
Oracle 10g on MacOS Snow Leopard

Hi guys, I've found this helpful tutorial on web I've followed all steps, but, I've a problem with netca run. When I'll start it, crash with this error: Invalid memory access of location 00000014 eip=11069523 /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db...

Invoking play on a QTMovie causes screensaver to deactivate on Snow Leopard

I'm trying to port a working Leopard screensaver to Snow Leopard but it's deactivating after about half a second. The screensaver seems to deactivate upon invoking play on a QTMovie. And it deactivates both upon -play on the QTMovie object itself, and -play:self on the QTMovieView. If I don't actually call -play on the object, the scree...

Can't import obj in Python on OS X 10.6.3 Snow Leopard - libiconv.2.dylib?

on OS X 10.6.3 Snow Leopard % python Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Feb 11 2010, 00:51:29) [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import objc Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/pyobjc_core-2.2-p...

PHPUnit installed but class PHPUnit_TestCase not found

Talk about falling at the first hurdle. My test script: <?php require_once('PHPUnit/Framework.php'); class TransferResponseTest extends PHPUnit_TestCase { ... } Running my test case: $ phpunit TransferResponseTest Fatal error: Class 'PHPUnit_TestCase' not found in /Volumes/Data/greg/code/syndicate/tests/TransferResponseTest...

How can you load a font (TTF) from a file using Core Text?

Prior to OSX 10.6, ATSFontActivateFromFileSpecification/ATSFontActivateFromFileReference were available and could be used to load a font from a file. I can't find anything similar in Core Text. ...

Cannot get mysql gem to work in Snow Leopard, unable to setup ruby on rails environment

I am having some serious problems, however this seems to be a common thing. I have Snow Leopard 10.6.3 and here are my other version info: MySQL mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.46, for apple-darwin10.2.0 (i386) using readline 5.1 gem 1.3.6 ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-08 patchlevel 173) [universal-darwin10.0] My problem is that no...

Objective-C "if" statements not retaining

I know the title of this question is a bit confusing, but here it goes anyway: I'm creating an NSString after an if statement but it just doesn't seem to want to retain outside of the statement. My conditional looks like this: if ([[password stringValue] isEqualToString:@""]) { NSString *pwd = [[NSString alloc]initWithString:@"pass...

Problem with AquaTerm on Snow Leopard

When i try to install AquaTerm on Snow leopard from MacPorts i got this: ---> Computing dependencies for aquaterm ---> Building aquaterm Error: Target returned: shell command "cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_aqua_aquaterm/work/aquaterm" && /usr/bin/x...

Ruby on Rails Beta 3 Install Problem on Snow Leopard

Hello Friends, i tryed to install the new beta on my system with the command: sudo gem install rails --pre but no matter what i tryed, i still get this damn error: Successfully installed rails-3.0.0.beta3 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for rails-3.0.0.beta3... File not found: lib Since im very very new t...

How to uninstall postgresql on my Mac (running Snow Leopard)

Upgraded 10.6 from 10.5 and now postgres 8.1 is whacked. To make things worse I tried installing 8.4 which I'm pretty sure just made things ten times worse. Anyhow, the exception I'm getting when I try to fire postgres up and just createuser is this: createuser: could not connect to database postgres: could not connect to serve...

How to resolve this PostgreSQL error on OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard)

I followed the instructions for setting up postgresql from this site All seems to go fine until I try: createuser --superuser myname -U postgres I get the following exception: createuser: could not connect to database postgres: could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and ...

Accidently removed "Contextual Menu Items " folder, RightClick not working , How to recover?

Hi guys I was testing an application called iTrash during which it seems like i have deleted the "Contextual Menu Items " folder as its no longer present and i can no longer right-click anywhere on my Snow Leopard. I don't have any backups. Can someone tell me how i can recover that folder or if i can download the files needed to ha...

compile wxWidget on Snow Leopard

I just downloaded wxWidget source code on my snow leopard machine. The source code is the multiplatform one, so it contains windows and GTK components of wxWidget as well. I'd like to compile the wxWidget source code, but haven't found a good guide yet. This is my first step to create a multiplatform project, hopefully I would be able t...

NSFileManager delete contents of directory

How do you delete all the contents of a directory without deleting the directory itself? I want to basically empty a folder yet leave it (and the permissions) intact. ...

how to make app compatible for both java 1.5 and 1.6 ?

We have a java desktop application. App was working fine before updates had been taken and now it isn't working with java 1.6 on mac OS x leopard. We replaced our JavaApplicationStub of app and it's working again from location. /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub We ar...

Problem trying to install PyCurl on Mac Snow Leopard

Hi, My app needs to use PyCurl, so i tried to install it on my Mac but i found a lot of problems and error :( Requirement: First of all i've to say that the version of Python working on my Mac is 32 bit based, because i need to use WxPython, that needs 32 bit Python. For doing this i used: defaults write Pre...

Purge complete Python installation on OS X

I’m working on a recently-upgraded OS X Snow Leopard and MacPorts and I’m running into problems at every corner. The first problem is the sheer number of installed Python versions: altogether, there are four: 2.5, 2.6 and 3.0 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework 2.6 in /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/ (MacPorts insta...

warning: Insecure world writable dir when I run a ruby or gem command

Not sure why I'm getting this, but I just installed RVM, the new Ruby 1.9, and reinstalled a bunch of gems, and I get this /Users/johnsmith/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.1-p378/bin/gem:4: warning: Insecure world writable dir /opt/local/bin in PATH, mode 040777 Everything still runs otherwise, but I was wondering if there was a way I could get ...

Change color of title bar in cocoa

This must have been asked before, but after Googling I still can't find the answer. How do you change the color of the title bar (The bar that you can click and drag around with the close, minimize and maximize buttons) to a different color than the default gray in Cocoa? ...

Database problems when setting up Phusion Passenger for the first time

I'm a new ruby/rails user trying to get my mac set up for the first time with an existing rails project. The app runs fine when using mongrel, but it doesn't start properly when using Phusion Passenger. The problem seems to be when loading the first model of the project. I'm speculating that there's a problem accessing my database, bu...