
Java equivalent to WCF Data Services

Is there anything in Java that's the equivalent of WCF Data Services ? Does Spring have the capabilities to expose databases as a RESTful web service like WCF Data Services ? Thanks ! ...

Annoyance - Warning when using Mina 2.x with Spring 3.x

Anyone know of a good way to get rid of this warning, besides increasing the log level? Mind you everything in the server still works as expected, but this occurs every time the server is restarted. o.s.b.f.c.CustomEditorConfigurer - Passing PropertyEditor instances into CustomEditorConfigurer is deprecated: use PropertyEditorRegistrar...

Spring MVC 3.0 and Apache Tiles 2

Howdy, I'm currently in a Spring MVC 3 based project, and found out about Apache Tiles 2 the other day, I think Tiles 2 is a heck of framework that I could make good use in my project, but before I commit to it, I would like to know if it integrates well with Spring MVC 3, given that Tiles' inherent relationship with Struts. Spring als...

JSF 2.0 + SWF 3 integration tutorial / example

Where can i find working example / tutorial for simple webapp on JSF 2.0 integrated with SWF 3 (Spring Web Flow) ? Is this possible ? ...

How to log Spring transaction content

There have been various posts of logging the activity (start, commit & rollback) of Spring's transaction manager. However, I recently came across a deadlock issue for which logging just the activity isn't enough. The fundamental issue in our code is a messy usage of transaction propagations REQUIRED and REQUIRES_NEW. There are so many ...

load balancing issue

How to use load balancing with terracotta in Java application. ...

Manage special roles in ldap

I have a web-app configured with spring security which gets users and roles from an ldap tree. I have a dn ou=User,dc=application for users and, for role, ou=Groups,dc=application . Every role is an entry in the second subtree and the association is made by attribute member in role entry. Actually i have 5 different role access (ROLE_...

spring 3 autowire in standalone application

Here is my code: public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Main p = new Main(); p.start(args); } @Autowired private MyBean myBean; private void start(String[] args) { ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("META-INF/config.xml"); ...

Could annotation based and xml based configuration be used together in spring 2.5?

Hi I've been working on a project where controllers have been written extending Controller classes. Could I configure and use the POJO based Controllers as well (using @Controller) in the same application? Many thanks ...

spring 3 autowiring and junit testing

My code: @Component public class A { @Autowired private B b; public void method() {} } public interface X {...} @Component public class B implements X { ... } I want to test in isolation class A. Do I have to mock class B? If yes, how? Because it is autowired and there is no setter where i could send the mocked obje...

how to profile a page request for a spring mvc app

what options do I have to profile a page request in a spring mvc app? I want to get a breakdown of how long the page request takes, along with the various stages like how long it takes to render the freemarker template, hibernate db calls, etc. ...

Validate format parameter via config in Spring MVC.

Here is my situation: I have my mvc-config.xml file for my web service set up to have JSON as the default media type. I also have favorParameter for the ContentNegotiatingViewResolver as true. Additionally, I have useNotAcceptableStatusCode as true so that not accepted formats will return a 406. My question is: Is there a way, in the c...

error creating bean - JpetStore example

Please help me resolve this I am constantly getting this error Error creating bean with name 'sqlMapClient' defined in ServletContext resource Thanks 31 [main] INFO org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader - Root WebApplicationContext: initialization started 140 [main] INFO org.springframework.web.context.support.XmlWebApplic...

Should I use artifacts from Maven repository or Spring repository

I have an application built with Maven 2 with duplicate dependencies from both SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository and Maven2 public repository. Fortunately they have the same version but I still would like to clean-up the duplicates. Should I favor Spring repository or Maven? My project uses Spring a lot (core, web flow, securit...

Learning Curves for Java Frameworks

We're considering experimenting with a new Java framework for building some internal web apps. We have a mixture of Perl/Ruby/Java programmers and are trying to standardize as much as possible. I'm familiar with what each of the following bring to the table, but am unclear on what the actually learning curves are and how they compare: ...

Spring MVC bind comma separated list to multi-select

tl;dr: I have a custom object that isn't a Collection. How can I get Spring to bind it to a multiple select? I have an object Field that contains a field called value, which is a String, with getters and setters. Sometimes the value field contains a single value and those will be displayed in a text box. Other times the value field wi...

Concurrency problem using spring, dbcp and postgres

The software stack I'm using is: tomcat->spring-> hibernate-> DBCP -> postgreSQL I have a query that search for some data using a column of type "timestamp without time zone". If the application is tested in a single user mode, then there are no problems. I'm using JMeter to make some stress test and can see that sometimes the query f...

How to fix?: Server in Eclipse suddenly requires jars in server's launch classpath.

I have a web project built in eclipse using Spring and for Tomcat. Before some recent changes that I either cannot remember or undo, I could simply start the server in the ide and hit my servlets without issue. After making those changes, when I started the server, I got the stacktrace as follows. SEVERE: Error configuring application...

spring framework form tag and yui text editor

hi developers. i'm using spring framework form tag. and it's simple text area . but i want to use YUI rich text editor.i can use text editor with form tag in upload page. but i want to edit that form. so how to open edit page YUI rich text editor with old news? sorry my english skill i hope you understand ...

Cron expression for particular date

I want a cron expression that represents 6th September 2010 6:00 am ...