
3D clustering Algorithm

Problem Statement: I have the following problem: There are more than a billion points in 3D space. The goal is to find the top N points which has largest number of neighbors within given distance R. Another condition is that the distance between any two points of those top N points must be greater than R. The distribution of those point...

Returning distance and Searching by radius in Solr 1.5

Does anyone know of a means of returning the distance in the result set using Solr 1.5? An example of the function we're using is: dist(2, store, vector(43.517030,-96.789603)) where "store" is a LatLon field containing both latitude and longitude of each item in the index. Can you give an example URL that would return a distance field ...

Parsing / Splitting Keywords from Spatial / Location in Search

I'm trying to figure out a decent way to parse keywords from location words within a single string before or after geocoding the string or part of the string. For example: "iphone battery accessories toronto, on", or "2010 volvo 90210", or "circus texas", etc. It turns out I can pass the entire string to most geocoders and get a valid l...

Disambiguate overlapping lines in SQL Server spatial or OpenLayers?

I have records in a table representing bus routes, with SQL Server spatial columns for the actual route geometry. (They're stored in a Geography column type.) I use OpenLayers to display these bus routes on top of an OpenStreetMap layer. In instances where the bus routes overlap, currently you cannot see anything but the top route. I'v...

Intersecting Points and Polygons in R

Hi, I am working with shapefiles in R, one is point.shp the other is a polygon.shp. Now, I would like to intersect the points with the polygon, meaning that all the values from the polygon should be attached to the table of the point.shp. I tried overlay() and spRbind in package sp, but nothing did what I expected them to do. Could a...

How to attach a simple data.frame to a spatialpolygondataframe in R?

Hi, I have (again) a problem with combining data frames in R. But this time, one is a and the other one is usual data.frame (DF). The SPDF has around 1000 rows the DF only 400. Both have a common column, QDGC Now, I tried oo <- merge(SPDF,DF, by="QDGC", all=T) but this only results in a normal data...

How to implement reverse geocoding on SQL Server 2008 (with spatial capabilities)?

Let's suppose I have a street shapefile loaded on SQL Server 2008. How can I implement a reverse geocode function (get an address from a lat/long pair)? What SQL Spatial functions can I use for that? Does it have a function that get the closest "feature" from a lat/long pair? ...

How can I do this 'for each' code in Sql Server 2008 without using cursors?

Hi folks, I wish to do the following pseduo code in Sql without the use of a CURSOR, if possible. for each zipcode { -- What city is this zipcode in? A zipcode can be in multiple cities, -- but one city area is always way greater that the others. -- Eg. 90210 is 96% in the city of Beverly Hills. -- The remaining 4% is...

Different legends and fill colours for facetted ggplot?

Hello, Sorry for not included any example data for my problem. I couldn’t find a way to easily produce an example shape file. Hopefully, experienced users of ggplot can see what I’d like to do from the description below. I’ve got: A data frame X with information about sample plots (plotid, var1, var2, var3, var4,…) A polygon shapefil...

Need a standalone Java library for performing spatial calculations on lat/lon data

I'm looking for a Java library that is capable of performing spatial calculations on sets of lat/lon data. Here are some of the functions that I'm looking for: Calculate the Great Circle distance between two points Determine if a point lies within a simple closed polygon, where the polygon is defined by an ordered list of points Dete...

I need to store & query "relational, hierarchical, graph, document" hybrid data. I'm looking for the best DB solution.

I am working on what is currently a pet project. Soon it will be going into mainstream production. My biggest barrier is the data storage. The bulk of the data is "document" with specific indexes that would span across several types of data. So a single collection with indexing would work just fine. I know MongoDB, Caché, and M will ha...

Spatial organisation of a group of blocks on a grid

I have a grid of cells (empty at beginning), and a collection of blocks which are rectangles or squares whose size are a multiple of a cell (for example, a block might be 2 cells by 3 cells). I won't know all the blocks in advance, but will have to place them as they arrive. In case anyone's wondering, this has to do with placing a bunch...