
How to pass the parameters using multidimensional array in webservice

Hi All, How can I pass the parameters in web service using this request: POST /webservice/User.asmx HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length SOAPAction: "" <UpdateUserBatch xmlns=""&gt; <auth> <Username>string</Username> <Password>string</P...

Web Service: Service Unavailable error

Hi, I have this web service to import data but I cant import data because i got an error "Service Unavailable" This is my request: POST /webservice/User.asmx HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length SOAPAction: "" <?xml version="1.0" encoding=...

Consuming Web Services in Ruby that use reserved words as field names

I'm attempting to consume a WebService where one of the complex types in the WSDL has a field name that uses a Ruby reserved word. When I call a method returning one of these complex types and attempt to access the data, I get an error. How can I consume this web service that uses a reserved word in Ruby? The relevant section of the...

xsi:nil="true" in soap request

Hi, I have xsi:nil="true" in my soap request. What does mean? How can I pass value on that? Any help is appreciated ...

need some help using php and SOAP for integration with a web service.

I'm using jbilling that requires PEAR and SOAP in order to integrate with PHP. jBilling didn't come with any SOAP files, so I found some on the internet and downloaded them thinking I would be able to just include them in the php pages, but I'm not sure if this is the right way to do this. Inside all the SOAP .php files they have somet...

Site / book / resource to learn web services in java

I m new to java web services. since there are so many standards and so many things.I am unsure where to start..this is for all the professionals out there, if any of you know any of the resources which will help me get started ..please send out your suggestions.I dont know what to go for. jax-rs, restful, soap? what to go for and where t...

How to ensure message transfer by pull-/polling from a webserver.

This builds on How to send messages between Companies. If I decide that company S(upplier) should poll orders from company (B) in some simple HTTP based Way what is the best implementation. I assume Company B has a Webserver running and the backend database of this Webserver is durable. We should make as few a possible assumptions abou...

SugarCRM: Create DRAFT Email via SOAP

Hello, Is it possible to create DRAFT emails via SOAP? I've got this custom button which generates an invoice number upon clicking (via AJAX) and updates the Lead screen with the number. Behind the scenes a PDF file bearing the same invoice number is generated and attached to the Lead as a NOTE (with the PDF as note attachment). Howeve...

Use Jira API with Visual Studio 2010

I have to write a Jira soap client with C# in Visual Studio 2010 but I have problems with getting die client class imported. The solution presented here doesn't seem to work anymore. Though the class is accessible, all methods have the type void Foo() Also, the program "wsdl.exe", which was previously used to manually generate the cl...

How do I stop IIS mangling my error codes for Soap faults

We provide a webservice to a third-party that expects a 500 error when an application level error occurs. When this happens we construct a piece of custom XML with the error details (eventcode etc) and return this as the synchronous response. However, it seems that IIS is intercepting the 500 error and replacing our custom XML with a "...

Add child elements to custom SOAP header in Spring-WS

I am calling a SOAP webservice with Spring-WS. The webservice in question requires me to pass some information in the SOAP header as shown here: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""&gt; <soapenv:Header> <CustomHeaderElement> <clientID>xyz</clientID> <wsdlVersion>1.0</wsd...

SOAP in Rails3?

How to use SOAP web service in Rails3? I tried datanoise-actionwebservice but doesn't work for me. I heard that rails3 has integrated SOAP support, but I don't find nothing about this on the internet. Can you help me? ...

Signing soap header

I started studying web services between bank and a client and I run into a wall when it came to signing a SOAP. What I need should look something like this <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:cor="" xmlns:mod="" xmlns:soapenv=""&gt; <soapenv:Header> <w...

soap java: read and change nodes in xml files

Hi, I have a number of pre-generated, static xml files containing soap requests. I can read them, send the request, and get back and answer from the server. I would like to get some advice on how to create a dynamic process: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmln...

Is it possible to use python suds to read a wsdl file from the file system?

From suds documentation, I can create a Client if I have a url for the WSDL. from suds.client import Client url = 'http://localhost:7080/webservices/WebServiceTestBean?wsdl' client = Client(url) I currently have the WSDL file on my file system. Is it possible to use suds to read the WSDL file from my file system instead of hosting ...

Java Application server witch better?

I need Implement SOAP Web service. And too many client (over 4000 user online). Service function is a DB access, and other web service access... Witch application server better. Glashfish, Weblogic, Oracle Application Server ...? ...

Trigger WCF error on SOAP interface change

I'm using WCF to call a SOAP service. I created a c# interface from the service with svcutil svcutil /language:cs /CollectionType:System.Collections.Generic.List`1 /targetclientversion:Version35 /namespace:*,Company.Generated /out:Generated\Soapservice.cs Now the SOAP service suddenly cha...

Sending Soap Header from WCF service

Hello, I do migration from ASP.NET web service to WCF. Current code is like this: Server Side public class MyType { public int x; public string s; } public class MyService : WebService { public MyType myObj; [WebMethod] [SoapHeader("myObj", Direction=SoapHeaderDirection.InOut)] public string SomeMethod() // NO P...

Can't connect to SSL web service with WS-Security using PHP SOAP extension - certificate, complex WSDL

Using the PHP5 SOAP extension I have been unable to connect to a web service having an https endpoint, with client certificate and using WS-Security, although I can connect using soapUI with the exact same wsdl and client certificate, and obtain the normal response to the request. There is no HTTP authentication and no proxy is involved....

Can I consume a SOAP web service using httparty or weary?

I am currently working on a ROR project that needs to consume some SOAP based web services. What I know about consuming web services borders on the 'dangerous'. The example that the site provides is using asp with XMLHTTP to send what appears to be some XML wrapped in a SOAP envelope. Included in the XML is the authentication informat...