
Use NSSpeechRecognizer or alternative with audio file instead of microphone input?

Is it possible to use the NSSpeechRecognizer with an pre-recorded audio file instead of direct microphone input? Or is there any other speech-to-text framework for Objective-C/Cocoa available? Added: Rather than using voice at the machine that is running the application external devices (e.g. iPhone) could be used for sending just an ...

What is a good resource for learning the System.Speech APIs?

In C# 3.5 System.Speech.dll was added for doing text-to-speech and speech-to-text conversions. Searching on the internet I've found a few blog posts about getting started, but are there any good resources for learning more about this technology? (Other than the obligatory MSDN documentation.) ...

Feasibility of beating the Turing Test with modern software?

I ask this academically, I want to ask aloud a very important question and have the community try to answer it. Can we build a system that generates a scene to play out along a live anonymous group video chatroom that can read the text typed at it and respond with a chatbot? Live Internet video is often blurry and has low resolution. ...

Streaming input to System.Speech.Recognition.SpeechRecognitionEngine

Hello, I am trying to do "streaming" speech recognition in C# from a TCP socket. The problem I am having is that SpeechRecognitionEngine.SetInputToAudioStream() seems to require a Stream of a defined length which can seek. Right now the only way I can think to make this work is to repeatedly run the recognizer on a MemoryStream as more...

How to use speech recognition with/on video file?

How can I code speech recognition engine (Using Microsoft Speech SDK) to "listen" a video file and save the detection into a file? ...

SpeechSynthesizer - How do I play/save the wav file?

I have the following code snippet in an ASP.NET app (non Silverlight) string sText = "Test text"; SpeechSynthesizer ss = new SpeechSynthesizer(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); ss.SetOutputToWaveStream(ms); ss.Speak(sText); //Need to send the ms Memory stream to the user for listening/downloadin How do I: Play this file...

Text extraction of speech from video and audio files

What are the best libraries for doing this. And is the quality good enouch to rely on. It will not be possible to train the system with the speakers voice or use a dictionary of terms to improve results. ...

Question on Speech Recognition classes in .NET

Hi guys, Is it possible to have an application built using the .NET speech recognition classes and pass in a WAV file for it to go through and create a text representation of it. For example, this what I'm trying to do: We have a QA department at my office and they have to listen to hundreds of calls a day which is quite impossible, an...

voice recognition for handeld devices

Hi, I need to develop an app on handheld device pocketpc or palm, that uses voice recognition. what is the best way to go , which library is the easiest , best etc.. thx ...

Voice recogntion engines for embedded applications

I am trying to research available voice recognition engines and SDK for developing a Windows CE voice enabled application. I've run across Nuance, but don't see much of anything else. I would prefer a .Net SDK if possible, but I imagine most would be C/C++. I appreciate any suggestions. Thanks. ...

Does Naturally Speaking have a "show numbers" command like WSR?

Why doesn't Naturally Speaking have this command? You would think they would have released it by now. WSR is much better because of this. ...

Windows Speech Recognition C#

Hi All, I'm making a program that does stuff (Sorry, I'm not allowed to say what it is), but I want to be able to let Windows Speech somehow "know" that there are linklabels and buttons on my Forms, so that when I say "Next" or "Start" etc, it will click those buttons. Just like when you are using IE and you are on Google.com and when y...

Error in C# code for SAPI

I have converted this code in c# which has already written in VB.Net. It is perfectly working fine in VB but my task is to convert and run in c#. Please assist me where I am lacking. public void Form1_Load(System.Object eventSender, System.EventArgs eventArgs) { // Set up error handler try { // Initialize globals inden...

How to implement speech recognition and text-to-speech in C++?

I want to know about various techniques to do speech recognition and text to speech conversion. Also please let me know about any resources like links, tutorials ,ebooks etc. on it. Which is the most efficient technique to achieve it ? ...

How to get words with punctuation recognized correctly by sapi ?

I am using SAPI for speech recognition in my project. But I found that it does not recognise words correctly with punctuations like Where's , I'm , What's , I'd etc.... So any solution for it or is it the limitation of SAPI? ...

Speech to Text considerations for custom .net app

I am a .Net 3.5 WinForm app that is used for Data Entry in house only. Mostly various forms of Textboxes etc. With Windows 7 Speech Recognition it seems like it works "out of the box" with my app for me. What I am wondering is if that is completely true. What steps do I need to take to ensure the highest level of usability in my ap...

What API's provide Nokia for Sound to text and text to sound transformation?

What API's provide Nokia for Sound to text and text to sound transformation for Java or C++ programmer? What do I need? Links to best API's of your choise Links to best Blog Articles/Tutorials on topic ...

Microsoft Sam, SAPI alternatives

We have a application that we were planing to use Microsoft speech API for. Now we tested it on Windows XP using Microsoft Sam voice and frankly it sound terrible ... It's almost impossible to hear what the voice is trying to say. Are there other, better voice. Are there any updates or newer versions out there that are better. Are there...

speech recognition project

hello im making my final year project i.e. speech recognition.but i dont have nay idea how to start.i will use c#.plz can anyone guide me how to start.what shoul be the first step? thnx ...

System.Speech.Recognition Choosing Recognition Profile

Does anyone know how to change recognition profiles from within a .NET application? I am writing a .NET application that does speech recognition using the capabilities found in the System.Speech.Recognition namespace. The audio that I am feeding into the system comes from multiple different users. I would like to be able to train the ...