
Get text from span using jquery

Giving this html, i want to grab "August" from it when i click on it: <span class="ui-datepicker-month">August</span> i tried $(".ui-datepicker-month").live("click", function () { var monthname = $(this).val(); alert(monthname); }); but doesn't seem to be working ...

How can I programmatically span columns in a tablelayout?

I have a dynamic tablelayout that I build programmatically. Every so often one of the rows has a child SeekBar. Any suggestions for how I can programmatically make these SeekBars span across all the table columns? Thanks. ...

HTML hiding content in the middle of UL or OL

Hello! I have long text that gets hidden if it exceeds 300 characters. Hiding is done with a <span> that has style="display:none;" set. Basically, after the 300th caracter the rest of the content in wrapped inside that display:none span. The algorithm is clever enough not to break text in the middle of a tag, so the invisible span wil...

Is there an HTML element that is ignored during rendering?

I have this markup <html> ... some HTML ... And I need to wrap it with an element like this: <html> <div class="user-content"> ... some HTML ... </div> The problem, is ... some HTML ... can be lots of different things from raw text to complicated markup. <div> If I use a <div>, then it adds a block-level break. Meaning if I ha...

jQuery click on span and travel

<span class="link">move your body</span> How to make this span a link, without adding any inline javascript and extra attributes? Also without transformation to <a>. Like this: $(".link").click(function(){ // go to the }) Thanks. ...

Which is the best way to call a javascript function on a link ..

I want to add some links to some website of mine, but these links will call a javascript function and will not be underlined, also I want the cursor to be changed to a standard pointer. Which is the best way of doing it and why? Right now I can think of two aproaches: <a href="javascript:someFunction()" style="text-decoration:none">LI...

How to click on </span> Tag ? (Webbrowser - Delphi)

Hi , how can i click on a "< / span>" tag in a html page ? like this : <span id="_ID_">Hello There</span> Is it possible ? Thanks ...

How to check if a text field has wrapped and the number of lines it has wrapped to.

Hi all... I have a complex vertical nav which includes transparent PNG's in my design. I need to make these menus grow dynamically in height because the content is pulled from a CMS and some buttons can grow in height depending on how many lines the text field wraps to. Here is my scernario: <ul> <li> <a> <span> ...

How to add spacing between two span elements

I have two span elements. I want them to sit side-by-side and contain some text. Is this possible? If so what am I doing wrong? .added-box{ background-color:#06C; padding:8px; margin:8px; } .edited-box{ background-color:#093; padding:8px; margin:8px; } And the page code is: <p align="right"> <span class="edited-box">sfds<...

wrapping span tags inside a div css

I have a couple of div tags nested withing each other and a few span tags nested like below:- <div id="leftcol"> <div id="tagcloud"> <span class="mytags"><a href="">tag1</a></span><span class="mytags"><a href="">tag2</a> and a few more spans of the same type </div> </div> Now the issue is that spans overflow their container div tag.Ca...

div/span and sprites

I am replacing most inline images on my sites with a sprite. The sprite class would contain some basic css: .sprite{ background-image:url(...); background-position:...; width: 16px; height:16px; } I saw that nesting div inside of an anchor tag is not a good idea. <a><div class="sprite"></div></a> I've tried to add sprites to span ...

HTML <p> and <span> questions

Hi, How can I force the following HTML code: <p><span></span></p> .. to use vertical space? if the span has a character, or a space, the vertical space is occupied. Any way to do it with CSS? ...

CSS float left and right in paragraph with span?

Until now, when I had one line with example previous --- page width --- next I used a container div with 2 children, styled float:left & float:right I am think it could be done from one paragraph line with span's maybe something like: <p><span class="s-left">previous</span><span class="s-right">next</span></p> I tried CSS with: sp...

How can I add a custom onclick-handler to my SPAN-tags - like the Skype addon does?

When I look at the source code for a webpage that has been rendered by Skype's Internet Explorer add on, I find that their custom html-element is a SPAN element with a specific attribute, "skypeaction" that is set to "dropdown" - this is, I suppose, to be able to open a dropdown menu when the user clicks on that element. Apart from this...

Removing span tags from html

Hi, Can you help me with a code snippet (with/without regex) to remove all span tags from a string like this: (Silverlight - c#) <a href="#"> <span class="uiTooltipWrap bottom left leftbottom"> <span class="uiTooltipText"> dasd dssa<br /> adsa sssss </span> </span> </a> Thanks. ...

How to check what div span is placed in

I am trying to find out what div is the span is in using jquery. here is a eg. <div id='one'></div> <div id='two'></div> <div id='three'><span id="find_me"></span></div> thanks ...

Spanning a Listbox in the WPF grid based on a condition

I was wondering how to increase the span of a listbox control for a certain criteria in WPF Grid. I have a textbox wherein the user enters a string and based on the presence of the string in a collection, the listbox should become visible and show the results in it by spanning across the columns of the grid. This listbox is actually a pa...

Dotted Line Html Span

I have a menu coded in html here, but i need a dotted line to span between the Names and Prices, How would i go about doing that here? I'm kinda lost haha. You can see it here. I know i can use css to do it, but how would i get to it span between those two. Thanks =) ...

Problem executing different js functions on span elements click nested inside a HTML hyperlink.

Hi, I have a couple of span elements inside a HTML hyperlink like this. <a href="Default.aspx"><span id="span1" onclick="adddata();">Span1<asp:Literal ID="Lblcount" runat="server"></asp:Literal></span><span id="span2" class="removetab ui-icon ui-icon-circle-close" style="float:right; margin: -2px -10px 0px 3px; cursor:pointer;" onclick...

<span> tag breaking row in IE7

Hi! My code is as follows: <table> <tr> <td><div id='lunch'><a href='Lunchplace.aspx?c=1&id=110'><img style='margin-top: 3px;' src='./images/115x52_Brasseriet.jpg'class='imagealign'/><b>Brasseriet</b><br />Köttbullar med gräddsås & kokt pota...&nbsp;<span style='color:#f29400;font-size:small;float:right;'>80 Kr<span style='float:right;'...