
Is (int) and is_int() secure to protect against SQL injections?

So I was wondering is this enough to be safe that user won't do any SQL injections and the number will be only and always integer? The $id in getArticle function is binded to SQL query. <?php $id = (isset($_GET['id']) && is_int((int)$_GET['id'])) ? (int)$_GET['id'] : false ?> <?php $news = $class->getArticle($id) ?> As far I tested it...

Why have a resource in mysql_real_escape_string?

I've been wondering for the longest time WHY I actually need a live resource to SQL connected in order to use mysql_real_escape_string ( string $unescaped_string [, resource $link_identifier ] ) Does this function not simply escape the data? What's the point of connecting? I want to use the function without a connection, I'm debating cr...

how to cast bigint to prevent sql injection in php?

i am using php and running sql queries on a mysql server. in order to prevent sql injections, i am using mysql_real_escape_string. i am also using (int) for numbers casting, in the following manner: $desired_age = 12; $query = "select id from users where (age > ".(int)$desired_age.")"; $result = mysql_query($query); that work. But,...

Does prepared statement prevent SQL-Injection here

Hi all, The code below is from SAMATE Reference Dataset. I used it to test a static analysis tool. As you can see the code should prevent SQL-Injection both by using a sanitization method as well as using a prepared statement. Since SCA tools cannot know custom santitzation methods, the will not detect that the allowed method is used t...

sql injection / Browser-Hijacker prevention php

Hi Folks, I have a website where I can't use html_entities() or html_specialchars() to process user input data. Instead, I added a custom function, which in the end is a function, which uses an array $forbidden to clean the input string of all unwanted characters. At the moment I have '<', '>', "'" as unwanted characters because of sql-...

Sanitizing a string in Access 2003 SQL: Problem with '

I'm writing a query that has to count the number of students enrolled in a course, and the way I'm doing it is like this: DCount("[student/course table].[Student ID]","[student/course table]","[StartDate] = #" & [Course Start Date] & "# AND Location = '" & tblCourseDetails.Location & "' AND [Course Number] = '" & [Course Number] & "'") ...

What SqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue really does?

Hi, What changes SqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue() does with the query? I expect that: It replaces every ' character by '', If a parameter value is a string or something which must be converted to a string, it surrounds the value by ', so for example select * from A where B = @hello will give select * from A where B = 'hello world...

Bad Code: Why is this dangerous?

Possible Duplicate: Can I protect against SQL Injection by escaping single-quote and surrounding user input with single-quotes? String badInput = rawInput.replace("'","''"); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM records WHERE col1 = '"+badInput+"'"; Is there any way to do a "Bobby Tables"-like attack...

Technical detail on Pirate Bay hack

Does anyone have any in-depth technical detail on the Pirate Bay SQL injection hack? I'm very curious. Where can I find this info? Thanks! (Note, I'm looking not for general techniques like tossing single quotes in user inputs, etc. I know the basics already. I want to know the actual methods used. The YouTube video is also lackin...

Is _mmServerScripts necessary?

When developing sites using Dreamweaver, it creates a _mmServerScripts directory on the root of your site. We've been reading that this folder contains SQL statements that are vulnerable to attack. We would like to avoid this all together, if possible. Is this folder even necessary? Can you do anything to Dreamweaver to tell it to never ...

Rails - escaping SQL params

I am doing some plain SQLs in my rails model (for purists this is just for complex SQLs :) Since I am not using find*/condition methods, is there a helper method that I can use straight to do that? ...

Should I allow underscores in first and last name?

We have a form that has fields for first and last name. I was asked to allow underscores. I don't know of any sql injection that uses underscores, but I also don't know of anyone with an underscore in their name. Is there a good reason to allow or not allow underscores in names? EDIT: I'm using parameters and server side validation. ...

Is there any security benefit in using a stored procedure to toggle a boolean value from a checkbox

I have a boolean variable value stored in an SQL Server database. This is presented to end users as a checkbox on an ASP.NET webpage. Toggling the checkbox naturally updates the value in the database. I was about to remove the SQL query that is written in plain text in the C# code behind and replace it with a stored procedure in order t...

Preventing SQL injections with PHP and Zend Framework - how?

I'm trying to defend the sign-in form on my page from SQL injections. On the serverside, I use Zend Framework (Zend_Db,Zend_Db_Table_Abstract), but its build-in injection prevention functions: quote, quoteInto, quoteIdentifier don't make their work well (as far as I know how to use them). Other ways like mysql_real_escape_string, addslas...

Preventing SQL Injection in SQL Server TEXT fields using Classic ASP

I've got code in ASP that puts values into a Text field in SQL Server using parameterized queries. I was wondering if parameterizing is enough, or if I have to search the field for potential commands, replacing single ticks with double ticks,etc. The text fields are essays, so they might have any number of words or characters. Am I safe...

ASP Classic - Recordset Object vs. Command Object

Hi I am using ASP Classic and SQL Server 2000 to create dynamic websites. I am a bit confused about when to use a recordset object and when to use a command object when querying the database. I was told that if the stored procedure would be returning records from a SELCT statement then I should use a recordset, however if I am up upda...

Are SQL injection attacks possible in JPA?

I'm building a Java Web Application using Java EE 6 and JSF-2.0, using the persistence API for all database operations. The back-end is MySQL, but I have used the EntityManager functions and Named Queries in EJB-QL for all operations. Are SQL injection attacks possible in this case? ...

Can you explain this SQL injection?

The website i worked was recently attempted to be hacked by the following SQL injection script boys' and 3=8 union select 1, concat(0x232425,ifnull(`table_name`,0x30),char(9),ifnull(`table_rows`,0x30), char(9),0x252423), 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 from `information_schema`.`tables` where table_schema=0x62646B3032 limit 44,1 -- And '8'='8 Thi...

Found a weak escape function for MySql, how to exploit?

In an application I'm working on I've found a weak escape function to prevent injection. I'm trying to prove this, but I'm having trouble coming up with a simple example. The escape function works as follows (PHP example). function escape($value) { $value = str_replace("'","''",$value); $value = str_replace("\\","\\\\",$value); ...

Is this query injection proof?

I am using PDO to talk to my database, and I wonder if casting a type like this $dbh->query("SELECT * FROM recipes WHERE id=".(int)$id); is sufficient to prevent sql injection? In this case $id is always an integer. I also wonder what would be a good way to prevent an injection in this kind of statement if the variable was a string. ...