybe my layout_width needs to be changed? ...

Java Stopping JApplet Components from Resizing based on Applet Size

Creating a JApplet I have 2 Text Fields, a button and a Text Area. private JPanel addressEntryPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,3)); private JPanel outputPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,1)); private JTextField serverTf = new JTextField(""); private JTextField pageTf = new JTextField(""); private JTextArea outputTa = new JTextArea(...

Given a program's source code, what is a simple way to calculate the function points?

For class, I was told to give a function point count for Mozilla Thunderbird, however I am absolutely stumped as to how to approach this. Some methods I saw online suggested analyzing the interface of the program itself, however they used very simple methods. Thunderbird has a very complex interface and has so many FPs, I'm not sure if I...

Sizing problems when using custom WPF dialog control

I am defining a custom control in WPF which serves as the base class for multiple dialog windows which all leverage shared services (positioning, Ok and Cancel buttons). The custom control is defined as follows: public class ESDialogControl : Window { static ESDialogControl() { DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(ty...

Dealing with automatic adding scrollbars

Hello, everybody. I have such problem: I'm creating a container and it's content at runtime. Here's a rough structure: --VBox ----Form -------FormItem ... -------FormItem ----ControlBar I have fixed maxHeights for the form container to keep it in bounds of screen. But when I get vertical scrollbar, the horisontal also appears (se...

Content control contents sizing to fill in Silverlight 4

I have a style for a ContentControl which I want to use in places where I currently have a Border. When I use this, the child controls will not stretch to fill and only take a small amount of space. I've tried applying HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" to everything, but it doesn't work. What's wrong? <Style x:Key="GradientPanel" TargetType...

How to force an <img> to take up width, even if the image is not loaded.

I'm loading a bunch of img's, and I'd like them to take up space on the document even if they are not loaded, or have not completed loading yet. I tried specifying width and height (both as attributes themselves, and within a style attribute), and find it frustrating that the images will not take up space if they don't load. Surely, th...

inter related stack panel sizing...

I have a recursively defined user control that needs the following properties: there are two columns the first contains a single border around some text the second column contains a stack of these same type of controls (the recursive part) if the box in the first column is shorter than the total height of the stacked boxes in the sec...

Sizing an Android multi-line TextView

I have an Activity where I want to display a heading that takes up the top quarter of the app and displays a dynamic set of text. In some cases it'll all fit on one line and I'd like the font size to get sized up so it's large and easy to read. In some cases it'll be on multiple lines (usually less than 4) and need to be smaller. The co...