
whitebox test cases for following method

insertion_procedure (int a[], int p [], int N) { int i,j,k; for (i=0; i<=N; i++) p[i] = i; for (i=2; i<=N; i++) { k = p[i]; j = 1; while (a[p[j-1]] > a[k]) {p[j] = p[j-1]; j--} p[j] = k; } } What would be few good whitebox test cases for this particular insertion procedure? ...

C# Sorting Question

I wonder what is the best C# data structure I should use to sort efficiently? Is it List or Array or what? And why the standard array [] does not implement sort method in it? Thanks ...

how to sort string as number in datagridview in winforms

I have string column with numbers in a datagridview.It is not bound, I would like to sort it number wise I used colid.ValueType = typeof(int); grid.Sort(colid, ListSortDirection.Descending); but is sorts like string eg: 11 12 23 7 80 81 while the expexted is 7 11 12 23 80 81 ...

PHP sorting an array by mysql date.

Hi I have an array that I would like to sort using a date field from a MySQL database. Here is a sample of the array which is named news in my class: [48] => Array ( [id] => 14 [type] => 3 [updated] => 2010-04-17 13:54:42 ) [49] => Array ( [id] => 15 [type] => 3 [updated] =...

swaping inplace

how to swap two numbers inplace without using any additional space? ...

Avoiding sorting in NSDictionary

I was using NSDictionary and i observed that the objects in the dictionary are sorted automatically with respect to the keys, so my question is how to avoid this sorting , any flag available to set it off, so i get the object in same order i entered. i know u may be thinking what difference it makes in dictionary since we retrieve the v...

sort arrow is always showing up once sorting is used

We have several pages as tabs where datatable is used in most of the pages. When we sort on a particular coulmn and exit the page and re enter this page the arrow appears (up/down depending on how we exit the page). But the data is not sorted in the direction the arrow shows. I have set preserveSort and preserveDataModel to false. The ar...

.net Value Class sorting with IComparable

I'm running into an issue using a DataGridView bound to a iBindingListView implementation (third party dll) attached to a large collection. There's a certain property in my collection type, named MyDateTime, which is a value class similar to DateTime, but also with some legacy code. This struct implements iComparable, iComparable<T>, ...

Sort array by keys of another array.

Hello There are 2 arrays, both with the same length and with the same keys: $a1 = [1=>2000,65=>1354,103=>1787]; $a2 = [1=>'hello',65=>'hi',103=>'goodevening']; asort($a1); The keys of a1 and a2 are id's from a database. a1 gets sorted by value. Once sorted, how can we use the same sorting order in a2? Thanks! ...

Is there a good radixsort-implementation for floats in C#

I have a datastructure with a field of the float-type. A collection of these structures needs to be sorted by the value of the float. Is there a radix-sort implementation for this. If there isn't, is there a fast way to access the exponent, the sign and the mantissa. Because if you sort the floats first on mantissa, exponent, and on exp...

Lucene.NET - sorting by int

In the latest version of Lucene (or Lucene.NET), what is the proper way to get the search results back in sorted order? I have a document like this: var document = new Lucene.Document(); document.AddField("Text", "foobar"); document.AddField("CreationDate", DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()); // store the date as an int indexWriter.AddDoc...

How to get NSFormatter subclass to work with NSTableColumn sort key and selector?

My setup: I have a sqlite database from which I populate a NSMutableArray of NSDictionary objects this is the DataSource for my NSTableView. One of the columns holds "time", the time is a float that holds seconds. I would like to display the values in this column as minutes:seconds. For instance my data would be 123.4329387 I want t...

Sorting eigenvectors by their eigenvalues (associated sorting)

I have an unsorted vector of eigenvalues and a related matrix of eigenvectors. I'd like to sort the columns of the matrix with respect to the sorted set of eigenvalues. (e.g., if eigenvalue[3] moves to eigenvalue[2], I want column 3 of the eigenvector matrix to move over to column 2.) I know I can sort the eigenvalues in O(N log N) via ...

Sort an object by an other one.

Here's the deal : I have Publication objets in my application. I also have Vote objet (forOrAgainst,author,linkedPublication) I want to sort publication by date, title... and also by number of votes. I cant directly sort my list of publication as i dont have the number of vote in that list. How can i sort my list of publication witho...

How to split the data in this file vb6

Hey, I have this file. It stores a names, a project, the week that they are storing the data for and hours spent on project. here is an example "James","Project5","15/05/2010","3" "Matt","Project1","01/05/2010","5" "Ellie","Project5","24/04/2010","1" "Ellie","Project2","10/05/2010","3" "Matt","Project3","03/05/2010","4" I need to prin...

unexpected result from gnu sort

when I try to sort the following text file 'input': test1 3 test3 2 test 4 with the command sort input the output is exactly the input. Here is the output of od -bc input : 0000000 164 145 163 164 061 011 063 012 164 145 163 164 063 011 062 012 t e s t 1 \t 3 \n t e s t 3 \t 2 \n 0000020 1...

Comparing ICU sort keys (collator_get_sort_key) in PHP

Is strcmp() appropriate for comparing ICU collator sort keys in PHP? The sort keys I'm asking about are from collator_get_sort_key() which are described in ICU documentation. ...

getting rid of repeated customer id's in mysql query

I originally started by selecting customers from a group of customers and then for each customer querying the records for the past few days and presenting them in a table row. All working fine but I think I might have got too ambitious as I tried to pull in all the records at once having heard that mutiple queries are a big no no. here...

Convert a list of strings [ '3', '1' , '2'] to a list of sorted integers [ 1, 2, 3]

I have: L1 = ['11', '10', '13', '12', '15', '14', '1', '3', '2', '5', '4', '7', '6', '9', '8'] this is a list of strings, right? I need to make it a list of integers as follows: L2 = [11, 10, 13, 12, 15, 14, 1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 9, 8] finally I will sort it like below: L3 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15] by L2.sort() please let ...

How to sort multiple arrays in PHP

hi, i have wrote a script to produce an array of data but now want to display in order of score. The array outputs as follows; [display_name] => Array ( [0] => ACT_Web_Designs [1] => user1_design [2] => user2_design ) [proffesion] => Array ( [0] => Web Developer [1] => web developer ...