
jQuery UI Slider and handle-modification

I use the standard jQueryUI slider and want to change the appearance of the handle. I changed the CSS to .ui-slider .ui-slider-handle { position: absolute; z-index: 2; width: 40px; height: 10px; cursor: default; border: 0; background-color: #c6c7c8; } .ui-slider .ui-slider-range { position: absolute; z-index: 1; font-size: .7em; display...

jQuery UI Slider stop

I'm using the jQuery slider as a submit button because it's cool and a good anti-spam filter. However, when the form is validated, in case the user didn't fill something out, the page displays and alert and set the slider value to 0. It works pretty well, excepting by the fact that when the user dismiss the alert, the slider goes back to...

Javascript: jQuery UI Slider doesn't detach from tracking the mouse after an alert();

Hey, I'm using the jquery ui slider as a submit button cos it's cool and it's a good validation method as it's not as disturbing as captchas. When there is a validation error with the form, I do the following: alert('Error with name'); $('#slider').slider("value", 0); When the user clicks OK on the alert, the slider handle is still c...

Help adding keyboard navigation to jflow jquery slider

Hi I would like use Jquery to add keyboard navigation to a Jquery slider. I am trying to use the left and right keys to trigger the previous and next buttons I already have but i can't get it to work. Can anyone see from my code where I am going wrong? <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("div#controller").jFlow({ ...

How do I make a j-query photo gallery slider play nice with duplicate slider?

Hello, First off, I am very new to j-query. That being said, I have a very simple j-query photo gallery slider that holds images and fades into new ones every few seconds. I have a page where I duplicated it, and gave it different css and class/id names in the js to make a different one. I want both on the same page. Now that I have the ...

WPF Slider and dates

I want to make slider to select dates. For example, every hour in last two days. Also slider should has a legend on the bottom with values. How could I do it? I made slider with data context as DoubleCollection from total hours in date and changed tooltip using custom ValueConverter. But when I change value, tooltip shows real values - ...

Fade In Fade Out Problem with a Image Gallery

I am using a image gallery in WordPress, images are fetching from database and displaying it into front end. In my case a big image container, and three image thumbnail, I want, when when i click on the thumbnail of the image the previous image which in container goes fade out and clicked image set in to image container. My Html Mark...

Custom Slider of FlV..

Well i have Custom Slider for FLV videos and here is the code for it. Assuming variables are pre-defined ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public function FLV_PLAYER3():void { nc.connect(null); ns = n...

move jquery slider with text links

i have to modify this page to use text links to move the slider to the relevant content. the text links will be the months/years at the bottom of the slider. right now i just uses the default handle on the slider. just looking for insight on where to begin my quest for a solution....

dualslider problem in IE with images

I downloaded dualslider and changed the first and second vimeo movies to images. dualslider works on jquery. FF and chrome don't have any problem but IE8 splits images to three and slides. Please see this test with IE8. I noticed that if I add at least one vimeo or youtube video, IE8 slides normally as well. I wrapped all three i...

Jquery slider - having name/value pairs or array for the values

I'm using a slider so that users can select their place in a range from 1-10 (or a similar range) I know that i can specify the values/steps for the slider but can i have those values correspond to another? i.e. 1 = id3040 2 = id0290 3 = id3782 So if they select '3' on the slider, I can get that corresponding value? I have a surve...

Add padding to jQuery UI Slider

Is there an easy way to add padding to the slider-bar of a jQuery UI Slider? I'ld like to be able to have the slider-handle not reach the ends of the bar. So if this is the regular left end: no padding \/ []------------------ I would like it to have padding on the left (and right) end: padding of 10px for instance \/ --[]------------...

Why do I need this Callback function in order to work properly?

Hello - I'm working through a jQuery image slider tutorial and I lost them at the point where they put a Callback function on the .animate() option - the callback is the removeClass. Why do I need it? If I take the callback function out, the slider stops working. function slideSwitch() { var $active = $('#slideshow'); ...

NIVO Slider Round Corner Problem

Please visit my site. If you look at my slider you will find the first slide is perfect, but all other slides have white corners ONLY on the bottom of the images. I can't figure this out! I solved the problem initially by giving the slices round corners, but then the transition effect would leave the image looking cut up with round ...

Infinite Loop when binding slider in MVVM

I have a video progress slider in XAML thus: <Slider Minimum="0" Value="{Binding Position,Mode=OneWay}" Maximum="{Binding Duration}" IsMoveToPointEnabled="True"/> And code in my viewmodel to update Position on Clock.CurrentTimeInvalidated(), which keeps the slider tracking current progress: private void Play() { Uri next = _carousel....

YUI range slider separate ticksize for subranges

My requirement is typical. I need a price range dual-handle slider, where based on the current handle value, the tick size (step size) will change, for example if price is less that 1500, the tick size is 50. between 1500 and 15000, the tick size should become 100, between 15000 to 50000 the tick size should become 500, and so on. I have...

jQuery slider trouble with keyboard

Hello everybody, I'm trying to make a better useable scrollbar (horizontal and vertical) for a touch screen. Everything works well except that some events don't seem to be supported by the slider plugin of jQuery (using 1.4.2 currently). Situation: I've made a div with overflow hidden and I'm overlaying the slider over the normal browse...

Pause time specific Slide - NIVO Slider

Is it possible to pause a specific slide at a different rate from the others in the NIVO SLIDER script? ...

Change Pause Time for specific slide with NIVO SLIDER

Is it possible to have a different pause time for one slide of many slides with the NIVO SLIDER? ...

NIVO SLIDER - Make a slide a link?

Is it possible to make a slide a link in NIVO SLIDER? Erik ...