
Annotated Controllers in Spring, passing parameter to jsp

Hello, I'm trying to complete that tutorial with annotated controllers. I got stuck on the Step 2. Here is what they have for Simple Controllers: public ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String now = (new Date()).toString(); logg...

download spring taglibs

I want to use spring taglibs in UI layer in my project. Can anyone let me know where from i need to download the spring taglibs? ...

Spring MVC: @SessionAttributes shared among controllers?

I have an abstract controller support class for searches and result lists: @Controller @SessionAttributes("query") public abstract class SearchController<Q extends SearchQuery> { @RequestMapping public String performSearch(@ModelAttribute("query") Q query) { .... } @ModelAttribute("query") public abstract Q ...

Best practices question with Entities, service classes, and command objects.

Entity's are classes that map directly to our database (which we use for Hibernate). Our service classes contain business logic with these Entities before DAO is called. We also have Command Objects, which are POJO's that relate to specific views. I've been told that the Entities themselves shouldn't be used as command objects, but th...

Access spring web application context beans in EL expression

I'm new to Spring MVC and have the following situation: In WEB-INF/demoshop-servlet.xml I have the following line: <bean id="someBean" class="com.xxx.xxx.web.SomeBean" /> I also have a JSP that contains a line like: ${someBean.someAttribute} I expected that the attribute is read from the bean when the page is rendered but it's not...

Access model objects from view in Spring 2.5

Is there a way to access the objects in the model set by a Controller on a View in Spring 2.5? I'm using a SimpleFormController but instead of using a proper Validator, I perform the checks directly into the onSubmit() method because I'm working with jQuery on the client side and I don't want the whole ViewForm (a complete page) to be sh...

initialize a nested object inside command bean, Simpleformcontroller.

Hi all, I have a class Account public class Account { private int id; private String name; //getters and setters } and a class Contact private class Contact { private int contactid; private Account account; //getters and setters } In a simple form controller, we initialize the command object through setCommandName method. Now my ...

Best software to design web pages considering using java mvc technologies such as spring mvc, struts or something similar?

Every people talk about adobe dreamweaver... But if im developing java based web apps, It would be a good choice? ...

spring web MVC and hibernate setup - how to get a hold of your hibernate bean?

I am new to Spring and the bean concept, so sorry if asking the obviously. I have set up a Java project and used the Hibernate framework to make my connections to the DB (using hibernate tool on eclipse, really recommended btw). My basic setup was as follows: some hibernate pojos (generated by Hibernate tools), hibernate mapping files...

RequestMapping for controllers for different servlets

Hi there, I have a problem with my spring controller/request mapping struture. In web.xml I have defined 2 dispatcher servlets, that map the following request paths: Servlet: /pathA/* Servlet /pathB/* All my controllers are defined in the package com.myproject.controllers, so both controllers serving for paths under /pathA...

suggestion for ebook

please suggest spring security 3 pdf at beginner level in java which is available for free download. ...

Tutorial for using spring beans in jsp pages

Hi guys, (I am not familar with technologies related to HTML delivery, like JSP... But I know basic concepts...) In my application I use Spring Beans and Spring Security together with Blaze DS to communicate with Flex applications over AMF protocol. Everything works just fine. Now I have a task to deliver some services via HTTP/HTML e...

Hibernate aggregates + Spring MVC

Hi, I am using Hibernate with my Spring MVC project. Lets say my model has 2 objects each linked to Oracle tables, respectively USERS (USERID, NAME) and USERMONEYDATA (CATEGORY, USERID, AMOUNT) My users can add , edit and remove rows in USERMONEYDATA, that belongs to them of course. Now, I want to have a view that aggregates those da...

How to encode a url in spring framework ?

greetings all I have a post method in a controller, which redirects to a new page I a way such like: @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST) public String post(HttpServletRequest request) { return "redirect:http://www.x.appName.com/myPage"; } suppose that the user already has a session before the redirection an...

EL enum string processing

I have a variable being passed to my JSP view from a spring controller that maps to an enum. It is being printed out at 'ENUM_VALUE', not very user friendly. What is the best way to convert this to a more readable form like 'Enum value'. I'd rather a pure EL solution so as to avoid writting more code in the controller to parse this, bu...

session scoped bean not created by DispatcherServlet

I've created a RESTful web service using spring. I have controllers that are session scoped. When i try to perform a GET request it actually works great but i get an ignored exception while DispatcherServlet tries to determine Last-Modified value. 2010-10-28 11:32:50,487 [http-8080-2] DEBUG org.springframework.web.servlet.Dispatcher...

Encode path variables in JSP via WebDataBinder in Spring 3 MVC

Spring MVC is able to convert "path variables" to domain objects using WebDataBinder and PropertyEditorSupport. My question is: Is it able to do the opposite conversion when rendering links in a JSP, too? My JSP looks like this: <s:url value="/myaccount/{user}" var="url"> <s:param name="user" value="${currentUser}" /> </s:url> <a h...

How do you figure out what is causing '/login' to be called?

I was looking at the Firebug output for my index page and noticed that my /login handler is getting called at some point during the execution of the index page. It doesn't redirect to the /login page though for some reason. But I can't tell which resource is triggering /login to be called. Is there some way of outputting the source of ...

Spring MVC: Relative URL problems

I have a controller bound the URL: "/ruleManagement". Inside my JSP, I have a form that forwards (on submit) to "ruleManagement/save" url. When there are errors with the input fields, I want it to return back the original form View. This is where the problem starts... Problem 1) Now that the URL is "/ruleManagement/save", my form sub...

Binding Multiple Command Objects of Same Type in Spring MVC

I have a several command objects of the same type to bind, each of which represents a row from a form. How do I bind these in an annotation based controller? How do I access them on the JSP? ...