
Print XML content of SOAP message

I am using Apache CXF for my webservices. I've created an instance of AbstractSoapInterceptor. In its public void handleMessage(SoapMessage message) throws Fault method I would like to print the XML content of the intercepted message to the console. How can I achieve that? ...

Logging on ZSI server using mod_python

Hi all, I developed a soap server using python ZSI. The server is running fine but the problem appears when I'm trying to log the xml received into a file: import logging as log LOG_FILENAME = '/var/log/zsiserver.log' log.basicConfig(filename=LOG_FILENAME,level=log.DEBUG,) from ZSI import dispatch from mod_python import apache mod = ...

SOAP header: why authenticate in the header and not the body?

SOAP header: why authenticate in the header and not the body? whats the differences between putting the user's credentials (username/password) in the header vs the user's credentials (username/password) in the body? ...

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.??? in soap?

Got an error while trying to invoke the webservice "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Error on this line if (Authentication.Username == "x" && Authentication.Password == "y") what does this mean? [WebService(Namespace = "")] [WebServiceBinding(Confor...

Can PHP5 SOAP generate multiple namespaces?

I'm trying to send a PHP SOAP request that requires the following format: <?xml version="1.0"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:S...

Debugging PHP SOAP call

Hi folks, I am new to SOAP and dealing with a web service where it would seem no one has interfaced using PHP previously. They have no example code excepting C# but I do have that. eServices.asmx provides WSDL if that is the correct way to say that. The error that I am getting is "Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOA...

Soap Client on Android to access Salesforce APIs

I want to develop a application on Android platform to connect to salesforce. From what i have found salesforce provides service API's which can be used to connect to salesforce servers by creating a Web service from the client side application. Salesforce developer site has examples of creating such a Web service by using Apache Axis ...

JAX-RPC webservice serialization issue on WAS6.1 test environment

Hi, I'm trying to pass Vector of complex objects as a result of a WS method. I'm following a JavaBeans scheme and all Collections are replaced by Vectors already, but I'm still getting a serialization exception WSWS3037E: Serialization cannot occur for [myclass] How can I test if serialization really fails or this is WAS issue? ...

What techniques are suitable for a windows database application where the database is available via http

I'm starting a database application. The application should connect over http to a mysql database. The application should display the database records table-like. Some dialogs are necessary (reflects a database-record). I'm thinking of a dialog-based MFC application with some functions available via menu and which connects via SOAP to th...

Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS for SOAP call

Our core server is calling out to a soap web service over https on a number of different servers to confirm that a transaction has completed. The code is dotnet 3.5 (vb) and works for the various callback services we have set up until we just moved a new one into production and it is refusing to communicate, giving the following error: ...

How to stop Python SUDS 0.4 library including unused fields?

I'm using the Python SUDS library to talk with ExactTarget. I've been using various versions (SUDS 0.3.6 under Python 2.5, SUDS 0.3.8 and 0.4 under Python 2.6) and each version seems to have its own little quibbles. I'd prefer using 0.4 (since it's the latest and seems to have good caching), but I'm getting an error with my web service ...

NuSOAP / fsockopen error - Couldn't open socket connection to server , Error (13): Permission denied

I have a php application using NuSOAP on a RHEL5/CentOS dedicated system. I'm runing into the following error: 2010-10-21 06:23:43.374471 soap_transport_http: entered send() with data of length: 1693 2010-10-21 06:23:43.374510 soap_transport_http: connect connection_timeout 0, response_timeout 30, scheme http, host, port...

About your post "Consume WCF Web Service using Objective C on iPhone"

Hello, I have readed your post about SoapMessage. I don't know if you can help me but i have a REST Service POST call that I must consming from my app on IPhone and using your code receive always same error : "The server encountered an error processing the request". If I use GET calling all is right but with POST data I receive this err...

WCF service for Java client

Creating service on .NET for Java client. Messages will be signed by certificate and will work over https. Java client will be provide signature in form of Issuer Name and Serial. Are WCF support this ? If yes, which binding use ? ...

Calling a WCF service from Java, redux Following on from the above question, does anyone know how to get wsimport to see WCF properties marked with the [MessageHeader] attribute, and hence generate fields for said properties on the generated Java proxy classes? Unfortunately the requirement has now c...

Using python sockets to receive large http requests

I am using python sockets to receive web style and soap requests. The code I have is import socket svrsocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) host = socket.gethostname(); svrsocket.bind((host,8091)) svrsocket.listen(1) clientSocket, clientAddress = svrsocket.accept() message = clientSocket.recv(4096) Some of the soa...

problem with elang (yaws_soap_lib based) soap client

Hello, I have python's based soap server and tried to call it functions using erlang (yaws_soap_lib based) soap client: 1> inets:start(). ok 2> yaws_soap_lib:call("","cpu_count",[]). {ok,undefined,undefined} here is what I was able to see with tcpdump program (answer of server to client): HTTP/1.1....

What is a good book for saml (Security Access Markup Language) for developers or someone who wants to deploy

Hi I am working on developing single sign on module. I need to use saml but I have looked around internet and haven't been able to find good examples or good book names for it. I am a .net developer and haven't worked on security side a lot so this whole thing is a bit confusing to me. Please advise any good books or links on the topic...

Dynamic web service request in Windows Phone 7

Hello, I'm trying to dynamically send a SOAP request to different webservices. Each webservice has its own ID, so I just basically have to change the ID of the webservice in the URL, E.G.: Anyway, I don't know how to do this manually. I can't reference the services because I would have to a...

Help required in resolving problem with Webservice

Hi I am trying to login salesforce through a webservice on Android platform. But I am facing some problems. I am getting a "Socket Exception:Operation timed out" error. I am using the Ksoap2 soap cient ported for Android and WSDL details are from the Partner WSDL of my developer account at Salesforce.I have anabled the "api access".Also,...