
Full text search in reverse mode.

We are trying to build the categorization tool which should have a keyword match. Each category has it's keywords. Each asset may belongs to many categories. In order to categorize asset we need to find all categories that match the asset: all keywords defined for a category should match(full text search) the asset. Is there any way to...

Question Regarding SolrFilter Query?

Hi All I have a question that if Perform search in way that i have given "Solr/Lucene Statement" also "Filter Query" at solr admin page.. which one of both would be searched first. Regards Ahsan ...

Filtered results highlighting with Solr 1.4, 1.5

Consider we have a database of US people in Solr. We've 20 persons who are interested to find either Mans or Womans in the database. Besides that those 20 persons are distributed among US and are willing to find only people in their cities. We're doing Solr query: q=gender:Man&fq=location:'New York' for example. Highlighting is ON on all...

How to know when Solr Optimize is done?

I am using the Solr-php-client to communicate with Solr, via php. This piece of code triggers the solr optimize command: $solr->optimize(); I wonder if there is any method to know for sure that the optimization is done? This is all because I have an administrations page on my website where I manually once a day must optimize the S...

How to install for Solr 1.4 ( or 1.4.1 ) Extended Dismax ( edismax) plugin and how to configure it ?

Hello everybody, Im using Solr1.4 , with dismax SearchHandler , im new in solr ;), it seems not supporting lucene synthax , it does not even match lowercase uppercase terms ( if you know how to do this it will be helpfull ). i want to try the edismax , ( Extended Dismax ) with solr 1.4 or 1.4.1 , i found it in solr4.0 dev version , the...

Indexing pdf documents..

hi all i have a question that what is the best way to index pdf documents, weather index them by converting pdf documents to txt or there is another way to index pdf files.. ...

How to call solr to optimize using java code

Not under shell I want to call the optimize use Java code and get returned when the optimize process is finished. ...

Solr autoCommit not working

I am using Solr-php-client to communicate with solr via php. I search solr by using this php-client and amongst other information I get from Solr, the total results are returned to a variable in php: $results = $solr->search($querystring, $start_offset, $limit, $solr_params); $num_total = (int) $results->response->numFound; My proble...

How to index different types of xml using DIH in SOLR?

Hello guys, I need to index 5 different kinds of xml files. They share similar structure with slight differences in each of them. example 1: <?xml version="1.0"?> <manifest> <metadata> <isbn>9780815341291</isbn> <title>Essential Cell Biology,Third Edition</title> <authors> ...

solr multicore post data

I am using solar application in multicore mode, and I am unable to post data(xml),when i am trying to post a data by command line(cmd windows) to solr then i get an error... -> missing solr core name in path so please give me detailed answer ...

SolrNet Faceting question

Using SolrNet for querying & faceting. I have a combination of int, tdate and string fields I would like to facet on. However I am unable to mix SolrFacetFieldQuery and SolrFacetQuery (for ranges) and SolrFacetDateQuery (for date ranges) in the same query. I get an error "no best type found for implicitly typed array". How should this b...

Solr and .Net Filters

Hi all, I am relatively new to the wonderfulworld of Solr and have the following question. What is the best way to process documents in terms of extracting the document structure and passing it onto Solr for indexing. I would like to be able to extract the text from Word Docs, PDF's, Spreadsheets, HTML pages etc. In fact virtually any d...

Simple Solr schema problem for autocomplete

I have a very simple SQL table that I want to import into Solr but because of the features I want for search I can't determine the best schema. The user will start typing into an input box and after 3 characters it will send the request to the server and pull out the most relevant results returning the top 15 matching id and name. Tab...

tell me about parameter q in dismax querry parser (solr)

hey i am trying to use dis-max query parser (http://localhost:8983/solr/select/?q=name&amp;qt=defType=dismax) so can you plz tell me that what is parameter q... i mean what value i pass to it .... coz the above syntax gives an error ...

FaceBook search: What are its technical requirements and innovative features deserving attention?

Facebook has cooked into their search some features that are unique -- possibly some are patented, even? The features I speak of are driven by three distinct requirements: The fact that their database is gigantic, and they can't just JOIN their way over to the data they need as they need it, as you can, typically in a single-homed busi...

how can i use solr search in 2.0

i am working on mvc.net2.0,sql server2005 and i want to implement solr search on it so please tell me that how can i implement it ...

How do I enable a "Bicycle AND Boy" search in Solr?

I have solr up and running but I cannot get the results when I search "Bicycle AND Boy", works fine for "Bicycle Boy". What are the steps to enable such searches? ...

rake aborted! undefined method `closed?' for nil:NilClass

rake solr:start throws this error rake aborted! undefined method `closed?' for nil:NilClass ...

Solr search for lots of values

I'm using Solr to search for a long list of IDs like so: ID:("4d0dbdd9-d6e1-b3a4-490a-6a9d98e276be" "4954d037-f2ee-8c54-c14e-fa705af9a316" "0795e3d5-1676-a3d4-2103-45ce37a4fb2c" "3e4c790f-5924-37b4-9d41-bca2781892ec" "ae30e57e-1012-d354-15fb-5f77834f23a9" "7bdf6790-de0c-ae04-3539-4cce5c3fa1ff" "b350840f-6e53-9da4...

Lucene as data store

Hi, Is it possible to use Lucene as full fledged data store (like other(mongo,couch) nosql variants). I know there are some limitations like newly updated documents by one indexer will not be shown in other indexer. So we need to restart the indexer to get the updates. But i stumble upon solr lately, it seems these problems are avoid...