
Which cms or script for social network wiki?

Hi, I am building a social network. I need a cms that will allow users to contribute content. Each content item will need to have a google map, list of features, ratings, comments, etc. And the content must be editable by other users with revision control. Also, each user should have a profile with their bookmarked content items, contri...

Making a module based social networking cms

What does it take to create a social networking cms like phpfox or socialengine . I am interested in using php / mysql . However , I want it to be modular , like above examples . Like I can enable disable videos from backend . Most important , it should have ability to allow others to extend it , like facebook applications . Shou...

Where can I download Lockheed-Martin social network engine source code?

I've read multiple times that Lockheed-Martin releases their social network implementation to open source. But I've never managed to actually find any piece of code - only news here and there. Do you know where the source is? ...

Merge Twitter Outh and Facebook Connect Friends

Basically what I want to do is download all a users facebook and twitter friends and somehow find a way to figure out which entries represent the same person. I know it's possible because a lot of social search sites like spokeo achieve what I want and more, so does anyone know how they go about doing it or the best way to go about it? ...

embedd video conference plugin on a unix webserver / php built website

Now, I am really unsure how doable this is but we want to provide a platform for users to video-conference on our website - the software thus being installed on the webserver as perhaps a plug-in. We DO NOT want our users have to resort to 3rd party software (such as Skype) them selves. It needs to be a professional feel and us get all t...

Ways to calculate similarity

Hi I am doing a community website that requires me to calculate the similarity between any two users. Each user is described with the following attributes: age, skin type (oily, dry), hair type (long, short, medium), lifestyle (active outdoor lover, TV junky) and others. Can anyone tell me how to go about this problem or point me to s...

Checking online users with Facebook Javascript SDK

Hi, I'm trying to build some kind of a social game in facebook, where I need that every user that has approved my APP is able to receive notifications from me. When the user approves my App, I save his UID in the DB for future reference. At some later time, I want to make it possible for other users find partners for a game - so I nee...

Observing social web behavior: to log or populate databases?

When considering social web app architecture, is it a better approach to document user social patterns in a database or in logs? I thought for sure that behavior, actions, events would be strictly database stored but I noticed that some of the larger social sites out there also track a lot by logging what happens. Is it good practice to...

How can I break into the development business scene if I'm the new kid on the block?

I'm about 1 semester short of graduating from college with my Systems Engineer degree. I've started my own software development company here in a country in South America last week, and so far I managed to land myself a nice account. I have to build a simple enough program that will take me 6-7weeks to complete and I'll charge 2000$. 40...

How to behave in a social network that computes reputation with page rank?

Suppose you are a node of a social graph and your friends are nodes that have an edge from you to them. Suppose that you want to become a node with high reputation. You discover that reputation is computed with page rank. How do you play? ...

Getting Gowalla Check-in history using API

I have been playing around with the Gowalla API, and was wondering if anyone has found a way to get a list of all recent checkins (just your own, not including friends). The documentation is quite awful. ...

elgg vs dolphin

I need to decide whether to implement a social site using one these (any other recommendations? maybe some framework under python?) Which one is better? I don't want to use it out of the box but to do to lots of customizations and coding upon the framework.. ...

orkut via java api

Dear all, I m building a web application from where i want to connect to orkut server,gets online friend list,scraps,send scraps.i want to use a java api for this feature. ...

orkut via java api

Dear all, I m building a web application using servlets/jsp as server side technology. I want connect to orkut server from my web application where user can login,can send as well manage his scraps,get his online friend list.Please share which java api to use ...

Community "Groups" feature (Ruby on Rails)

Are there any good examples/plugins that enable users to create groups within a community application. For example, I would like to create a Group class and add it to something like Community Engine ( Essentially, users need to be able to create and manage groups that other users can join (much like Facebook ...

How to create Share Button to Hi5

Everyone else social networks have a simple method to share anything content. I need create a share button using php/javascript. Can someone help me? ...

Organize array in PHP from mysql

Hi i have a social networking website. what i want it to do is pull out my friends status updates. basically what it does is i have a mysql query that pulls out all of my friends and in that while loop there is another mysql query that pulls out the status's from my friends. i want it to be in order of date but since its one while loo...

linked in type recommendations

i am looking to build a ruby on rails application that would be built off of community engine or tog. id like to know if there was a gem out there that would add recommendation capability to these or any ideas folks out there might have as to building this network thx sg ...

Library or API that gathers user info from social networks

I'd like to gather user data in a web-based intranet application similar to rapportive, gist and xobni. These services gather and display facebook profiles, twitter streams, linkedin profiles, etc. based on the user's email address in your inbox. Is there a 3rd party library or API (free or paid) that would provide this kind of data fro...

Social networking APIs and C/C++

Folks, Note sure if this is the best place to ask this one, but I doubt there'd be a better place. I see that github, stackoverflow, facebook, twitter, linkedin etc. have been providing developer API to slice and dice user information. Couple of questions on the general nature of these API: 1) Are these open-source? 2) Is there any ...