
jQuery sorting of div elements based on count, and date/time (timestamp)

Hi SO-ers, I currently use the sort function to sort my div elements based on the count value. Here's how it's being done now: (I'm not sure if it's an efficient method or not..) $('#list .list_item').sort(sortDescending).appendTo('#list'); function sortDescending(a, b) { return $(a).find(".count").text() < $(b).find(".count").text(...

List.Sort (Custom sorting...)

Hello, I have a List object that includes 3 items: Partial, Full To H, and Full To O. I'm binding this list to an asp OptionButtonList, and it's sorting it in alphabetical order. However, I want to sort the list like the following: Full To H, Partial, Full To O. How can I accomplish this? Thanks! V ...

How to generate id for easily sorting purpose in SQL Server?

Hi everyone, I'm making an website and I have problem generate the parent/child tree like: Page 1 ---Sub page 1 ------Sub page 1 - 1 Page 2 Page 3 ---Sub page 3 ------Sub page 3 - 1 ------Sub page 3 - 2 If I use UID, it's impossible to write the "ORDER BY" t-sql to make the tree. I'm thinking of a function that can generate the ID (v...

Python sort (list/tuple) in list

I have some data either in list contains lists, or list contains tuples. data = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]] data = [(1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)] And I want to sort by the 2nd element in the subset. Meaning, sorting by 2,5,8 where 2 is from (1,2,3), 5 is from (4,5,6). What is the common way to do this? Should I store tuples or lists in m...

How to get a sorted result in iBatis ?

I have a table mgr_employee with 2 columns managerName, teamEmployee.Although I do a sort in sql I get unsorted resultMap in java. How can I get a sorted map? Why does iBatis mix up the resultMap? <resultMap id="s_filter_defaults_ResultMap" class="java.util.HashMap"> <result property="key" column="managerName"/> <result property="v...

How do I sort a multidimensional array depending on it's items array keys and values?

Hi there. I have an array of permissions: array( array( "controller" => "somewhere", "action" => "", "namespace" => "admin", "method" => "GET" ), array( "controller" => "somewhere", "action" => "index", "namespace" => "admin", "method" => "" ), array( "controller" => "somewhere", "action" => "index", "namespace" => "admin"...

Algorithm for sorting images by relevance

I'm developing a feature on a forum site that will allow to include a link and other type of content on a post (for clarifying the question or answer). Related to the link feature implementation, I have several things to work on: Validate the URI entered (well formed, valid scheme, etc.) Validate that the remote resource exists Extrac...

How does Haskell order Strings?

I've recently been learning Haskell, and I noticed that the String type (or [Char]) can be ordered. For example, this is valid: ghci> "foo" > "bar" True ghci> "?<>!" `compare` "[&*}" LT How does Haskell order Strings, and when would this functionality be useful? ...

How to implement "Tournament Sort" and "Insertion Sort" in Java?

I have a program I am working on but I am having difficulties to implement Tournament Sort and Insertion Sort in Java. Please if anyone can help. ...

Do we have sorting and searching function in .net

I was implementing linear search for search in a collection then i thought why not use binary search, for which i had to use sorting. Although I can implement them, but I would like to know where does they exists in .net itself. I hope it would be present in .Net. ...

Problem sorting array with decimal numbers

Hello I'm trying to sort a simple array which only contains a few decimal numbers. e.g: ( [0] => 0.05 [1] => 0.076 [2] => 0.092 ) using this: $stuff = sort ($comparison); However when I use the php sort, asort ect functions, instead of getting a sorted array, I get the number 1. Very confusing! Any help? ...

Which is faster — sorting or multiplying a small array of elements?

Reading through Cactus Kev's Poker Hand Evaluator, I noticed the following statements: At first, I thought that I could always simply sort the hand first before passing it to the evaluator; but sorting takes time, and I didn't want to waste any CPU cycles sorting hands. I needed a method that didn't care what order the five cards were g...

How to get the first 10 sorted items of a list without sorting the whole list

The problem is I have a list of 1 million numbers, but I only want the 10 first of the sorted list, but I do not want to sort the whole list? Is that possible? ...

sorting links on multiple criteria.

So I'm sure someone has already done something similar. I've got a custom list of links, and track how many times they were clicked, and when last they were clicked. I want to sort them somehow usefully based upon both factors. Anyone can point me towards an existing solution or better yet discussion thereof? I have a few ideas of how th...

Custom sort within 1 instance of a crystal report group

Using vs2008 crystalreports .net c# I have a report with mutlitple nested groups. Im trying to find a way to do different or custom sort, or specifiy specific order within 1 instance of the groups printed on report Eg report grouping as bellow. Report prints 2 lots of the nested groups as shown. I want to specify the sort order ONLY fo...

How do I sort a collection of Lists in lexicographic order in Scala?

If A has the Ordered[A] trait, I'd like to be able to have code that works like this val collection: List[List[A]] = ... // construct a list of lists of As val sorted = collection sort { _ < _ } and get something where the lists have been sorted in lexicographic order. Of course, just because A has the trait Ordered[A] doesn't mean th...

heapq.nlargest index of returned result in original sequence

Hi everyone, How do I return the index in the original list of the nth largest items of an iterable heapq.nlargest(2, [100, 2, 400, 500, 400]) output = [(3,500), (2, 400)] This already cost me a couple hours. I can't figure it out. ...

How to implement shifted variable weighting for default Unicode collation?

The default Unicode collation element table defines four-level weight elements for Unicode characters, where the first three levels define the essential part of the sort order and the fourth level is essentially the character code, which is used for tie-breaking. The section on variable weighting defines the "shifted" option (the defaul...

simple XSL sorting issue

I am trying to sort an xml using xsl. Got some sample from Its seems logical and intuitive. I tried, some how its not sorting. Its hard getting my head around this. Here is the Xsl I am using for sorting <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-c...

reversible float sort in c/c++

I need to sort some arrays of floats, modify the values, and then construct an array with the original ordering, but the modified values. In R, I could use the rank() and order() functions to achieve this: v a vector v[order(v)] is sorted v[i] goes in the rank(v)th spot in the sorted vector Is there some equivalent of these functions...