
CKEditor: returning text with wrong html tags

when I retrieve the data from the textarea in the form, <?php $editor_data = $_POST['editor1']; ?> this works fine locally, but the remote server returns the text mixing up the style with escape slashes. like this: <h3 style=\"color: blue;\"> Initial value.</h3> I've no idea what I'm doing wrong. do you have any idea? thanks! eg...

Ant basedir slashes escape problem

So I'm using Ant with FDT 3 and I have Ant creating a jsfl to compile fla's. When I use the built in ${basedir} property in Ant it gives me the path with backslashes(\) in it because I'm on windows. The problem is that when its run through jsfl the slashes are taken as escapes. I need to know how to modify the basedir property so the sla...

file: URIs and Slashes

An application I'm working on involves accessing files on network file shares, and we're using URIs to specify the files' locations. My understanding of the file: URI is that they should take the form of file://+path. In the case of a Windows network share, this path looks something like \\servername\dir\file, so the resultant URI beco...

XAMPP file path slashes error

I tried using XAMPP on vista and gave up...I faced an issue with backslashes(widows uses forward slashes)..due to this none of my scripts could save any files to folders because the path would be like dir1\dir2\folder/image_folder/image.jpg...I tried WAMP it worked like a threw no errors and saved the image files as intented..I...

Trailing slashes in rewritten urls

I'm probably being completely thick here but I can't seem to make an optional trailing slash work in my url rewriting I've seen Gumbos comment about excluding the file you are rewriting to exclude infinite recursion, but still having no joy. So for example I have this: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index\.php$ Rewrite...

How to "pathconvert" under Maven?

I am having a similar problem as except that I'm running under Maven. I'd like to generate cross-platform paths relative to Maven's built-in property ${basedir}. The problem is that under Windows, ${basedir} resolves to a path containing Windows-style slashes....

php curl adding slashes to xml attributes...

hello there. trying to post some xml with curl but it keeps adding slashes to "s. I'm sending it to a server i don't hav access so cant encode/decode... $xmlToPost = '<PurchaseItems DISCOUNT="0" NETLINEVAL="0" PACK_CODE="0" VAT="0" PurchaseOrderNumber="'.$_POST['txn_id'].'">'; // just a snippet! $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CU...

MySQL slashes and nl2br

Hi. I am trying to store HTML posted from a textarea into a database. I have a textarea inside a form which I have called "message". The PHP code that processes it is: if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ if(isset($_POST['title']) && isset($_POST['message'])){ $title = $_POST['title']; $message = $_POST['message']; ...