
Are UML semantic variances necessary?

I am asking if it is necessary or useful to have semantic variances in UML. Would it not be more useful when it was more formal and therefore verifiable or even used for rapid prototyping. What is the benefit of the variance? Can you give some examples? ...

In proper HTML, must an <input> be in a <form>?

I need a few input elements, but their values won't be submitted anywhere - they're just going to be manipulated by some client-side JavaScript. Do I have to place them in a <form> to have legit HTML, or can they just be free-standing? ...

What good tiny or basic SVG editors are there?

I'm in need for a good SVG editor which can produce valid xml according to spec of the Tiny SVG profile. I would prefer if the tool was open-source or free but good commercial tools are welcome as well. Note: I have used some online tools and Inkscape, but those do not allow specifying the spec they must adhere to. ...

Passing zero arguments as params -- where the behaviour is defined?

C# spec. allows you to call a function void foo(params int[] x) with zero parameters. However, I didn't find in C# Lang. Spec. a word on further behaviour -- will foo get empty array or null reference? I checked also MSDN -- nothing. Where the behaviour is defined? NOTE: I am not asking how VS behaves, I am asking about design of ...

Are your redirects HTTP compliant (absolute URI)?

In the Hypertext Transfer Protocol 1.1 spec, it states for the Location header: The field value consists of a single absolute URI. Location = "Location" ":" absoluteURI An example is: Location: http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/People.html I have coded many an app that doesn't include the scheme and domain (i.e., /th...

JVM specification and Java compiler code useful for SCJP preparation ?

I'm preparing the SCJP exam with the almost official study book ("SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Exam 310-065") I understand that Java programming is writting code that fulfills a certain high-level contract; So that Java can stay platform-independent. However, I have trouble understanding and remembering things when it comes...

When are temporaries created as part of a function call destroyed?

Is a temporary created as part of an argument to a function call guaranteed to stay around until the called function ends, even if the temporary isn't passed directly to the function? There's virtually no chance that was coherent, so here's an example: class A { public: A(int x) : x(x) {printf("Constructed A(%d)\n", x);} ~A() {...

MIME RFC "Content-Type" parameter confusion? Unclear RFC specification.

Hello, I'm trying to implement a basic MIME parser for the multipart/related in C++/Qt. So far I've been writing some basic parser code for headers, and I'm reading the RFCs to get an idea how to do everything as close to the specification as possible. Unfortunately there is a part in the RFC that confuses me a bit: From RFC882 Sectio...

Was the misspelling of the HTTP field name Referer intentional?

I read recently (I can't recall where, or I'd return to that source) that the misspelling of HTTP header field name Referer in the specification was intentional. Is that accurate? If so, why? ...

Standard defining json file extensions?

Is there a standard or specification which defines json file extensions? I've seen .json used - is this just a commonly accepted practice or is it a requirement of some standards body for json saved in file format? ...

User's generated specifications

I want to let my users create specifications to be executed in a nhibernate.Linq query. Is it possible? I ask the user to write a query string (HQL I suppose) so it will be serializable and in a combobox the user can apply it to current results ...

Specification Document: DOM Text Nodes

I am reading a document about HTML5. A few lines down from where I linked, a sample DOM tree is displayed for the sample HTML code given. Why is there no text node directly before the <head> element? Why is there no text node between the DOCTYPE and <html> nodes? Error or feature? ...

Why does the Java ecosystem use different character encodings throughout their software stack?

For instance class files use CESU-8 (sometimes also called MUTF-8), but internally Java first used UCS-2 and now it uses UTF-16. The specification about valid Java source files says that a minimal conforming Java compiler only has to accept ASCII characters. What's the reason for these choices? Wouldn't it make more sense to use the sam...

Proper placement of META tags with http-equiv attribute?

I'm implementing Bing Maps on a page (I'd prefer Google Maps, but it's not my choice). I'm following the tutorial MS provides here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb412551.aspx Using MS's code, everything worked just fine. Fleshing it out with some of my own jQuery code, I found that I was getting a "Permission Denied" error...

Is there something similar to JLS for Ruby

Is there a definitive specification for Ruby, akin to the Java Language Specification for Java. Googling ruby language specification provides http://ruby-std.netlab.jp/ as a result, but the site is down and i am not sure whether it is current ...

WPF MVVM - Repository pattern query

I have a web service which provides an interface to query data. I am writing a WPF application using MVVM. I am working on creating a repository that my View Models can use to retrieve models. The repository will call the Web service to fetch data, when required. I would require various Find methods in my repository that finds the data ...

Is the HTML 5 Spec already complete?

I'm was looking for an HTML 5 and CSS 3 framework, I found 52Framework but I've noticed that a lot of HTML 5 elements are still missing, even at the most basic level (reset.css). I though of making my own framework but I need to know if the HTML 5 standard is already complete or if it's still subject to changes, I Googled a bit but coul...

Changing Program Logic to Accommodate New Retail Tax Law

Background I have a program that has implemented the two "classic" taxes for Ontario Canada: 5% GST and 8% PST. At the beginning of July (2010) the province switched to one combined HST tax of 13% for the most part. Effects and changes here but those aren't the main point of this question... Question What are best practices and good so...

Problem with C++ templates

Hi All I am trying to build small logger library. I am facig some problem with c++ templates. Here is what my class structure looks like. class abstract_logger_t { public: typedef abstract_logger_t logger_type; template<typename data_t> abstract_logger_t& log(const data_t& data) { return *this; } }; class stdout_logger_t ...

Is there a safe subset of JSON that can be used with all JSON parsers & databases

JSON is still becoming more and more important for exchange of data but the JSON specification is rather lax in some aspects: The names within an object SHOULD be unique. An implementation may set limits on the size of texts that it accepts. An implementation may set limits on the maximum depth of nesting. An implementatio...