
What are some good sample applications using Spring and Hibernate?

I need a quick jump start for using Spring and Hibernate together and I was looking for some sample code to modify and extend. Bonus points for Struts2 and Spring Security integration. ...

Three tier layered application using Wicket + Spring + Hibernate. How would you handle transactions?

Hi, I'm thinking about using the Open Session In View (OSIV) filter or interceptor that comes with Spring, as it seems like a convenient way for me as a developer. If that's what you recommend, do you recommend using a filter or an interceptor and why? I'm also wondering how it will mix with HibernateTemplate and if I will lose the abil...

Reloading/Refreshing Spring Configuration File without restarting the Servlet Container

How can I refresh spring configuration file without restarting my servlet container. I am looking for a solution other than javarebel. ...

How to collect spring properties from multiple files for use on a single bean

I haven't gotten my head wrapped around Spring yet, so correct me if this question doesn't make sense... I have a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer <bean id="rdbmPropertiesPlacholder" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer" lazy-init="false"> <property name="location" value="classpath:/properties/...

Null Inner Bean with Spring IoC

Hi all. I have a singleton bean definition like this: <bean id="exampleBean" class="com.examples.ExampleBean"> <property name="exampleBean2"> <bean class="com.examples.ExampleBean2" /> </property> </bean> where ExampleBean could be: public class ExampleBean { private ExampleBean2 exampleBean2; public ExampleBean() { } ...

Spring JavaMailSenderImpl: where to set the charset?

Where do you define the charset a mail is sent with if you are using a Spring JavaMailSenderImpl? We are using the Spring JavaMailSenderImpl with a mail session we get from the Websphere Application Server 6.1. Strangely, the charsets used in sending the emails are different on different systems using the same code. I am looking for a w...

What are the advantages of Apache Wicket?

I'm not a Java developer so I might get some terms wrong... but. An application I integrate with is moving from Spring to Wicket. While it should not affect my integration with it I got to wondering why they would do this? From what I know Spring is the more popular framework. I know nothing about it except it's popular. I did read ...

Use Spring options tag to display enum's toString value

I'm using Spring for an HTML form. One of the fields is an enum and thus I'd like a HTML drop-down list (<option> tag). My enum's name is different than the toString() value. For example: public enum Size { SMALL("Small"), LARGE("Large"), VERY_LARGE("Very large"); private final String displayName; private Size(String displ...

Spring embedded ldap server in unit tests

I am currently trying to use an embedded ldap server for unit tests. In Spring Security, you can quickly define an embedded ldap server for testing with the tag with some sample data loaded from the specified ldif. I will be using Spring Ldap to perform ldap operations, and thinking of testing the usual CRUD features of my User servic...

Has anybody used JPA with Red5?

Hi! I'm developing a red5 application. I have to retrieve some data from the database and I want to use JPA to do this, preferably the toplink implementation? I know that red5 deploys application with Spring and I also know that I have to configure the red5-web.xml but I don't have any idea how to do this. Does anybody here know how t...

ACEGI Authentication available in tomcat 404 error handler.

I'm using spring and acegi in a webapp that's deployed in tomcat 5.5.26. I want to see if the user is logged in on the 404 page, so that we can show their name if they're logged in, and a login link otherwise. I have the HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter, in the filters on the REQUEST dispatcher. I also have it in the ERROR dispatche...

Is there a way to get a list of all the Spring application contexts running in the JVM?

I would like to be able to get a list of all Spring application contexts from the web applications running in my servlet container. This so so that I can re-initialise the contexts without restarting or reloading my container or webapps. Is this possible? If so, how? Is there anyway to get a list of all the servlet contexts running on a...

Spring framework - class loader relationship

Hello I am having a problem which is probably related to the Spring / class loader relationship. I will apologise for the verbosity of the question now. I have a number of legacy java applications which were originally written and intended to run within a dedicated JVM. We decided upon examination of the resource usage that efficienci...

Cannot locate 'org.springframework.security.annotation.Jsr250MethodDefinitionSource'

When I configure method security under Spring Security I get the error shown above (see stack trace below). I am running Spring 2.5.6, Spring Security 2.0.4 under Eclipse 3.4 with a Tomcat 6 runtime. I need any suggestion as to what to look at to get this working. My security configuration file is as follows: <beans:beans xmlns="http:/...

Hibernate : Foreign key constraint violation problem

I have a com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException in my code (using Hibernate and Spring) and I can't figure why. My entities are Corpus and Semspace and there's a many-to-one relation from Semspace to Corpus as defined in my hibernate mapping configuration : <class name="xxx.entities.Semspace" table="Semspac...

Spring: Setting up a simple PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer example.

The solution to this is probably very simple, but I'm not sure what I'm missing. Here's what I have, and PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer won't replace the ${...}. /* ---- org/company/springtest/Test.java: ---- */ package org.company.springtest; import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanFactory; import org.springframework.core....

How do I get a HttpServletRequest in my spring beans?

I'm developing an app with a Flex-based front end and a Spring/Hibernate back-end. To get Facebook integration working in the way I've got it currently, I need to read the cookies set in javascript on the front end on the back-end and do some validation during login to see whether the user is attempting to spoof his Facebook login. Thi...

How do I instantiate an Object that uses generics with Spring framwork?

I have a class that looks like this: class Dao<T>{ ... } I want to do this new Dao<Student>(); from the Spring XML configuration. Can that be done? How? ...

Scalability and high availability of a Java standalone application

We are currently running a Java integration application on a Linux box. First an overview of the application. The Java application is a standalone application (not deployed on any JEE application server like OracleAS,WebLogic,JBOSS etc). By Stand Alone I mean its NOT a DESKTOP application. However it is run from the command line from a ...

Using Quartz with Spring

In my application there is a requirement to be able to create Scheduled Job(s) depending on the type of Request that comes in (Dynamically). Can I still use Spring to create and trigger Jobs? If Yes, how? Any help would be useful. ...