
Question related to Solr DateField?

hi all I have a question related to sorting of date field i have Date field that is indexed like a string and look like "5/2/2008 4:33:30 PM" i want to do sorting on this field on the basis of date, time does not matters. any suggestion how i could ignore the time part from this field and just sort on the date? ...

Select Data From Solr Server in Java

Hi all! I am working in a struts project and there I am using Solr Server as the database. I need the Java codes and procedure to select, insert, update and delete. Can any one help me? ...

How I force Solr to return suggestions?

How to i force Solr to return me suggestions or close matches even on correctly spelled words? ...

Why can I not search for a "0" field in Solr?

From schema.xml: <field name="myfield" type="integer" indexed="true" stored="false"/> The record with id 5 has myfield with value of 0, which I've confirmed by searching for plain id:5 and looking at the objectXml. A search for id:5 AND myfield:0 returns no records. A search for id:5 AND -myfield:1, however, returns the record I am ...

More advanced searching of MySQL records

I have a personnel database of 10,000 individuals. I am developing a PHP CMS to manage and search these individuals. One of the complaints about the old system was that you had to search for names by their exact spelling, else no results would return. The old system was using MySQL LIKE statements, which are too exact (and I do not wa...

Solr/Lucene behaves weird with some word searches.

I have Solr installed with default configuration (out of box). I have a word "alternatives" in the index. Search for any of the following gives empty results: 1. name:alterna 2. name:alterna 3. name:alterna* 4. name:*altern Obviously, I am expecting to find that entry given any part of the word "alternatives" Anybody with such an exper...

How to get Lucene explanation for a SolrDocument with Solrj?

I'm searching an Solr index with SolrJ and trying to get the Lucene explanation for logging it for further use. The code goes like this: SolrServer server = new CommonsHttpSolrServer("solr_url"); SolrQuery solrquery = new SolrQuery(); solrquery.set("fl", "score, id"); // id is a String field solrquery.set("rows", "1000"...

nutch crawler relative urls problem

Has any one experience a problem with the way the standard html parser plugin handles relative urls? There is a site - http://xxxx/asp/list_books.asp?id_f=11327 and when browsing a link with its href set to '?id_r=442&id=41&order=' a browser will naturally take you to http://xxxx/asp/list_books.asp?id_r=442&amp;id=41&amp;order= However,...

Index document "linked" to multiple users

Hi I want to index a Solr Document and tag the document with multiple associated users. I want to enable searches like "give me the documents assocaited with userid 1000,1003...9300 containing the word X. More people will be added to the document during the lifetime of the document. I want to potentially associate thousands of users to ...

Too Many open file exception while indexin using solr

Hi, I am using SOLR for indexing documents in my web application and solr.war is deployed on the jboss server. But while indexing i am getting too many files open exception. Below is some of exceptions stack trace: 12:31:33,267 ERROR [STDERR] Exception in thread "Lucene Merge Thread #0" 12:31:33,267 ERROR [STDERR] org.apache.lucene.ind...

Facet Counts Issue when Using Dismax Query Parser in SOLR

I am retrieving facet counts against a specific column in my index and these look accurate. The query for retrieving these counts is also running a dismax search using the q param (against 4 columns in my index, 1 of which I am facet counting on as mentioned above). So far, so good. I show my search results, I show my facets and associa...

Search engine for web app - multi lingual and multibase

I am working on a website project. We have a MySql and a MongoDb base. We want to add a full-text search-engine over these bases (and if it can be linked with PostgreSql it's better). These databases contain multilingual texts but we cannot determine the language. I saw Solr, ElasticSearch and Sphinx, but what is your advice on this ...

Sort solr result by weighting certain elements

I have solr query that simply returns the most recent items in the index. However I'm trying to optionally if categories are passed in have it the category field weighted such that if there are matches for the category field then those are weighted higher but still have those without categories show. so the document structure looks som...

What is the best way to integrate Solr as an index with Oracle as a storage DB?

I have an Oracle database with all the "data", and a Solr index where all this data is indexed. Ideally, I want to be able to run queries like this: select * from data_table where id in ([solr query results for 'search string']); However, one key issue arises: Oracle WILL NOT allow more than 1000 items in the array of items in the "in...

dose mysql consume memory & cpu very much?

currently i have a project using solr,now i want to add some feature,so i'm thinking is need add mysql to my project solution, as i use a vps,so i must consider memory & cpu consume? so my question is dose mysql cost memory & cpu to much ? also i was thinking is solr can provide the same function,then i can reduce dependence software us...

synonym search using apache solr

I have tried search using Apache SOLR. I have done with the PHP client code for to implement with apache solr. I have indexed using the function solrUpdate and got search results using the funcion solrQuery. now i want to search using synonym search , i.e in previously I ve indexed the title as "money" then, I go to search keyword is "...

Running Solr on Azure

Can Solr be run on Azure? ...

Using integers in text-query

I am indexing a table of companies, where a lot of them have names starting with an integer, e.g: 2partner 3m etc. But when I try to do a simple solr-query like "2partner" (in Solr's webinterface), the integer "2" is removed by the query parser. Here's the debug: <lst name="debug"> <str name="rawquerystring">2partner</str> <str name="...

migrate SOLR files

How can I migrate SOLR files (indexed) from one server to another? ...

How to configure Apache Tika with apache Solr 1.4.1

Hi All I want to index a large number of pdf documents i have found a reference that it could be done by apache tika but unfortunately did not found any refernce how could I configure apache tika with solr 1.4.1. and one other question is how to send documents to solr directly without the use of curl i m using solrnet for/indexing Reg...