
2-way slider for android

ok im trying to make a slider with ability to select 2 points just like selecting a range from the slider, any one did any thing like that ...

Image Slider pagination

Hi, I wish to create pagination for this image slider I am creating however I have no clue how to go about it. Could anyone help me out? You can see the slider here: Thanks in advance. Matthew. ...

Coda Slider: Slide panel plus an external div elsewhere on page

I'm looking for an easy solution to show/hide/slide (whichever is easiest) an external div elsewhere on my page at the same time my corresponding coda panel slides into view. So essentially I am trying to slide a panel into view while also sliding another panel further down on the page that is NOT in the same container. I'm using this s...

jQuery Timeline Slider

Is there a nice, clean jQuery based timeline slider that you would reccomend? I need simple, easy to use slider. Would it be easy to do this in pure CSS? Using Overflow? ...

jQuery slider does not display

so i figured i would start small... no go. the jquery UI slider does not display... what is wrong with this page? i have the jquery library called in the head, the UI core, and the UI slider js files... my error is "object does not suppor this property or method"??? ...

bind jquery slider handle to overflow ??

if i have a basic jquery slider in place: $(document).ready(function() { $('#slider').slider({ value:15, min: 1, max: 30, step: 1, animate:true, orientation:"horizontal" }); }); and for my timeline CSS i have this: #container{ height:300px; border:1px solid #000; padding: 10px; overflow:auto; } .ul-class{ width:10000px; ...

Silverlight 3.0 Slider Move in increments of N

I was wondering if anybody knows how to move the slider in increments of 50 or more. 0 - 50 - 100 - 150 - 200 ETC.... I'm implementing a slider to filter some grid results. <Slider x:Name="PointsSlider" Width="350" Height="Auto" ValueChanged="PointsSlider_ValueChanged" Minimum="25" Maximum="3000" LargeC...

How to have 2+ boxes slide down

I have been reading tutorials from several different places like or and have been playing around with them but cant seem to figure out how I would be able to add more then just that one sliding box on the page. Any thoughts? ...

Jquery slider problem check the slider it slides two times to the right but once you slide back to left it messes up, any suggestions? ...

jQuery ui slider wrong values?

Example code: This is a slider with 2 handles, 1 for min and 1 for max and on the slide event these values are put in the input fields. Notice that when sliding the min-handle up and down, the min value is 11 (eventhough I set it to 10), but when sliding up from the min-position it goes from 11 to 10 and then 1...

[dojo] Remove MouseWheel Event from dijit.form.Slider

As stated in the title i want to remove the mousewheel capability of the dijit.form.Slider since it sometimes triggers the slider when scrolling the page and the cursor hits the slider. But it seems that the onmousewheel events are connected in the dojo source and we cannot replace or modify the dojo files. Anyone knows a short solutio...

Android - Slider devices cause Activities to reset....

While testing on Android 1.6 using a G1 I have noticed that when I slide out the keyboard it kills the activity and recreates it even though I have set my activity to only display in portrait mode. Same happens when I push the keyboard back in. I get onSaveInstance, onDestroy called, then onCreate, onResume, OnrestoreInstance... I und...

Add repeating increment action to "buttons" at the ends of a jQuery slider. Needs to work on iPhone.

I have a web app that uses a lot of jQuery sliders. All are bound to input elements with the function below. This is working very nicely except on the iPhone. From what I've seen so far in discussions here and elsewhere there are no good solutions currently available to make the sliders work nicely. As a workaround, I want to bind a...

Image slider not playing nice with css

I have an image slider that is positioned over a background image but I can't seem to get the image slider to position dead center inside and have the background image not be cut off. Also its got some strange behaviour where the first slide is always further over then the rest!?!? #slider { background:url("../images/bg-slider.gif") no-...

[jQuery/CSS] Slider with multiple elements

Hi! I'd like to create a slider like in these image galleries. It should show multiple entries at a time, as shown in the following image: (@ILMV sorry, I'm not allowed to place it by myself..) When I click on the right arrow it should slide ("iPhone-like") to the left so that you see 5, 6, 7 and 8. The en...

How to use string values in place of ticks on WPF Tickbar?

I wish to customize the appearance of the basic WPF TickBar. I was wondering if there was a simple way to do this using a control template: I wish to have numbers in place of ticks along the tickbar. I want the position of the number to correspond to the value of a slider (much like the picture in the link). I've searched around an...

Sliding a div on click with .animate(): how to limit the displacement?

Hello guys, I've created a very basic slider with jQuery. There are two arrows called .theleft and .theright, which are moving some div contents when clicked, so an horizontal gallery full of images moves from side to side at a 950px range. This is the code: $(".theright").click(function() { $(".mymove").animate({ ...

New to JQuery - Can't get a slider to show

Hi, I'm new to JQuery and want to use it to display a simple volume slider. Can someone please point out my mistake? Below is a minimal test code. In case it matters, I'm using the JQuery v1.4.1 that comes with MVC2 Sample code: <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <title> Multimedia </title> <s...

Slide and Label Update

Hi. Is there a way to update a label bind to a slider while the slider is draged? I bind the label to the slider via 'takeFloatValueFrom:' but it's update the value only when i release the mouse from the slider. Thanks ...

Jquery Cycle Slider - Quick Clicks Break Slider

I've created somewhat of a complicated slider with jquery Cycle. You can see it running perfectly here However, when you click it a bunch of times (before the slide has finished its transition), it starts to go wacky and even hides the text.. Here is my code: $('#dmzSlideHolder').cycle({ fx: 'uncover', pager: '#slideN...