
Web page does not open

Sep 20, 2010 11:22:43 AM com.springsource.tcserver.security.PropertyDecoder <init> INFO: tcServer property decoder has been initialized. Sep 20, 2010 11:22:43 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'source' to 'org.eclipse.jst.jee.server...

Ajax call to a method in flow handler - Spring web flow 2.1.1

Hi, I have a problem with performing Ajax call inside of flow (created by spring web flow) on a flow handler. Assuming that we are in step 2 of this flow and I would like to call a method on server which will add a new object to a list displayed on a page. This method call should be performed by flow handler and without refresh the whol...

Obtaining session in Hibernate Listener with Spring Integration

When Hibernate is used with Spring, making the DAOs extend HibernateDaoSupport provides the getHibernateTemplate() which is used to obtain the session. When using a Hibernate Event Listener, I am extending the SaveOrUpdateEventListener and so cannot use the getHibernateTemplate() method to obtain Session. Is there any way to obtain the...

Handling DataAccessException for Spring JDBC

I am using a Datasource to log my audit information per user-request. The bean is defined in a springContext.xml sourced during initialization. Whenever the DB is down, the bean initialization fails with following error: DataAccessException. What I want to do is continue after this exception(since it is ok not to be able to log). How d...

problem in posting data from client side to server side in OnetoOneMapping

In Spring MVC when I submit data from my form then the exception occurs as given below. The situation is like I have Entity class and I have taken another Entity in it as part of relationship. when I send data to display it is working properly but when I post data after editing exception occurs. I have tried initbinding as well but does...

When is innodb_lock_wait_timeout ignored ?

Related to my other questions, I'm having a weird case of the classic deadlock exception: Caused by: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction. blablalbla... The code is identified and indeed, it's possible to get a deadlock. The thing is that I'm getting the exception immediatly. ...

How to set value of select box in Set or ArrayList in spring mvc

I have a class User{ Set.....} Car{String id,......}. a select box in html page. I want that when user submit form, value of select box should be set in Set. How can i do it in Spring mvc. ...

How to debug Spring MVC tomcat application?

Hi All, I am trying a spring MVC application on tomcat server.. I am always getting the error as resource not found(please see the question if you have time)..I think there is some problem with the view resolver.. I want debug this application to know where i am doing wrong... Is that possible? I don't know if it is a lame question ...

Spring MVC mappping view for Google-GSON?

Does anyone know if there is a Spring MVC mapping view for Gson? I'm looking for something similar to org.springframework.web.servlet.view.json.MappingJacksonJsonView. Ideally it would take my ModelMap and render it as JSON, respecting my renderedAttributes set in the ContentNegotiatingViewResolver declaration We plan to use Gson exte...

Spring autowire not behaving as expected

I have tried to autowire a bean for a test class using @Autowire, however the bean is not wired and I get this exception: Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No matching bean of type [com.abc.MyDaoHibernateImpl] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire c...

Webapp bootstrap code in Tomcat

Hi all, I'm developing a Java webapp using Spring, Spring Security, Tomcat and MySQL. Right now I'm still in a phase where I'm making fairly frequent changes to the database as well as recreating the database to purge test data. Ultimately, this won't be an issue, but is there a way to have a bean that is instantiated or code that is ...

Spring security with Flex using Container Preauth

I've got the Spring Security preauthentication sample configured and working with JBoss. The next step is to somehow get the user information into a flex client GUI. What are some methods that will let me get the Authentication or UserDetails object that's created by spring-security on http access into the flex client? Since I'm loggi...

Spring Integration Test is Slow with Autowiring

I am trying to speed up the Integration tests in our environment. All our classes are autowired. In our applicationContext.xml file we have defined the following: <context:annotation-config/> <context:component-scan base-package="com.mycompany.framework"/> <context:component-scan base-package="com.mycompany.service"/> ...additional di...

Setting sub-property of a Spring bean

Is it possible to set a Spring bean sub-property using dot notation? For instance: <bean name="rememberMe" class="com.mydomain.security.RememberMeManager"> <property name="cookie.domain" value=".${webRoot}"/> </bean> Or do I need to also create an intermediary bean for the Cookie object stored in RememberMeManager.getCookie()? M...

Form not working on index page

I'm using Spring 3 and Eclipse. The weirdest thing happened, when I was trying to make a form on index page: all I got is neither plain target or binding result for bean name (commandname) error...but when I copy EXACTLY THE SAME form to other .jsp-file and THE SAME controller method, it works fine! Can anyone tell what it is? ...

problem in posting data in one to one mapping

i am experiencing problem when my form post data to save to database by jpa where i have used one to one mapping to a class. the there is exception occurs that says that org.springframework.beans.NullValueInNestedPathException: Invalid property 'user' of bean class [org.mkcl.iforum.adnan.domain.UsersCredentials]: Value of nested proper...

Spring, how do I set the file shown when / is hit?

With Spring MVC 3, when a user goes to http://localhost/myspringapp/ how do I decide what page they will see? I currently get a 404. ...

How to pass parameters to spring webflow?

Hi all, First of all, I don't know how can config restful url request for spring webflow, for example,how can I invoke my webflow when type address: http://localhost/app/order/edit/1002 It's easy to write spring mvc controller to handle this,but in case of webflow, I don't know how to pass parameters. Can anybody help me? Thanks ...

Invalid XML generated from Flex WebService

I am trying to get Flex to communication with a Spring-WS webservice. But Flex generates a SOAP request that is not validated either by a PayloadValidatingInterceptor nor by soapUI. The problem seems to be related to the use of XML namespaces. The not validated message looks like : <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoa...

Using JAVA NIO framework in SPRING server

I'm implementing an hybrid server application that mixes a Web-Servlet and a plain Java application. The java application manages thousands of sockets for remote devices, while the Web application interacts with the user to set/read the state of any socket. Java NIO, or Apache-MINA vs Jboss-Netty, seems to be good options for the socket...