I'm having trouble getting SBCL to start under slime. I've messed things up and I don't know how to recover. This was working fine until I...
Had a problem loading a package via asdf. At which point I started debugging the asdf.lisp provided with SBCL to see what was going wrong. The sole change I made was to put a (break) in which ...
I'm currently in the process of adding functionality to an existing J2EE webapp, in a Tomcat container, and I'm writing my additions using Clojure. My setup is simple: I just add calls to static methods generated by clojure, and code all the hard work from the clojure side. The build process consists in compiling clojure code (lein uberj...
I've been using emacs/slime for coding lisp, but with Clojure I found 'lein swank'.
I must say that it's pretty useful, as I can connect to a server that runs clojure.
How about the other Lisp implementations? What Lisp implementations provide the equivalent of 'lein swank' in Clojure? I mean, is there any other Lisp implementations th...
I have Aquamacs running on my Mac.
I installed the ESK for Aquamacs and it installs ELPA at ~/.emacs.d/elpa. With ELPA, I installed clojure-mode/clojure-est-mode/slime/slime-repl/swank-clojure.
The thing is that when I run 'M-x slime', clojure is run. Why is this? I'm curious as I don't have any setup for slime in my .emacs and even i...
My superficial understanding is that 'swank-clojure' makes 'M-x slime-connect' possible. I mean, it gives a connection to a clojure server something like 'lein swank'. Is my understanding correct? If not, what's the purpose of swank?
Then, is there any 'swank-SOMETHING_ELSE' for other lisp like implementations? For example, swank-clisp?...
I was messing around in SLIME (connected a Clozure REPL) when I discovered this:
It looks like the variables +, *, and / are all bound to some variation on recent input, + is the input itself, * is the result of evaluating that input, and / is the result contained in a list.
Is this right? Who is responsible for this, SLIME or Clozure?...