
JQuery using cookies

Hi all, in my js file i want to be able to load a "splash screen" in a new air app im developing. At present when i call the splash screen it opens and closes fine, but its when i make it set a cookie it doesnt run at all. Please help... cookieSplash(); function cookieSplash(){ var cookieSplash = $.cookie('loadSplash'); i...

How to play animation/movie instead of iPhone splash screen?

I want to play an animation(Gif) or a movie instead of Default.png. Is that possible? I tried what is described in this blog :http://www.cuppadev.co.uk/iphone/playing-animated-gifs-on-the-iphone/ but I don't know how to play a Gif animation instead of Default.png ...

How does one change the background color for a loading out-of-browser Silverlight 3 application?

When running our Silverlight 3 application out-of-browser, startup takes a little time, but it's long enough to be noticeable. During this startup, the background of the window hosting the application displays an ugly white background color. When running in-browser, we have a splash screen, but that's loaded via JavaScript of course. ...

How to speed up loading the splash screen.

I am optimizing the startup of a WinForms app. One issue I identified is the loading of the splash screen form. It takes about half a second to a second. I know that multi-threading is a no-no on UI pieces, however, seeing how the splash screen is a fairly autonomous piece of the application, is it possible to somehow mitigate its p...

What resolution should my Android splash screens be?

I'm creating a splash screen that will display while my Android application loads. I'd like to create it at the correct size so Android won't auto-scale it up or down to fit the screen. (It's a bitmap image, a photograph of an oil painting, so I can't just turn it into a nine-patch.) But there are at least three important screen sizes...

How can I use Window.ShowActivated = false with Maximized window?

I have an application that has a splash screen shown before I create my main window. I want to avoid the main window stealing the focus when it gets created if the user has focused another application while the splash screen was shown. My application's startup looks like this: private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEven...

splash screen for Universal application for ipad and iphone

hi i am create an universal application using iphone sdk3.2. i want to know for ipad and iphone do i need different default.png of different size. ...

Adding a minimum display time for Silverlight splash screen.

When hosting a silverlight application on a webpage it is possible to use the splashscreensource parameter to specify a simple Silverlight 1.0 (xaml+javascript) control to be displayed while the real xap file is downloaded, and which can receive notification of the downloads progress through onSourceDownloadProgressChanged. If the xap fi...

Activate window/application

I have implemented a Splash Screen according to WiredPrairie unmanaged c++ splasher class. But not when my application loads, my window isn't activated. The user has to click on the login box even thought it is the only window open in my application. I have tried the following but none of these work. Topmost = true; ...

iphone problem adding splashscreen

hi all, i've a little problem, i've add a default.png in my app and it work. I've modify my file, delete file and reference and upload my new file. On my iphone the image does not appear, only some second of blackscreen and after my app start. In the simulator the splashscreen appear. I've try to delete my app on iphone, make a clean al...

Application icon is missing in the taskbar during program start, if another application is active

Hi, I've written a WPF application which has a custom (not the standard) icon. A Splashscreen is implemented too. The icon is correctly displayed if I start the application and wait until it is loaded. But, if I start my application and switch to another application (e.g. Outlook) before the my splash screen is shown, the icon is not ...

Why is my WPF splash screen progress bar out of sync with the execution of the startup steps?

Hello, I've implemented a simple WPF splash screen window which informs the user about the progress of the application startup. The startup steps are defined this way: var bootSequence = new[] { new {Do = (Action) InitLogging, Message = "Init logging..."}, new {Do = (Action) InitNHibernate, Message = "Init NHiberna...

Splashscreen ProgressBar in Eclipse RCP has "dirty" corners

Hi there, I am using the RCP Splash Screen along with the built-in ProgressBar (AbsolutePositionProgressMonitorPart). The splash image has a blue background color, but the background of the progressbar seems to be white, which leads to some white corners. There is no "setBackground" on BasicSplashHandler nor does getContent().setBack...

PyQt:How to Place Progressbar in Splash Form

Guys any one can please help me in doing this -> I need to place a progress bar (QProgressbar) in a QSplashScreen . How can i do this in design?..can i really implement it? Using pyqt3 ...

SplashScreen covers any MessageBoxes in wxPython?

I have a SplashScreen shown while my application loads in the background. Unfortunately, if any errors occur during the application's initialisation a MessageBox is shown - but is behind the splash. This prevents the user from seeing the message, and from dismissing it (the only way to quit is through task manager). Q: Is there any way...

Redirect all traffic but "beta" sub-domain to Splash screen (mod_rewrite)

Hi, I'd like to redirect all my traffic to my root domain, the root domain being a Splash screen. I'd like to do this ONLY when the %{HTTP_HOST} is not beta.example.(com|es|fr). So I've tried the following in my .htaccess file, with no luck... (infinite loop... I guess it's not getting the REQUEST_URI condition, but cannot figure out w...

What happens before applicationDidFinishLaunching is invoked?

I'm doing performance testing on my iphone app and I'm noticing that sometimes a good 3-4 secs elapse at startup before I start seeing my NSLogs from applicationDidFinishLaunching. I've optimized what happens once the code enters applicationDidFinishLaunching but I'm not sure how to optimize what goes on before that. I'm using a Defaul...

Having a Backgroundworker refresh splash screen

Hi, Would it be theoretically possible to make BackgroundWorker in a class to periodically refresh existing splash screen form, or is that impossible? (I know that it's probably bad design, but currently I do not see any better way.) Please keep in mind that: I do not want the background worker to do the loading as it would be terrib...

What is the alternative to MilRelease api from MilCore.dll?

Hi I am trying to port my application from windows Vista to Windows 7. In my WPF application I am showing a splash screen, for which I have used WIC components. I am creating some resources using IWICImagingFactory_CreateDecoderFromStream_Proxy IWICImagingFactory_CreateFormatConverter_Proxy CreateBitmapFlipRotator And then to releas...

creating splash screen

Hi All, How to create a splash screen as like netbeans or eclipse splash screen. Please help me for this Regards, Chandu ...