
Can I restrict the search to a specific date range?

Hi, I want to get all results AFTER a given date, can you do this with solr? ( Right now the results are search the entire result set, I want to filter for anything after a given date. Update This isn't working for me yet. My returned doc: trying:

Solr search is ignoring a date filter

Hi, In the solr admin (, my schema.xml looks like: <field name="unique_id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true"/> <field name="collapse" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/> <field name="roles" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true...

Searching for date range or null/no field in Solr

I want to perform a search on a text field in Solr. I want to return all matches in a range or where there is no value. The two searches word independently: myfield:[start TO finish] -myfield:[* TO *] The first returns all matches in the range. The second returns all matches that have no value for the "myfield" field. The problem ...

Lucene search results sort by custom order list (unique to each user)

I have authenticated users in my application who have access to a shared database of up to 500,000 items. Each of the users has their own public facing web site and needs the ability to prioritize the items on display (think upvote) on their own site. out of the 500,000 items they may only have up to 200 prioritized items, the order of ...

Searcing for a list of keywords to find out which ones exist or not

I have a large document with various sections. Each section has a list of keywords /phrases of interest. I have a master list of keywords/phrases stored as a String array. How can I use Solr or Lucene to search each section document for all keywords and basically give me which keywords were found ? I cant think of any straightforward wa...

Search Engine - Lucene or Solr

We need to integrate a search engine in our Product Catalog management software. the catalog is expected to have more than 4-5 mn. records with relational data spread over several tables. Our dev platform is Asp.Net 3.5 and we have done some pre-liminary work on Lucene, found it to be good. However, we just came to know of Solr and was l...

solr translating plurals to singular, do not want it to

i have a field where there are items that are plurals, and used as very specific locators, so i do a solr search type:articles, and it translates it into : <str name="rawquerystring">type:articles type:articles type:articl it gets really frustrating, is there a way i can disable this? ...

Solr - Error when posting an "Add" to the server.

I'm Posting the following to the Solr Server: <add> <doc> <field name="uniqueid">5453543</field> <field name="modifieddate">2008-12-03T15:49:00Z</field> <field name="title">My Record</field> <field name="description">Descirption Details </field> <field name="startdate">2009-01-21T15:26:05.680Z</field> ...

Classpath for custom Solr Transformer

I have written a custom Transformer subclass for the Solr DataImportHandler. It is in a jar file, but I can't figure out how to get solr to find it. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/solr/handler/dataimport/Transformer I've configured the data-config.xml file with the full path to the custom transformer: transformer=...

SOLR choose index at search

I posted this in the Nabble group also, but figured may get some advice here. is there a way to get SOLR to search whatever index i tell it to during search time without using multiple cores? i dont build my indexes with SOLR, i build them with my own java class, but i do use SOLR to search them later. It would be nice to tell Solr du...

how to index cck field of type text area in solr: drupal6

I've created a cck filed of type textarea with name filed_desc, how do i get this field to index in solr. i found this article, i have tried this but it is not indexing the filed, can somebody help. <?php // $Id$ /** * Implementation of hook_apachesolr_cck_fields_alter */ fun...

Parsing PHP array which has an abject inside

I've got a response form the solr query in php. below is the response form apache solr in drupal6, i need to access the id field inside the Apache_Solr_Document, can some bosy help me with this. i was able to print this using print_r($result); Array ( [type] => Bookmarks [node] => Apache_Solr_Document Object ( [_documentBoost:protect...

SOLR - Boost function (bf) to increase score of documents whose date is closest to NOW

Hi all, I have a solr instance containing documents which have a 'startTime' field ranging from last month to a year from now. I'd like to add a boost query/function to boost the scores of documents whose startTime field is close to the current time. So far I have seen a lot of examples which use rord to add boosts to documents whom a...

Why should (or shouldn't) a Search Query return back only document IDs?

So for a new project, I'm building a system for an ecommerce site. The idea is to import products from suppliers and instead of inserting them directly into our catalog, we would store all the information in a staging area. Each supplier has their own stage (i.e. table in the database), and then I will flatten the multiple staging areas ...

How do I search set of keywords from keywords field in Solr?

So I have a keyword field with this schema Indexed, Tokenized, Multivalued, TermVector Stored, Omit Norms then I wanna search set of keywords against it like q=keyword:keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, etc, etc and want to return most matching keywords, even 1 match keyword is fine, but ordered by most match. thank you ...

how to reduce solr memory usage?

I use solr in my application, there is just hundreds of documents. the memory usage is about 80M, how to reduce it? ...

GWT interface to Solr index

I have a solr index on a remote server and need to create a search page interface. I am using GWT to code the pages and XML-HTTP to query the index and receive the response. The problem is the same-site origin security policy. It won't let JavaScript retrieve the remote XML data. Is there a workaround for this, without using JSON prefera...

Solr DIH -- How to handle deleted documents?

I'm playing around with a Solr-powered search for my webapp, and I figured it'd be best to use the DataImportHandler to handle syncing with the app via the database. I like the elegance of just checking the last_updated_date field. Good stuff. However, I don't know how to handle deleting documents with this approach. The way I see it...

Retrieving per keyword/field match position in Lucene Solr -- possible?

Is there any way to retrieve the match field/position for each keyword for each matching document from solr? For example, if the document has title "Retrieving per keyword/field match position in Lucene Solr -- possible?" and the query is "solr keyword", I'd like to get, in addition to the doc-id (I normally only want the doc-id, not th...

Configure Solr for SQL Server

I am using tomcat 6.0 and running Solr in it. Can some one help me how to configure solr to index SQL Server DB? ...