
open/save file in smartGWT

Hi All, I have implemented RPCService, RPCServiceAsync & RPCServieImpl. On clicking a button a service in server side will be called and it will fetch data from DB and file is created. Once the file is created, then i need to open that file in client side and need to prompt a dialog box with open/save options. how can i implement t...

Problem in IE in displaying some widgets in GWT.. !!

Hi all, I have a strange issue in my gwt app.. my application is working fine and looking good in Google chrome and firefox. But in IE i am facing some issues in visual display of widgets. The issues are : ListGrid is having some extraspaces (with dark black spaces)between each columns and misalignments of entire grid In Listgrid i h...

Rendering Nested JSON String in Listgrid in smartGWT

Hi all, I have a clarification in loading JSON String into Listgrid in GWT. I have implemented GWT-RPC, so from server side JSON string will be returned and have mapped it to grid fields properly. My JSON String looks like return "[ { user: { User ID: 1, name: abc}, initial:A, }, { user: { Use...

scrollabe Img smartgwt

i wrote a code to zoom in, and zoom out an image using smartGWT. but the problem is that the including canvas can't show it's scroll bars how to solve that public class ImageViewer implements EntryPoint { static int counter = 0; int widths[] = new int[5]; int hights[] = new int[5]; int originalW=0; int originalH=0; public void onModu...

rotate img smartgwt

how to rotate an img using smartgwt? ...

Add a point to Cavans of SmarGWT

HI, How to add a point to Cavans of SmarGwt. The point of CSS is described as follows: .point { position: absolute; background-color: #000000; border: 0px none transparent; width: 1px; height: 1px; font-size: 1px; line-height: 0; } thanks ...

SmartGWT Datasource customization tutorial

I'm looking for a good tutorial on how to customize a DataSource in SmartGWT (a code sample will also do for now). Some details: I have a GWT project which uses a proprietary client-server protocol for fetching data (with an extensive API based on GWT classes). The server is non-GWT based, i.e. GWT is used only for client side. I'd like...

Can we intigrate a module developed in the gwt and another developed in SmartGwt?

Please tell me specific reason if this is not possible? and if possible then will we have to to do lot of changes in our developed module. I am confused after reading a lot of blog from different users, all they having there own perspective? I am waiting for your response...please be specific Thanks Your Friend ...

Choosing technologies for building Ajax RIA framework with scaffolding

Building decent RIA data-intensive crud-like application is still hard. In spite of existence tons of frameworks. I'm going to build my own framework for such kind of applications. One of key requirements is scaffolding (generating UI from model). Another is .NET server-side. I know about dynamic data, oracle ADF, fornax/sculpt...

RestDataSource sample code : SmartGWT working samples using REST with Database CRUD

We've embarked on a GWT project and using SmartGWT -- we found out that the open source version of SmartGWT does NOT come with DataSources that connect to a RDBMS. In order to connect to a RDBMS, we need to extend RestDataSource and implement REST services that provides the CRUD in the format that the RestDataSource expects. Are there a...

smartgwt - problem with labels

Hi, Over one month ago, I posted the following problem at but nobody answered: I use the following code from showcase: public void onModuleLoad() { Canvas canvas = new Canvas(); DragLabel dragTranslucent = new DragLabel("Translucent", 50); dragTranslu...

Starting with GWT: Creating a site similar to

I want to learn GWT. I have done the tutorial and now I want to create a complete website. My idea is to create a small mock site like My doubts are: How should I do the facts list? Should it be ListView? How should I do the pagination? Does smartgwt help me with the pagination code? Would you recomm...

TextItem with Price Filter.

Hai, I am using SmartGwt Java. To format the price using keyPressFilter, Please suggest any regular expression. It will accept only 0-9 and single decimal only. Now I am using KeyPress handler. In this if it is empty (default) set this value "0.00", using TextItem.setEmptyDisplayValue("0.00"). So First time it will accept single dec...

How to use SmartGWT DataSource with heterogenous data

I want to use SmartGWT's TreeGrid object to show hierarchical data. The data is heterogeneous, not all elements are of the same type and have the same fields. For example, I have the following data: Home |-Room 1 |-Room 2 |-Table |-Chair All objects have unique IDs. Home has no fields. Rooms have just a name. Table has a nam...

How to make SmartGWT TreeGrid reparent selectively allowed depending on nodes

I have the following data in a SmartGWT TreeGrid object. Home |-Room 1 |-Room 2 |-Table |-Chair Reparenting is allowed by calling treeGrid.setCanReparentNodes(true); I want to allow selectiv reparenting only: for example, it should be possible to move (drag&drop) the Table to Room 1, but it should not be possible to move t...

how to make a Ext gwt Grid movable ?

i have created a simple grid widget.but it sticks to the browser to make it movable i.e dragable ...

How do I keep smartgwt from polluting the window namespace?

I have existing javascript in a project that creates a 'Calendar' object. The object is a member of window. When I added smartgwt to my project, the original Calendar object was overwritten by a smartclient calendar (ISC_Calendar) packaged in smartgwt. Using a browser-based JS debugger, I found that all the JS objects from smartgwt wer...

Calling a Composite's GWT method from another Composite

I'm new to GWT and trying to make a simple app (like a small version of fmylife). Up to now i made a composite that loads the facts and another composite that has a form to submit new facts (this one has a load method that clear the list and populate again). I have a button that when you press it, it shows a Window with a form. That fo...

Difference between gwt, gwt-rpc, ext-gwt, smart gwt

Hi, I would like to know the difference between GWT, GWT-RPC, EXT-GWT and Smart GWT. Currently, I managed to borrow books on GWT which I understand is just a library designed to facilitate fast and efficient Ajax (asynchronous JavaScript and XML) development. But what are the rest? Could anyone explain it? Thanks. ...

How can I use html based template with smartgwt

I am using smartgwt for our application. I have to define a template which our application uses. The template is complex enough that I have to use div or table base structure to build that template. There are two main sections of website. (1) public view (2) logged in view. The public view of website uses template and when user logs in...