
Springs Simple <remember-me/> not working :-(

I am trying to make use of Spring Security's <remember-me/> authentification. The line in my security context looks like this: <security:remember-me key="89dqj219dn910lsAc12" user-service-ref="jpaUserDetailsService"/> Although I use my own implementation of UserDetailsService (tested & working), I have also tried with the default one...

Route to study Java EE and associated technology?

I am an undergraduate student with knowledge of core Java. I want to learn Java EE and related technology for my final year major project and career prospect. what are the Prerequisites for Java EE? I and my friend have done some research on this matter. We found that we need to know about Servlets, JSP, Javabeans, RMI, etc. We have ba...

spring simplejdbctemplate batch update - array of strings

Hey StackOverflow, could please anybody help me out with an example of batch update of an array of strings into one column ? This is an example of batch update of an array of objects having getters public int[] batchUpdate(final List<Actor> actors) { SqlParameterSource[] batch = SqlParameterSourceUtils.createBatch(actors.toArra...

sharing authentication across multiple plugins in Grails

I have modularized a large Grails project into several plugins and want to share access to the spring security plugin to manage authentication across my project - is there an easy way to do this? I'm not sure how to share access to core project plugins from sub plugins ...

Why proxy class is required for Spring AOP?

What is the responsibity of the proxy class in AOP? What is the role of that? ...

Spring web application can't start due to previous error

Hi, I am making a web application using spring mvc and hibernate and I am getting a very strange error from tomcat 7 console output stating this: 13-Sep-2010 08:27:18 org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig checkResources INFO: Undeploying context [/ZangV3Spring] 13-Sep-2010 08:27:18 org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig ...

Set properties of bean inside form from jsp in Spring MVC

I have Bean A{ B b;} which encapsulates instance of Bean B. I have property name which i want to set name property of Bean B. Is there any way i can do it Spring. Currently i am using AbstractCommandController. ...

Cannot find class [org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSourc[

ok log4j and servlett bugs have been fixed. next up is this one :( [QUOTE]Cannot find class [org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSourc[/QUOTE] my current web.xml looks like this: [QUOTE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app version="2.4" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/...

How can I set a timeout on spring DriverManagerDataSource

We are using DriverManagerDataSource from the Spring framework (version 2.5) to pool connections to Oracle. However, it seems that these connections don't have any timeout defined - yesterday, after emergency database restart, we had a thread hanging on a socket read inside the database connection. How can I set the timeout, to say 10 mi...

Stream pdf/excel files dynamically to flex UI application

Hello all, We have an app that has the following characteristics- a) Flex front-end. b) Spring, BlazeDS and tomcat back-end c) Flex UI communicates with the back-end server using AMF/xmlrpc d) Mate framework is used for Flex front-end I have a requirement to generate reports on the flex UI and be able to export these reports in PDF ...

Rollback on every checked exception, whenever I say @Transactional

Since the programmer is forced to catch all checked exception, I to throw checked exception in case of any problem. I would like to rollback on any of those expections. Writing rollbackFor=Exception.classon every @Transactional annotation is very error-prone, so I would like to tell spring, that: "whenever I write @Transactional, I mean ...

Struts2: how to declare a CompositeActionMapper and set it up in spring?

I've managed to set up an ActionMapper but I can't make a CompositeActionMapper work. Struts.xml <constant name="struts.mapper.composite" value="searchActionMapper,struts" /> <!--constant name="struts.mapper.class" value="searchActionMapper" /--> applicationContext.xml <bean id="searchActionMapper" class="it.agriturismo.actionMapper...

How to automatically set date_created using spring aop

Hello Gurus !!! i've been working on a project in java+maven+spring+hibernate and i wanted to automatically assign the current date to the POJOs before the calling of saveorupdate. i wouldn't mind creating new Date() for all the date_created of all the classes but they are just plenty. I've just discovered that spring aop is good at tho...

Spring MVC: Adding JAXB to the classpath so that it automatically serializes XML

According to Spring MVC documentation, <mvc:annotation-driven/> configures support for JSON if Jackson is in the classpath, and support for XML if JAXB is present in the classpath. Simply by adding a Jackson dependency to my pom.xml, I get JSON support to work! (see: Ajax Simplification in Spring 3.0) However, after trying to access the...

Any APIs or tools available to make web page tables highly configurable?

I am in the process of designing a financial web page (using Java, Wicket, JQuery..) where one of the page has around 5 tables and each table has around 10-15 columns. These columns should be highly configurable that means some clients want to view/hide selected columns or some clients may want to see column name as different from other ...

Where do Spring configuration files go in a maven WAR module?

I've looked at a bunch of sample project and I can't seem to tease out a common best practice. I've seen Spring bean files sometimes go in the web-app/WEB-INF directory. I've seen this in conjunction with with a servlet definition in web.xml like this: <servlet> <servlet-name>my-stuff</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.springf...

Flex Error flex.messaging.io.amf.ASObject cannot be cast to

Hi, I have an action script Object that contains an array collection of other object, both objects are reflects of the Java Objects which are the database tables represented as beans, i am using blazeds spring hibernate... the regular configurations for flex RIA with java backend server language, all other objects work perfectly, but th...

How to find BOTH threads of a deadlock ?

Hi guys, We're having the classic spring/hibernate/mysql stack running in Tomcat 5.5. Once in a while we're getting a deadlock when the attempt times out to lock a table row. Some kind of deadlock exception is thrown. The exception is clear and the stack trace indicate what went wrong. But it doesn't show the other thread which is hold...

Spring MVC - Binding a Date Field

For request parameters representing string, number, and boolean values, the Spring MVC container can bind them to typed properties out of the box. How do you have the Spring MVC container bind a request parameter representing a Date? Speaking of which, how does the Spring MVC determine the type of a given request parameter? Thanks! ...

No Hibernate Session bound to thread

I am using Spring MVC and Hibernate. I want to use the OpenSessionInViewFilter to allow lazy loading to work properly in the view layer. The OpenSessionInViewFilter requires a root application context so i added a ContextLoaderListener and moved my non view related configuration files to it from the DispatcherServlet. The app-config.x...