
Product creation doesn't work (under Spring MVC with JPA)

Well, the code is working under the Test Enviroment, but not on the front context of the application. This is driving me crazy to be honest. Here is the controller: package org.admios.nuevoproyecto.controller; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.web.bind.WebDataBinder; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.InitB...

changing app root for spring mvc app on tomcat

I am working with a sample RESTEasy 2.0 resource on Spring MVC 3.0 and deplying to Tomcat 6. I can get to my resource through http: //localhost:8080/examples-resteasy-2.1-SNAPSHOT/contacts but I would like to access through http: //localhost:8080/contacts or even http: //localhost:8080/myservice/contacts Is there something I need to cha...

Spring + CXF or Spring+Mule? Which one is better?

I want to expose some of the existing POJOs of my Spring Web application as Webservices with the help of JAX-WS annotations. I can do it in the following two ways Apache CXF Mule ( this internally uses CXF) I wanted to know which is preferable and why? ...

Preserve line breaks in HTML,JAVA,Spring

Hi, i have a web application built with HTML(front-end),java(server-side) and i have a textarea when posting some data with line breaks (pressing enter after a word) the line breaks are not reserved (the data appears next to each other with no line breaks) how to preserve the line breaks ?, note that i am not using the tag when displayi...

Spring tries to bind all fields

Using Spring 3 I have two forms: adding Item and invalidating Item I have ItemAddEditCommand that references Item and some other data. Adding Item works great but I have problem with invalidating Item. In general it is an edit form that contains two form fields - expirationDate and comment. In the controller I'm using the same command...

Grails Spring Security Plugin- Want to create Project specific User's roles?

Hi all, I have domain Classes "Project" and "User" and need to implement authentication using Spring Secutity plugin. The default implementation of this plugin provides us to create ROLES that are User specific. But in my project I need to create Project specific ROLES for the USER and need to authenticate them. e.g. User-A can be an...

Spring MVC and WML web page?

Hi, is it possible to contruct and use a WML page instead of a normal html page to render my views that contain a form? i could not find any examples on how to achieve this and i could not even find the "form" tag in WML. Instead, from my understanding WML, uses cards with input tags to process a form of some sort but in Spring mvc's Si...

spring two-way rmi callback from server executing on client side

On the server-side I have a ListenerManager which fires callbacks to its Listeners. The manager is exported using a Spring RmiServiceExporter On the client-side I have a proxy to the manager created by an RmiProxyFactoryBean, and a Listener implementation registered through this proxy with the manager on the server side. So far so good...

Jaxb2Marshaller and attributes

I have a problem using Jaxb2Marshaller for unmarshalling XML attributes (of primitive types). Here is the sample: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <request xmlns="..."> <items> <item id="1"/> <item id="2"/> <item id="3"/> </items> </request> And the entity class is: @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType...

Custom "Next" Buttons for Spring MVC AbstractWizardFormController

Currently, a spring application I am working on has several wizards that it is using with Spring's AbstractWizardFormController. During the early stages of development(pre-design phase), the type of "next" button did not matter. Just to refresh, the Next and Back button are submit buttons with target attributes. So a next button on the ...

Unable to retrieve security context from within Spring-Jersey

Hello all, I am trying to retrieve a security context within my spring-jersey bean, however I keep getting Null authentication. When I run the same command from within my spring application it correctly retrieves the current logged in users security context. The configuration of spring-jersey requires creating a separate servlet to the...

Spring MVC: best way to set global debug flag

I'm using Spring MVC and my jsp's have a <div id="debug"> section that I would like to be able to show/turn off conditionally while we are in development. For example, if I am looking at page www.example.com/main, www.example.com/main?debug=1 would show me the information that is contained under the debug div. Is there an easy way ...

From zero to Java > Spring > Hibernate for web

Ok... so here's my actual status: Been a PHP Scripter for way too long, I think I cover the basis, Good practices (structure, commenting, indenting, workplan, etc), OOP, MVC, security and a fair knowledge of PL/SQL. But never seen a single line of java code and it's time to do some kind of voodoo to "learn XYZ in 21 seconds". The goal i...

Importing Spring beans from other Maven modules inside a WAR?

I have a new web app that is packaged as a WAR as part of a multi-module Maven project. The applicationContext.xml for this WAR references beans that are imported from the "service" module, which in turn imports beans from the "dao" module. The import statement in applicationContext.xml looks like this: <import resource="classpath*:se...

Problems with WebSphereUowTransactionManager in Spring MDP

I am having trouble setting up a MDP in Spring 3.0.4 in WebSphere 7.0 using the WebSphereUowTransactionManager. If I don't use WebSphereUowTransactionManager, it works just fine. Without it, I won't have any XA-action on errors, so I think I really need that. Here is what happens on the server: [9/22/10 16:26:35:093 CDT] 00000070 Syst...

JPA/hibernate big collections

Hi, In a scenario with two types of entities, Parent and Child: Parent - @OneToMany Collection children; The default is to have lazy loading on the collection of children. This model works great for small numbers of children, but if the number grows very large this seems unsustainable. So for occasions where I think the number of chi...

JSF : how to force creating a new managed bean instance for every browse instance

Hi , I am using . and my managed bean is defined in session scope. when I open a new browser , the constructor of the managed bean is getting called for the first time. but after that, when I open another browser instance, I see directly the method is getting called instead of going thru the constructor of the managed bean. Is there a ...

Providing a timeout value when using @Async for a method using Spring 3.0

I looked through the documentation but couldn't find if there is a way to specify a timeout for async operations spawned when using @Async annotated methods using Spring 3.0. Is there a way to do that? I think this is pretty essential whenever making triggering an async computation. ...

Why does JBoss JMX console not show descriptions of Spring-defined MBeans?

I have a Spring bean that is exposed via JMX using Spring annotations, but the parameter names remain blank and the operation and parameter descriptions don't show up. Can this be fixed without resorting to tedious XML definition files? I implemented this closely following a blog post. Here's my simplified code: import org.springframew...

Safely clearing Hibernate session in the middle of large transaction

I am using Spring+Hibernate for an operation which requires creating and updating literally hundreds of thousands of items. Something like this: { ... Foo foo = fooDAO.get(...); for (int i=0; i<500000; i++) { Bar bar = barDAO.load(i); if (bar.needsModification() && foo.foo()) { bar.setWhatever("new whatever...