
is there any chance of sql injection through selectbox( dynamically created or static)

Hello All, i want to know that is there any chance of SQL injection via selectbox options? if yes then will u please show some demonstration(or refer any link). and also tell me how do we prevent sql injection in selectbox.(using PHP MYSQL) one more: if i create a selectbox dynamically( based on options of anothe...

Seeking assistance with Escaping Data for MySQL queries

Please don't send me a link to php.net referencing mysql_real_escape_string as the only response. I have read through the page and while I understand the general concepts, I am having some trouble based on how my INSERT statement is currently built. Today, I am using the following: $sql = "INSERT INTO tablename VALUES ('', ...

Is the Zend_Db_Table_Abstract->insert() function safe?

I am using the insert() function from Zend_Db_Table_Abstract. The data being inserted is user input, so naturally I am curious if ZF does the data cleansing for me, or if I should do it myself before I call the insert() function. ...

IIS 6.0 Server and Unicode Characters

We are performing a pen test on a simple asp application that uses MS SQL Database. It seems for the authentication they are using dynamic constructed queries but escaping single qoutes. When we use Unicode quotes like %uFFO7,%u02b9 etc we are able to successfully inject SQL injections. Want to understand is it more a kind of configura...

Valid Email Addresses - XSS and SQL Injection

Since there are so many valid characters for email addresses, are there any valid email addresses that can in themselves be XSS attacks or SQL injections? I couldn't find any information on this on the web. The local-part of the e-mail address may use any of these ASCII characters: Uppercase and lowercase English letters (a...

What is this hacker trying to do?

If you do a search for: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=0x57414954464F522044454C4159202730303A30303A313527&hl=en&start=30&sa=N you will see a lot of examples of an attempted hack along the lines of: 1) declare @q varchar(8000) select @q = 0x57414954464F522044454C4159202730303A30303A313527 exec(@q) -- What is exactly is ...

Are multiline queries sql-injection safe?

This might be a stupid question. Or maybe my hacking skills are limited (I don't practice them at all). I have a query that looks like this: <?php $query =<<<eot SELECT table_x.field1, table_x.field2, table_y.*, table_z.field4 FROM ( SELECT ... ...

SQL injection attempt on my server

I know a little about SQL injections and URL decode, but can someone who's more of an expert than me on this matter take a look at the following string and tell me what exactly it's trying to do? Some kid from Beijing a couple weeks ago tried a number of injections like the one below. %27%20and%20char(124)%2Buser%2Bchar(124)=0%20and...

Ways I can protect my site excluding XSS and Sql injection?

Hi,So, members of my website can post topics, replies, comments, edit them and so on. I always use htmlspecialchars and addslashes for html inputs to protect my site against XSS and SQL injection attacks. Is it enough or is there something more I miss? Thanks. ...

Rails SQL injection?

In Rails, when I want to find by a user given value and avoid SQL injection (escape apostrophes and the like) I can do something like this: Post.all(:conditions => ['title = ?', params[:title]]) I know that an unsafe way of doing this (possible SQL injection) is this: Post.all(:conditions => "title = #{params[:title]}") My question...

How do I prevent unauthorized users from deleting objects in my domain model?

I got similar domain model 1) User. Every user got many cities. @OneToMany(targetEntity=adv.domain.City.class...) 2) City. Every city got many districts @OneToMany(targetEntity=adv.domain.Distinct.class) 3) Distintc My goal is to delete distinct when user press delete button in browser. After that controller get id of distinct and p...

In PHP when submitting strings to the DB should I take care of illegal characters using htmlspecialchars() or use regex?

I am working on a form with the possiblity for the user to use illegal/special characters in the string that is to be submitted to the database. I want to escape/negate these characters in the string and have been using htmlspecialchars(). However, I would like to know if there is a better/faster method. ...

SQL Injection Protection for dynamic queries

The typical controls against SQL injection flaws are to use bind variables (cfqueryparam tag), validation of string data and to turn to stored procedures for the actual SQL layer. This is all fine and I agree, however what if the site is a legacy one and it features a lot of dynamic queries. Then, rewriting all the queries is a herculean...

Reported error code considered SQL Injection?

SQL injection that actually runs a SQL command is one thing. But injecting data that doesn't actually run a harmful query but that might tell you something valuable about the database, is that considered SQL injection? Or is it just used as part to construct a valid SQL injection? An example could be set rs = conn.execute("select headl...

Potential for SQL injection here?

This may be a really dumb question but I figure why not... I am using RIA Services with Entity Framework as the back end. I have some places in my app where I accept user input and directly ask RIA Services (and in turn EF and in turn my database) questions using their data. Do any of these layers help prevent security issues or should ...

Is this query safe from sql injection?

The script is in PHP and as DB I use MySQL. Here is the script itself. $unsafe_variable = $_GET["user-input"]; $sql=sprintf("INSERT INTO table (column) VALUES('%s')",$unsafe_variable); mysql_query($sql); Some people say that if user assigns ;DROP TABLE blah; string to the variable $unsafe_variable it deletes the table. But I tried th...

How do I prevent sql injection with php and mysql

I have a form into which the visitor can enter data, and I want to store this data in a mysql database via the $_POST variable. What do I need to prevent sql injection? ...

mysqli prepared statements and mysqli_real_escape_string

I'm currently using the mysqli php extension. Traditionally I have used mysqli_real_escape_string to escape user input. However I am looking at changing over the code (hopefully in as few steps as possible) to use prepared statements. I want to be clear on this - provided I use prepared statements to bind all of my variables, can I be...

Preventing SQL injection in C++ OTL, DTL, or SOCI libraries.

I've been looking at all three of these database libraries, and I'm wondering if they do anything to prevent SQL injection. I'm most likely going to be building a lib on top of one of them, and injection is a top concern I have in picking one. Anybody know? ...

DataTable.Select injection

Is there possible to use sql-injection code while invoking DataTable.Select? How can I restrict such vulnerability or get rid of it at all? ...