
Howto get source line from python generator object?

Here is an example: def g(): yield str('123') yield int(123) yield str('123') o = g() while True: v = if isinstance( v, str ): print 'Many thanks to our generator...' else: # Or GOD! I don't know what to do with this type # raise TypeError( '%s:%d Unknown yield value type %s.' % \ ...

Collection Binding on CollectionViewSource Source Property

I've a CollectionViewSource as ItemsSource of my DataGrid...on Window.Resources I've this definition: <CollectionViewSource x:Key="ItemsPoolCollectionView" Source="{Binding Path=MyObservableCollection, Mode=OneWay}" /> now, I would do the same definition from code, so I've done this: Dim _cvs as CollectionViewSource = New Coll...

replace/remove background image on gimp 2.6.11

hi, how do i remove these images by compiling gimp from source? i can't find any file containing these images. thanks ...

Testing functionality without providing access to the whole code?

Suppose i outsource my existing php project for adding more functionality to it. I don't want to provide the whole code to the outsourced developer to protect my ip and idea. So say, using svn i create a branch for the project. And then put the code files that will need to be modified to add new functionality in that branch. Then how...

grails development: eclipse vs. intellij idea

hello, i downloaded sts and installed the grails/groovy plugins which is good, but i can not use the javascript functionality like jumping trought classes and functions in the javascript editor. when i click command and on the functions name, than i get a dialog saying "you have to make this a javascript project etc." :( :( intellij is m...