
Startup community website - tips on getting known

Hi folks, I realise this is probably not the best place to post such as question but thought I'd try anyway. I'm developing a new community driven website in the same vein as SO. I'm just wondering the best way to get the website out there and visible. I'm wondering if anyone knows of any websites used to promote new startups and suc...

Tweet Button - hiding zero count

I'm interested in adding to some of my sites the official Tweet button which Twitter have recently released. For those unaware, the tweet button is a simple bit of JS which you can drop in to a page and it allows your users to easily tweet about the page in question, much like the facebok "share" button. There are 3 different styles ...

difference between User and Account object in social network design?

I am building a data model for a social networking site and lost of how to model Users and Accounts. 1) User signsup and creates an Account. So we assign the User a user Id like on most social websites we see which is same profile ID. Now is that the account ID too? OR is there a separate account ID also hidden? If user can have multipl...

Is there a website for web developers wanting to give development time to charity?

I'd be willing to invest some time working for a charity, but I feel like I'd be more useful if I get to work in my field (web development). I know that a lot of non-profit are in desperate need for new websites since I already worked for some doing web work. The thing is the organizations I've worked for were always within my personal ...

"Share this link" HTML Widget

Are you aware of any HTML Widget (Jquery?) that can be integrated in a dynamic web page allowing users to share the visited link to well known social networks like "Delicious, Facebook, Twitter..etc etc."? It would be cool a customizable solution that can be tuned to match the graphic layout (colors, font) of the site. I would like to ...

Facebook Share text alone?

is possible to write code(like any links or buttons) only for share text alone without any images & url's in facebook. thanks ...

Social Network Database

I'm building the database for my Social Networking Site project. My database has to hold information of many user accounts. Each user has a profile and the profile contains various information. The account owner should be able to set the privacy of each profile information (either private or public). I'm wondering how I should keep track...

Time Aware Social Graph DS/Queries

Classic social networks can be represented as a graph/matrix. With a graph/matrix one can easily compute shortest path between 2 participants reachability from A -> B general statistics (reciprocity, avg connectivity, etc) etc Is there an ideal data structure (or a modification to graph/matrix) that enables easy computation of the ...

Social Networking framework for Java

Social Networking I think Java have Apache Shindig as a social networking framework (hi5). Oh my, their documentation is close to nothing. I was wondering what other good Java framework for social networking that people have used (please, if u give me a list of 40 different frameworks, it would just confused me a lot more). Good meani...

How does facebook handle resizing of images

Hello I am building a social network similar to facebook and I really need some help on how to handle the images in my website. I would like to know how sites like facebook manage the resizing of their images. An example would be looking at someones photo album. The length and width are not just simply changed. They are done in a more p...

What is the API that posts to all social networks

I was told of a service, that for a fee gives you access to an API that posts to all social networks (facebook, twitter, linkedin) etc. I was hoping someone knows who it is because I can not remember. ...

Canvas or what?

I'm making a social networking site, and it will have a 'group map' which shows all the groups with their importance with lines connecting them all. Here is an example of what I am aiming out. The problem is I don't know whether to use a HTML5 canvas or something else. The problem with a canvas, though, is the IE compatibility issues....

LinkedIn shareArticle thumbnail

Hi, how can you specify which image you want to show on when sharing an article? Now it just picks random images from our site which aren't relevant. I tried adding an image_src link to the head of my site but this didn't help. Any idea how you can do this? The API of LinkedIn doesn't tell us how:

PHP and SQL Social Operations

I've got a table created using this query. CREATE TABLE `tbl_friends` ( `friend_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `friend_status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0', `friend_id1` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `friend_id2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `friend_date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `friend_con...

Is there a service, api or script out there to make a find/invite friends feature like in facebook?

I need to create a form where I can add a an account (gmail, msn, yahoo, twitter, facebook, etc) and it will automatically pull all of the contacts to invite them to the site. is there something out there already made? thanks. ...

Social web application database design: how can I improve this schema?

Background I am developing a social web app for poets and writers, allowing them to share their poetry, gather feedback, and communicate with other poets. I have very little formal training in database design, but I have been reading books, SO, and online DB design resources in an attempt to ensure performance and scalability without ov...

PHP and SQL Social Networking - User Online

Hi! I want to set up online detection on my website. I have a row in my user table where the last login datetime is stored. Every time a user visits the site, his login date updates and user online row sets to 1 (1 - online, 0 - offline). How to change the online row to 0 (offline) if the last login was 10 or more minutes ago? The aim ...

Social Networking Style Notifications System in Rails

Hi, I am building a social network from the ground up in rails and I am wanting to set up a face-book style notification system for displaying new messages, friend requests, etc... in a visual appealing and UI friendly manner. What's the best way to go about this? I am thinking of using acts_as_state_machine but it seems a bit out of da...

SQL Social - Online Users

I've got a table CREATE TABLE `tbl_users` ( `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `user_username` tinytext NOT NULL, `user_password` tinytext NOT NULL, `user_email` tinytext NOT NULL, `user_enabled` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1', `user_verified` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0', `user_verified_date` datetime NOT NUL...

working on a big social network, what is the most efficient programming language to use ?

am collecting information to support the re-search that will help to decide which is the best programming language for my project, a team of 4 different experiment developers will start working on a new complex social network, so am looking for the language that will fit my project. 1) the project is divided into modules, that will be ...